Bitcoin rose to $19850, a record high in three years, and American investors became the main force


Bitcoin prices rose sharply in December 2017, peaking at $19783, nearly three years after hitting a record high of $19850 on Monday, according to coindesk. Bitcoin, novel coronavirus pneumonia, started its inflation pattern after breaking down 4000 US dollars in March.


Bitcoin's surge is different in nature from that in 2017. The last surge was mainly driven by Asian investors who are new to digital cryptocurrencies. But then the cryptocurrency quickly lost its momentum because it was questioned that it had nothing to do but allow simple online speculation, drugs and ransom payments.


Bitcoin is seen as an alternative asset similar to gold

尽管这些问题仍然存在,但比特币的繁荣是由投机热潮推动的。据数据公司chain analysis的分析,包括企业和其他传统投资者在内的美国投资者成为本轮比特币上涨的主要推动力。这些投资者并不热衷于快进快出,而是将比特币视为类似黄金的另类资产,将部分投资组合置于政府和传统金融体系的影响之外。

Although these problems still exist, bitcoin's boom has been driven by a less speculative craze. According to the analysis of data company chain analysis, US investors, including enterprises and other traditional investors, have become the main drivers of bitcoin's rise in this round. Rather than keen on fast in and fast out, these investors see bitcoin as an alternative asset similar to gold, placing some of their portfolios out of the influence of governments and traditional financial systems.

区块链分析师ChainAnalysis首席经济学家菲利普·格拉德威尔(Philip Gradwell)表示:"最近购买比特币的人群截然不同。"。随着时间的推移,他们以一种更稳定的方式进行交易,并在购买后将其作为投资持有。"

"It's a very different group of people who have recently bought bitcoin," says Philip Gradwell, chief economist at chainalysis, a blockchain analyst. They trade in a more stable way over time and hold it as an investment after buying it. "

监管机构和主流金融公司一直在努力使加密货币更安全、更容易获得,从而支持了加密货币市场的兴奋。美国监管机构货币审计办公室(officeofmonetary audit)今年夏天表示,银行将被允许代表客户持有数字加密货币。

Regulators and mainstream financial companies have been working hard to make cryptocurrency more secure and accessible, supporting the excitement of the cryptocurrency market. Banks will be allowed to hold digital cryptocurrencies on behalf of customers, the office of monetary audit, the US regulator, said this summer.

贝宝(PayPal)去年10月宣布,将效仿其竞争对手square,允许用户购买和持有比特币和其他加密货币。PayPal首席执行官丹·舒尔曼(Dan Schulman)表示:"我们的行动是与政府官员对话的结果,随后由流感大流行导致的向数字支付的巨大转变。"他说,在PayPal推出这一功能之前,已经有超过100万用户加入了使用加密货币的等待名单,这是数字加密货币数量的三到四倍希望有公司。

PayPal announced in October that it would follow its rival square, allowing users to buy and hold bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Dan Schulman, PayPal's chief executive, said: "our actions were the result of a dialogue with government officials, followed by a dramatic shift to digital payments caused by the pandemic." Before PayPal launched the feature, he said, more than one million users had joined the waiting list to use cryptocurrency, three to four times the number the company expected.


The novel coronavirus pneumonia and stock market are confronting the gloom of the economic recession triggered by the new crown pneumonia. The rise of bitcoin is part of the booming market. With the boost of novel coronavirus pneumonia and the news of the new Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average, the S & P 500 index and the Nasdaq composite index have all reached a record high in the past month.


Bitcoin is a digital currency with software and rules, which was released in early 2009 by the mysterious creator, whose pseudonym is Nakamoto. The total supply of bitcoin is limited, and only 21 million tokens will be created. Bitcoin is distributed daily in small pieces to the computers that maintain the digital currency's online infrastructure through a process called mining.


Like gold, bitcoin can be created, moved and stored outside the authority of any government or financial institution. Bitcoin exists in a financial ledger called blockchain, which is maintained and updated by the volunteer network. The network, which consists of tens of thousands of computers around the world, is designed to ensure that no one computer or organization can change rules or control the network. Venezuelan, and anyone who wants to bypass the financial system, including those who want to bypass the financial system, Iran, and anyone who wants to avoid the financial system, including the name of the country it created, the number it wants to offer, and the number it wants to avoid.


