How three tiktok celebrities thwarted the US ban: not by chance

拥有230万粉丝的tiktok主播Cosette rinab加入诉讼,指控美国政府非法使用tiktok

Cosette rinab, a tiktok anchor with 2.3 million fans, joined a lawsuit accusing the U.S. government of illegal use of tiktok


At the beginning of September, a group of Internet Celebrities in their early 20s on tiktok, a popular short video platform, gathered to discuss a major issue: should they compete head-on with the U.S. government?

经过多次讨论,23岁的新泽西喜剧演员道格·马兰(Doug MARLAND)举手加入反对特朗普政府禁止蒂克托克的行列。他的另外两位战友是音乐家亚历克·钱伯斯和时装设计师珂赛特·里纳布,他们也自愿提起诉讼。

After much discussion, Doug MARLAND, a 23-year-old comedian from New Jersey, raised his hand to join the opposition to the trump administration's ban on tiktok. His other two comrades in arms were musician Alec chambers and fashion designer Cosette rinab, who also voluntarily filed lawsuits.


The total number of fans on tiktok of the three online celebrities is 7.4 million, and they all depend on the application to make a living. The tiktok ban not only means they lose their source of income, but also limits their ability to express themselves, the lawsuit said.


Little attention was paid when the trio filed a lawsuit in a Pennsylvania court, but tiktok's popular anchor finally gained the upper hand. This case has gradually become the key to whether tiktok application can maintain operation in the U.S. market. At present, nearly a third of Americans use tiktok.

这场诉讼看起来像是一场草根行动,但事实并非如此。据知情人士透露,这起法律行动是由tiktok及其母公司byte beat精心策划的。知情人士透露,蒂克托克已安排这些有影响力的网络名人作为原告,帮助他们与一位专门研究《第一修正案》的顶级律师联系,并帮助制定法律策略,协助蒂克托克以自己的名义提起另一宗诉讼。

The lawsuit looks like a grassroots action, but it's not. According to people familiar with the matter, the legal action was carefully planned by tiktok and its parent company byte beat. Tiktok has arranged these influential internet celebrities as plaintiffs, helping them connect with a top lawyer specializing in the first amendment and helping develop legal strategies to assist tiktok in another lawsuit filed in his own name, people familiar with the matter said.

这是这个夏天开始的传奇故事的一个意外转折。目前,有关甲骨文和沃尔玛收购蒂克托克股份的初步协议的谈判仍在继续。据知情人士透露,Byte hop和潜在的美国合作伙伴对在未来几周内完成交易持乐观态度。周三,特朗普政府将跳过字节完成交易的最后期限延长了一周,新的截止日期定在12月4日。

It's an unexpected turn in the saga that began this summer. Currently, negotiations are continuing on a preliminary agreement involving Oracle and Wal Mart's acquisition of tiktok shares. Byte hop and potential U.S. partners are optimistic about completing the deal in the next few weeks, according to people familiar with the matter. On Wednesday, the trump administration extended the deadline for byte skipping to complete the transaction by one week, and the new deadline was set on December 4.


The court called a halt


In August, President trump signed an order to shut down the tiktok app or sell it to an American company. The trump administration claims to be worried about byte skipping leaking information about U.S. users, but the company said it would never do so.

第一个对提克托克有利的裁决是在提克托克自己的诉讼中作出的。Tiktok在诉讼中说,美国商务部最初禁止下载或更新Tiktok应用程序将损害该公司的业务。9月27日,华盛顿特区联邦地方法院法官卡尔·尼科尔斯(Carl Nichols)裁定,美国政府此举可能超出了国家安全法的限制。特朗普政府立即对法院裁决提出上诉,案件仍在审理中。

The first ruling in tiktok's favor was made in tiktok's own suit. Tiktok said in the lawsuit that the U.S. Department of Commerce's initial ban on downloading or updating the tiktok app would damage the company's business. On September 27th, judge Carl Nichols of the Federal District Court in Washington, D.C., ruled that the U.S. government's move may be beyond the limits of its national security law. The trump administration immediately appealed the court's ruling, and the case is still under trial.


Alec chambers, who has more than two million tiktok fans, performed in New York last year


On October 30, judge Wendy beetlestone of the Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania suspended the U.S. Department of Commerce's restrictions on tiktok. Previously, the U.S. Department of Commerce banned U.S. companies from listing tiktoks in app stores, a move that would effectively make tiktok unavailable in the U.S. market.


"If the tiktok app is not available, the plaintiff will not have access to all fans and the employment opportunities offered by tiktok," judge beatlestone wrote in her ruling.


The US government has appealed the ruling. The government said the plaintiffs' claims were unfounded and argued that their request to block the ban "would inevitably infringe on the president's power to prevent businesses from engaging in economic transactions with foreign entities in a state of national security emergency."

"我们支持我们的社区,因为他们分享他们的心声,我们致力于为他们提供一个家,"tiktok的临时主管Vanessa Pappas在一份声明中说

"We support our community because they share their voices and we are committed to providing them with a home," Vanessa Pappas, tiktok's interim head, said in a statement

蒂克托克公司临时负责人瓦内萨·帕帕斯(Vanessa Pappas)目前在该公司位于加利福尼亚州卡尔弗市的办公室

Vanessa Pappas, interim head of tiktok, is in the company's office in Culver City, California


People familiar with the matter said that one of the goals of byte hopping in recent months has been to delay the trump administration's attack, betting that key officials in the incident could become increasingly distracted as the election approaches.

