Ding Zhen becomes a "civil servant": the "hot ambition" behind the local culture and tourism flow war


Ding zhenhuo


It took Ding Zhen more than 20 days to get from the unknown Kangba brother to the top of liuwanghong.


In November 11th tiktok Hu Bo made a short video of 7 seconds or so in his voice, "smile collector. Brother". In the video, Ding Zhen's handsome and pure face, dark skin, clear eyes and simple smile filled the whole screen. At present, the number of likes of this video has reached 2.75 million, and 135000 fans are automatically forwarding it.


Hu Bo filmed Ding Zhen by accident.


On November 11, Hu Bo, who was gathering wind in xiazetong village of Litang County, met Ding Zhen, who was going to eat at his uncle's house. Ding Zhen's uncle, sorang Leber, has been the subject of Hu Bo's shooting since August. Since August 24th, Hu Bo has released dozens of short videos of Solange Lebo riding, traveling and dancing on his tiktok.


After dinner, Hu Bo took a group of videos for Ding Zhen, and then drove back to the county. Two hours later, when Hu Bo arrived at the hotel in Litang County and turned on his mobile phone, he found that Ding Zhen's video had been played 10 million times. Hu Bo realized that this video was going to be "exploded" when he compared with the thousands of videos he had taken with Uncle Ding Zhen.


Ding Zhen's tiktok first started from the shaking. From the tiktok tiktok ten million to the volume of the video, the 7 seconds of the video is only two hours.


"This is related to the mechanism of the voic traffic distribution," Zhang Xianwei, a continuous video entrepreneur in the tiktok video area, said to "deep net". Zhang Xianwei and his team had incubated many "shaking legs", "errands Eddie Peng" and "UU errands (blue V"), and tiktok IP, and the total number of fans was over ten million.


Tiktok traffic is distributed based on content and algorithm. For a long time, the amount of fans won by the shaking makers does not determine the actual traffic they have, and the users recommend it tiktok. Therefore, when the target of short video content reaches a certain magnitude, such as the rate of tiktok, the forwarding and so on, it will automatically enter the recommended flow pool.

张显伟解释,tiktok tiktok、MCN等机构在震感平台推广短视频量一般有两种方式,一种是在评论区@他的朋友,二是把这个短视频转发给私人朋友,摇动私信按钮。"微笑收藏家蒂克托克说:"兄弟的13.5万段视频都是一样的。

Zhang Xianwei explained tiktok tiktok, MCN and other agencies in the tremor platform to promote short video volume generally has two ways, one is in the comment area @ his friends, two is to forward this short video to private friends, shaking the private letter button. "Smile collector tiktok." the 135 thousand of the brother's video on the trill is the same.


Tiktok and forwarding are only the first step in the shaking system. The 7 seconds short video of Ding Zhen has welcomed the second turning point reviews on other platforms such as micro-blog.


On the morning of November 12, the microblog big V "Uncle grey rabbit" (3.1 million Weibo fans) posted the video of Ding Zhen on his micro blog with the text "WOC! Tibetan Kangba man is too handsome!!! I can watch it a hundred times "and get tens of thousands of compliments in an instant. At present, "Uncle gray rabbit" video forwarding and comments have reached 20000.


The forwarding of "Uncle grey rabbit" triggered the forwarding and comments of other big V and ordinary microblog users, such as "Bagu daily" (microblog fans of more than 3 million), and began to spread in fission mode.


"Although tiktok cannot do without the boost of the first video, such as jitter and micro-blog, its core logic is not algorithm and tiktok, but the fact that the video is popular. Its innocence, clarity and simplicity have impress the user's heart." Zhang Xianwei explains, "the voice algorithm is distributed, micro-blog V is forwarded, and Litang Wen travel company actively propagandizing" It's just a boost.


In Zhang Xianwei's opinion, "netizens have become aesthetic tired of the stereotyped red faces such as high nose, sharp chin and European style big double eyelids. Ding Zhen's original ecological and wild Kangba man's temperament has touched netizens' enthusiasm for automatic forwarding.".


Ding Zhen, spokesman of hometown


Ding zhenhuo, together with Ding Zhen's home town of Litang County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. On November 15, Ganzi, Sichuan Province, announced that all A-level scenic spots in the whole Prefecture are free of charge. According to Baidu Index, on November 15, Litang County's search index reached a small peak.