"This technology has played a role in many of the most serious crime and national security threats our country faces," the Justice Department said in an October report. The report describes how bitcoin goes deep into the infrastructure of the criminal world.


But the stateless nature of bitcoin has also won investors interested in the legal use of the technology. Some are motivated by liberals' distrust of government, while others who are less ideological tend to use bitcoin as an alternative to the financial system. Nevertheless, bitcoin has received no support other than its computer network and the faith of the people who bought it and gave it value on exchanges. Many of these people are betting that someone will be willing to buy bitcoin from them at a higher price in the future.

因此,比特币的价格将大幅波动。比特币在3月份跌至年底低点,原因是担心这一流行病将冲击全球市场。但不久之后,投资者开始将比特币视为全球经济衰退的受益者。今年5月,华尔街最著名的对冲基金经理之一保罗•图多尔•琼斯(Paul Tudor Jones)表示,他已将投资组合的近2%投资于比特币。他说,比特币数量的上限使得比特币成为传统货币贬值的一个有吸引力的替代品。他认为,随着央行发行更多货币以鼓励经济复苏,传统货币贬值不可避免。"比特币存活的每一天,人们对它的信任度都在增加,"都铎·琼斯当时说。

As a result, the price of bitcoin will fluctuate greatly. Bitcoin fell to a year-end low in March amid concerns that the epidemic would hit global markets. But soon after, investors began to see bitcoin as a beneficiary of the global recession. In May, Paul Tudor Jones, one of Wall Street's most prominent hedge fund managers, said he had invested nearly 2 per cent of his portfolio in bitcoin. He said the cap on the number of bitcoin makes it an attractive alternative to traditional currency devaluation. He believes that traditional currency devaluation is inevitable as central banks issue more money to encourage economic recovery. "Every day bitcoin survives, trust in it increases," Tudor Jones said at the time.


Listed companies invest in bitcoin


Worried about the value of the dollar, some listed companies have also invested heavily in bitcoin. In August, MicroStrategy, a software company in Virginia, said it had bought $250 million worth of bitcoin to store as cash. Michael Saylor, MicroStrategy's chief executive, said in an interview that he knew little about the currency at the beginning of the year. But he believes that the limit on the number of bitcoin will help the cryptocurrency maintain its value in the long run. Out of his craze for bitcoin, seller himself bought $175 million worth of bitcoin. Since then, MicroStrategy has bought another $175 million worth of bitcoin. "Bitcoin seems to be the best option for any investor who wants to store their investment as a store of value," seller said.


In October, square announced it had invested $50 million in cash to buy bitcoin. As early as 2018, square launched the digital cryptocurrency service in the cash app. The company said in early November that its users already had $1.8 billion worth of bitcoin, up 180% from a year ago.


Also in October, analysts at J.P. Morgan wrote a widely circulated report describing how the use of bitcoin as a gold substitute, especially for young investors, has created an important market for tokens. With the total market value of all bitcoin in circulation of about $350 billion, which is only a small part of global gold, analysts believe there is still a lot of room for bitcoin to rise.


As in 2017, the surge in bitcoin this year has also been accompanied by the overall bull market in the digital cryptocurrency market. But unlike the new cryptocurrencies that were mostly focused on so-called "first token issuance" (ICO) three years ago, interest has shifted to digital cryptocurrencies that try to participate in "decentralized finance.". These are still flawed and unconfirmed systems designed to make lending and insurance or interest collection possible and do not involve any financial institutions.


Central banks in countries including Singapore, Sweden and the Bahamas are also considering creating national digital currencies, partly inspired by bitcoin. These national digital currencies may make cryptocurrencies obsolete, but they can also make it easier to trade all kinds of cryptocurrencies.


Given the uncertainty of bitcoin's value, any excitement could be followed by another contraction. But MicroStrategy's SEELER said: "bitcoin is now like LeBron James, 21, starting to rule the stadium. It's not James who would lose his temper on the court when he was 13. You are becoming more and more mature. " (translated by Tencent technology / Mingxuan)


update time:2020-12-01 14:48:12


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