Gartner: Q3 smartphone shipments reverse the decline in the first half of the year


Novel coronavirus pneumonia is facing a slowdown in mobile phone sales even before the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia outbreak. The reason: after a period of intense consumer enthusiasm for equipment, many countries have reached market saturation. Moreover, although the latest features emerge in an endless stream, they have been unable to stimulate people to rush for new models and pay a premium for them.


In this context, the biggest hope of the smartphone industry is 5g, which is promoted by operators and mobile phone manufacturers as a killer with higher data efficiency and speed than the old technology. However, if we look at 5g's broader roadmap, we can see that 5g's launch is still uneven. Overall, consumers still don't fully believe they need 5g. It is worth noting that in the third quarter, there is still some evidence that emerging and developing markets continue to have an impact on smartphone growth. In contrast, the new features are the driving force for the continued growth of the saturated market.

Gartner高级研究总监anshul Gupta在一份声明中说:"在一些市场中可以看到复苏的早期迹象,包括一些成熟的亚太和拉丁美洲市场。"。在近乎正常的情况下,中国智能手机产量有所改善,以填补第三季度的供应缺口,这在一定程度上帮助了销售。今年,印度、印度尼西亚和巴西的智能手机销量首次分别增长了9.3%、8.5%和3.3%。"

"Early signs of recovery can be seen in a few markets, including some mature Asia Pacific and Latin American markets," anshul Gupta, Gartner's senior research director, said in a statement. In a near normal situation, China's smartphone production improved to fill the supply gap in the third quarter, which helped sales to some extent. For the first time this year, smartphone sales in India, Indonesia and Brazil have increased by 9.3%, 8.5% and 3.3% respectively. "


Novel coronavirus pneumonia cases are still increasing novel coronavirus pneumonia. This third quarter data is more positive than in the summer. Many new cases of new pneumonia in the new territories have slowed down, and many restrictions have been relaxed. So now everyone's eyes are focused on the upcoming holiday shopping season. However, the new crown pneumonia infection is still increasing rapidly, and no large-scale vaccination or treatment plan has yet been launched. This inevitably drags down the economy.


"Although some of the blockades have begun to improve, consumers are still limiting their discretionary spending," Gupta said of the third quarter data. From the second quarter to the third quarter of 2020, global smartphone sales experienced a moderate growth due to pent up demand in previous quarters. "


Xiaomi surpasses apple in the top three


A closer look at the data found that Samsung retained its leading position, although the third quarter's shipment growth was significantly less robust. Even with such a downturn, Samsung is still far ahead. This is partly due to Huawei's sales of nearly 51.8 million units, down more than 21% since last year. In addition, Huawei confirmed long-standing rumors earlier this month that it would sell its smartphone brand glory in a deal worth about $15 billion.

在苹果第四季度推出一系列新的iPhone12设备后,销量略有下降,被小米超越。"Gartner研究部副总裁安妮特·齐默尔曼(Annette Zimmermann)在一份声明中说,苹果在2020年第三季度售出4060万部手机,比2019年下降了0.6%。销量小幅下降的主要原因是苹果推迟了新一代iPhone在2020年的交付时间,而这一时间一直是在9月中旬或9月下旬。今年,它的推出和交付比往年晚了四个星期。"

After Apple launched a series of new iPhone 12 devices in the fourth quarter, sales fell slightly and was overtaken by Xiaomi. "Apple sold 40.6 million phones in the third quarter of 2020, down 0.6% from 2019," Annette Zimmermann, vice president of research at Gartner, said in a statement. The main reason for the slight drop in sales is that Apple has delayed the delivery of the new generation iPhone in 2020, which has always been in mid September or late September. This year, its launch and delivery were four weeks later than usual. "


In addition to the above-mentioned five manufacturers, other smartphone manufacturers are also a huge force that can not be ignored. Their overall shipment volume exceeds any of the top five manufacturers. This highlights the fragmentation of the Android smartphone industry, but despite that, the overall number is still falling. This is a sign that consumers are indeed slowly continuing to integrate around a small group of trustworthy brands. (Tencent technology reviser / Jinlu)


update time:2020-12-01 10:37:26


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