Binding Ding Zhen to his hometown is just the beginning. Three days later, the young man riding on the grassland became the official staff of Litang culture and tourism in Litang County. On November 18, Ding Zhen signed a formal contract with Litang culture and tourism, a state-owned company under the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of Litang County.


According to the Red Star News, Ding Zhen and Litang cultural tourism signed two contracts. One is a labor contract. Ding Zhen contributes 3500 yuan a month to Litang and Ganzi, with five insurances and one fund. The other is an agency contract. Litang culture and tourism wants to represent Ding Zhen's copyright and image right to help him win some interests and help Ding Zhen check the cooperative organizations, but he does not participate in any share sharing 。


Gao Xiaoping, deputy general manager of Litang culture and tourism, said, "the contract with Ding Zhen is signed once every five years. If he doesn't make any mistakes, we can always renew it.". In order to publicize the local tourism resources, Ganzi cultural tourism also made a mini documentary film "Ding Zhen's world" from Ding Zhen's perspective, which quickly swiped the screen as soon as it was launched on November 25.


At the same time, Ding Zhen, who was not very good at Putonghua, sent Tibet to hot search.


In a media interview, when asked the question of "where would you like to go most without considering the air travel", Ding Zhen blurted out, "I want to go to Lhasa most.". As soon as this statement was said, "I thought Ding Zhen was in Tibet" was on a hot search, and the reading volume soon exceeded 600 million.


Ding Zhen's "blurting out" has made Ganzi cultural tourism, who has been busy with his work, an instant with a sense of vision of making a wedding dress for Tibet. Then, the official "hand to hand combat" between Sichuan and Tibet pushed Ding Zhen into hot search again.


Soon, Sichuan media and Ganzi cultural brigade began to "counter attack". In November 19th, the quiver was named after "tiktok". On the 21st, "Litang Dingzhen" became a microblog big v. in just nine days, it gained more than 1 million fans through seven microblogs.


In order to reiterate that he "belongs to" Litang County, Sichuan Province, Ding Zhen holds a panda in his hand and writes "my home is really in Sichuan, you don't have to P" in black and red paper.


In addition to CCTV, Ding Zhen was praised by Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying. On the evening of November 29, Hua Chunying sent three dynamic calls for Ding Zhen on the overseas social platform to introduce Ding Zhen to overseas netizens.


A combination of boxing down, accidentally discovered Ding Zhenqi's road to fame has become inevitable. "Favorable timing, favorable location and harmonious people, own potential, platform and media promotion, and local government's promotion and marketing of local tourism are all promoting Ding Zhen's popularity." a short video entrepreneur commented on "shenzhen.com" so popular.


Culture and tourism carrying online celebrities


Compared with the online celebrities, the official made Ding Zhen a "spokesman for his hometown". In order to make the image of Ding Zhen's hometown deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Ganzi Prefecture, in addition to all the A-level scenic spots in the whole Prefecture, offers half price hotels and discount tickets. According to Shenwang, at present, the air tickets flying from Beijing to Ganzi Kangding are between 1.8% and 3.3%.


From the perspective of the spokesperson of his hometown, Ding Zhen explained the urgent need to generate tourism income in Litang County this year. Ganzi Daily reported on April 17 this year that Litang County's tourism revenue target of this year is to receive 1.5 million tourists in the whole year, and achieve a comprehensive tourism income of more than 1.5 billion yuan.


According to statistics, Litang received more than 1 million tourists in 2019, with a tourism income of 1.2 billion yuan.


It is not easy for Litang County to achieve 50% growth in tourist volume and 25% in income. Moreover, it is still in the recovery period of the epidemic. In order to realize the growth of tourism income in Litang County, we can't follow the "common sense", and Ding Zhen happens to be the most appropriate card.


In fact, as early as 2018, there were cities in Sichuan that temporarily boosted local consumption because of the sudden upsurge of ordinary people.


On August 28, 2018, in an interview video of Chengdu's most street interview, a simple girl was asked a question: "how much do you think a man's monthly salary can support you?", and the little girl replied, "feed me, well, I think it's good to take me to dinner.".


