Estee Lauder, L'Oreal support, tmall, Taobao platform operation, on behalf of the operators crack survival


AI Financial Society Yang Qiao


Editor Guo Luqing


When you buy their products in some flagship stores of cosmetics brands, it is not necessarily the brand that provides services for you, but the cosmetics e-commerce agent.


For example, the brand operators behind the flagship stores of Maybelline, xuehuaxiu, fornix, yayang and Xiangyi materia medica are lilen beauty; the brand operators behind the flagship stores of baiqueling and loudeqing are Yiwang Yichuang; the brand operators behind the flagship stores of Estee Lauder and Clinique are Youke group.


Now, it seems that the beauty agent operators have also ushered in the spring tide of listing, and the agent operators behind the scenes of the brand side begin to move from behind the scenes to the front of the stage.


On March 29, Youke group, a beauty brand e-commerce service provider, formally submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong stock exchange, with CITIC Securities and Credit Suisse as co sponsors. On March 17, youquhui Holdings Co., Ltd., a Japanese brand agent, also submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong stock exchange.


Before that, baozun e-commerce, Yiwang Yichuang, lirenli makeup, ruoyuchen and other enterprises have all got the "admission ticket" to go public, and the beauty agency operation industry is becoming more and more lively in the capital market.


But how much space can the modern operation enterprises survive between the brand side and the platform have in the capital market?


High traffic cost


33 international brands, including CPB, loubin, etc., have been incubated.


Youke's revenue mainly comes from two aspects: one is the service mode, which is the service fees generated by providing services for brand operators; the other is the distribution mode, which is to earn the price difference by directly selling brand products or selling to other dealers and e-commerce platforms.


On the basis of operating high-end products, Youke group generated revenue of 1.17 billion yuan, 1.43 billion yuan and 1.66 billion yuan from 2018 to 2020, with corresponding net profits of 210 million yuan, 280 million yuan and 330 million yuan.


The operation mode has created a higher net profit rate for Youke. Youke's net profit rate has been maintained at about 19%, while the net profit rate of Liren makeup is 7.34%, and the net profit rate of baozun e-commerce is about 5%.


However, while the major customers mainly rely on to create revenue for Youke, there is also the problem of single big customer: from 2018 to 2020, the top five customers of Youke account for 60.6%, 66.9% and 47.5% of the total revenue.


As the agent operation of e-commerce, channels are very important, including tmall, Taobao, Jingdong, vipshop, xiaohongshu, etc. Youke is involved, but its main channel operation is from Taobao.


According to iResearch's data, compared with other beauty agent operators, Youke group has a market share of 13.3% in 2020, becoming the largest beauty e-commerce agent operator in China, which has become one of the bases for Youke group's listing.


The added value of Gmv promoted or generated by Youke increased by 255.5% from 4.6 billion yuan in 2018 to 16.3 billion yuan in 2020, with a two-year compound annual growth rate of 88.5%.


As the flow of channel marketing is more and more expensive, you can also invest a lot of cost in exchange for user flow. Youke's advertising promotion fee in 2018 has increased from 31 million yuan to 190 million yuan in 2020. Youke also said that it will continue to rely on third-party traffic channels in the future.


According to the prospectus, Zhang Ziheng, the founder of Youke, was born in Ali, holding 19.02% of the shares and was the second largest shareholder, while CITIC Capital held 43.98% of the shares of Youke.


In the beauty agency operation enterprises, Youke's capital market is later than other listed enterprises. In 2013 and 2016, Qingdao Jinwang acquired 37% and 63% of its shares at the price of 150 million yuan and 680 million yuan respectively, and then became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jinwang. Since then, due to poor performance, he sold himself to CITIC Capital.


Generation operators have their own advantages


Looking back on the development history of e-commerce agent operation, e-commerce agent operation originated in the era of the rise of e-commerce. Cosmetics industry as a strong channel, strong brand industry, the transformation of the channel gave birth to the development of agent operation mode. A large number of cosmetics e-commerce agent operators have developed rapidly through agency, distribution or direct sales.


Zhuang Shuai, founder of Bailian consulting, told AI financial agency that the online operation of international beauty brand enterprises is more limited, the cost is high, the decision-making efficiency is not high, and the profit space is small. In addition, the professional talents and cross-border policies will also be limited.


The rise of modern operation mode gives the market enough imagination space. According to iResearch data, from 2014 to 2018, the market scale of China's brand e-commerce service providers increased from 26.16 billion yuan to 161.34 billion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of 57.6%, and it is expected to grow to 347.36 billion yuan in 2021.


The era of the rise of e-commerce has spawned the generation of e-commerce operators such as Youke, lilen and Yichuang. There are three main modes of operation: one is the brand service mode, which provides online operation services for brands, and the source of income is service fees; the other is the distribution mode, in which operators buy out goods, and the income comes from the sales price difference; the other is the consignment mode, in which the source of income is service fees and sales commission.


Increase brand partners, self built brand has become the second way for Youke and beauty.


"It's not a long-term plan for the operators to just make wedding clothes for their brands. It's the right way to incubate their own brands. Although it's not easy, it should be the direction to try." Lin Yue thinks.


For this reason, the development of agent operation to a certain size, there will be bottlenecks: on the one hand, it is subject to the growth of agent brand, on the other hand, it also depends on the improvement of its own operation ability and operation efficiency. To break through this bottleneck, we need to find the iteration of the mode, including the management of operators, the improvement of marketing input and output, etc.


Youke made an attempt. Among the 44 brand operators, 11 are incubating brands. Youke can use its existing operation experience to pave the way for new brand incubation. In the incubation mode, you can have more decision-making power, get the exclusive distribution rights of the channel, and can also operate jointly with the brand. In 2020, Youke will achieve a Gmv of 462 million yuan through the brand incubation mode.


In addition, you can also expand their own business territory. In February 2021, Youke purchased part of the business of Shanghai dianzheng at a price of 63 million yuan, including e-marketing and data analysis. According to the asset purchase agreement, Youke has the right to acquire 100% of dianzheng's equity, which will be exercised before the end of this year. It is understood that Shanghai dianzheng's customers include Lancome, Lanzhi, Ogilvy, Libai and other brands.


Beauty beauty has also established its own beauty brand. In 2014, it established its own brand momoup, which is the main beauty tool. Beauty beauty reveals that in 2021, it will hatch on its own cosmetics brand. The beauty brand of the beauty brand, the beauty brand, has opened stores in Tmall, including makeup remover, eye mask and so on.


In January 2021, Yichuang also announced that it plans to raise 540 million yuan to invest in the construction of its own brand and content e-commerce projects, incubate its own brand of FMCG products, and carry out content e-commerce projects such as online store live broadcast, video platform agent operation and IP number creation, so as to expand its operating revenue and increase profits.


According to the prediction of one net one creation, after the project is completed, the annual new sales revenue will reach 2.587 billion yuan.


Under the trend of losing the right of brand operation, it is particularly important to incubate their own brands, which may become the key factor for Youke to win the favor of capital.


In this regard, Zhuang Shuai also believes that only acting as an agent will have limited growth space. However, if we make use of the customer service ability, customer acquisition ability and other resources accumulated in the operation brand side, strengthen the supply chain, and do private brand on behalf of operators, then we will give the capital market a lot of imagination.


This article is originally produced by AI financial society, an account of financial world weekly. Please do not reprint it through any channel or platform without permission. Violators will be prosecuted.


update time:2021-04-11 10:43:11


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