The sentence "just take me to dinner" quickly hit the hearts of netizens, and in the day after the video broadcast, it won 2 million points of praise. It should be noted that this video does not reveal the girl's personal account, but some users @ your sweetie in the comment area, which allows users to find the "real person" and go to her personal homepage to add attention. In four days, the number of fans of "Xiaotian" has reached 5 million.


What's more, on the night of the video release, some netizens posted fake notes, air tickets and highway junctions on the Internet. Their goal was only one. They went to Chengdu to find Xiaotiantian and invite her to have dinner.


At that time, there were unconfirmed data showing that as of 8:00 a.m. on August 30, 2018, the number of netizens who arrived in Chengdu reached 19.5 million. Some netizens joked that "Xiaotiantian alone has boosted Chengdu's GDP".


"In terms of Chengdu's reputation, there may not be a spokesperson at that time, but Xiaotiantian's popularity has brought clues to many tourist attractions. It is a good opportunity to combine online celebrities and short videos with local tourism resources. The snow scene of Laojun Mountain, which has become popular recently, is an example," Zhang Xianwei said.


Tiktok, micro-blog and friends circle were all overtaken by Laojun Mountain in forenoon at 8 a.m. on October 5th, when the snow started to fall in Laojun Mountain. Because netizens rushed to Laojunshan to punch in, Laojunshan had to limit the flow in different periods.


"Similar to Ding Zhen's sudden popularity, the popularity of Laojunshan snow scenery is mainly due to the fact that Laojunshan's snow scenery has moved users and triggered users' automatic comments. In the future, it is a trend to combine online celebrities, short videos and offline physical cultural tourism," Zhang Xianwei said.


Just after Ding Zhen became popular, the short video of he Jiaolong, the female county chief of Zhaosu County in Ili, Xinjiang, began to swipe the screen. In the short video, after the magnificent scene of thousands of horses galloping in the snow, the female county magistrate he Jiaolong began to call her hometown: "friends from all over the country are welcome to come to punch in".


In his book consumer society, Baudrillard said that "in the consumer society, the essence of mass culture is a kind of consumption culture, and the internal spirit of consumer social culture will gradually lose, and eventually it will be replaced by a kind of" cultural recycling. ".


Baudrillard explained that what the public has the right to do is to renovate their whole set of culture every month or every year. What they can do is to endure such fashionable and ever-changing simple swing constraints. What people consume is not culture itself, but a routine.


After the Internet entered the era of short video, it became so easy to become famous overnight. From Papi sauce in 2015 to Dracula K, from Houshe boy to Tianyou He Jiaolong. Without exception, every popular net has its life cycle.


How long can Ding Zhen keep on fire? How long is the life cycle of an online celebrity?


Tiktok tiktok in May 2018 was red and gentle, and in a few days, fans passed over ten million. Soon after, the revelations about "cosmetic", "showing off the rich" and "dropping out of school" came one after another. Less than a week, they were killed by the prohibit. Tiktok prohibit her brother from playing in the 4 months later, and her fans stay at 40 million.

自2015年Papi sauce风靡以来,在papitube总裁霍尼芳看来,人们一直在怀疑:Papi sauce能烧多久,是否会立即降温,但这种情况还没有发生。

Since the popularity of Papi sauce in 2015, in the opinion of Huo nifang, President of papitube, doubts have always been: how long can Papi sauce burn and whether it will immediately cool down, but this situation has not yet happened.


Liu Fei, the founder of shell video, thinks that the current iteration of online celebrities is very fast, and it may be out of breath in two or three months. Therefore, the relationship between Hongren and MCN institutions is more interdependent. MCN organizations cannot do without red men, and red people will soon disappear without MCN institutions.


Compared with Liu Fei, Huo nifang is much more optimistic. "His talent has been on YouTube for ten years. In fact, he has the ability to upgrade his talent for a long time


Huo nifang explained, "the talents of those Internet celebrities who have disappeared rapidly are just enough to shake their wits in this short video era, and there will be no follow-up. Maybe this is the life cycle of this online celebrity. On the other hand, does Spielberg have a life cycle? "


Two years ago, little sweet's fans were still at the level of more than 5 million, and there was not much growth. Will Ding Zhen do the same? This depends on the ability of Litang culture and tourism to operate Ding Zhen, the online celebrity, and also on Ding Zhen's internal talent.


At present, for Ding Zhen, all this is obviously just the beginning.


update time:2020-12-01 10:37:26


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