美国政府对蒂克托克的审查始于美国外国投资委员会。美国外国投资委员会负责审查各种交易是否存在国家安全风险。由于担心用户数据可能被泄露,委员会已下令跳过字节(byte skiping)剥离其在美国的tiktok业务。字节跳出意味着它从不泄露数据。

The U.S. government's review of tiktok began with the Committee on foreign investment in the United States. The Committee on foreign investment of the United States is responsible for examining whether there are national security risks in various transactions. The Committee has ordered byte skipping to spin off its tiktok business in the US because of concerns about possible disclosure of user data. A byte bounce means that it never divulges data.


The lawsuit is aimed at weakening the trump administration's more punitive measures, while also seeking a deal that meets CFIUS directives. The directive also has bipartisan support in Washington, but any agreement eventually needs to be signed by the president of the United States


Although President-elect Biden has not made clear his position on tiktok, the new administration is likely to retain the Cfius order to divest tiktok.


For now, the U.S. government seems to have no time to consider a total ban on tiktok. On November 12, the U.S. Department of Commerce, citing the ruling in the tiktok online celebrity lawsuit, said it would not implement an order that would force tiktok to close down, while the U.S. government's legal options were diminishing.


"Because of these lawsuits, the situation is very chaotic at the moment," said a senior U.S. government official.


Push the deal forward


Rinab, 21, is a senior at the University of Southern California. She said she cried when she heard that the court had won. "I'm so happy," she said.


"I'll never forget the whole experience," says Malan. "It taught me a lot about the country, how the law works, and how court procedures work."


Although tok will actively cooperate with the National Security Agency on the proposed deal, it may also enter into an active boycott with the national security agency. The deal will address U.S. government concerns about data security.


In mid September, tiktok announced its choice of Oracle as its U.S. data security partner, and the software giant and Wal Mart acquired equity in a new company that will run tiktok's U.S. operations.


According to people familiar with the discussion and internal thinking, byte jitter and the size of the new US investor's stake are key issues that remain to be discussed.

据知情人士透露,相应的谈判有助于沃尔玛与蒂克托克建立更紧密的关系,这从一开始到现在一直激励着沃尔玛。一些知情人士透露,沃尔玛正与tiktok合作,通过该应用为销售提供仓储和配送支持。沃尔玛首席执行官道格•麦克米伦(Doug mcmillon)目前与蒂克托克(tiktok)高管有各种接触。

According to people familiar with the matter, the corresponding negotiations have helped Wal Mart build a closer relationship with tiktok, which has inspired Wal Mart from the beginning to the present. Wal Mart is working with tiktok to provide warehousing and delivery support for sales through the app, some people familiar with the matter said. Doug mcmillon, Wal Mart's chief executive, currently has various contacts with tiktok executives.


Oracle executives expect the deal to be completed by the end of the year, a person familiar with the matter said. They see tiktok as a major customer of Oracle's cloud business.


Byte skipping continues to sue the U.S. government in part to ensure that the tiktok app doesn't run into a closed position during the negotiations.


The senior U.S. government official said that although Trump's attention has shifted, he still wants to completely divest tiktok's U.S. business. Although trump initially approved the deal, he never fully accepted the idea, the senior official said.


Within the trump administration, Treasury Secretary Steven mnuchin, Attorney General William Barr, and White House economic adviser Larry kudlow said from time to time at various meetings that they believed an agreement could be reached, while White House adviser Peter Navarro advised trump to avoid letting tiktok strike a deal.


Trump and his White House adviser, Peter Navarro, who was behind him


Tiktok believes it may still need to spin off its U.S. business, or face continued questioning about its approach to data processing in the US, according to people familiar with the matter.


grassroots activism


Part of the purpose of the lawsuit filed by three Internet Celebrities is to make tiktok easier to get people's attention. Musician chambers joined the tiktok app at the end of 2018 to cover and record Hirsch's without me in his parents' basement, which won him thousands of fans in the early days.


Now, more than two million tiktok users pay attention to his videos, many of which are original music or covers of popular radio songs. The 25-year-old from Connecticut has been awarded a endorsement contract to advertise products such as Yida gum and cinnamon toast crispy cereal.


"Tiktok allows ordinary kids like me to make a difference in music," he said. People like me don't have much money, and it's impossible to hook up senior people in the industry. " "I feel like I need to fight for tiktok."


Comedian Malan said he had accumulated enough tiktok fans in the same way, so he quit his job as a restaurant attendant and then dropped out of school. Now, he has 3 million fans and is sponsored by famous brands such as Schlicker and Reebok.


According to people familiar with the matter, executives have been in close contact with internet celebrities throughout the summer as the threat to tiktok's app has intensified. Tiktok executives assured them that the company had plans to ensure its continued presence in the U.S. market and to prevent online celebrities from turning to competitive platforms. As part of these connections, the company stressed that online celebrities have the right to defend their rights, people familiar with the matter said.


In September of this year, tiktok brought together these excellent Internet celebrities to discuss the threat of the U.S. government and possible countermeasures. According to a source attending the conference call, Internet Celebrities answered questions about how tiktok affects their lives. In the end, chambers, Malan and rinab volunteered to become plaintiffs.


Rinab and Malan have met at industry events before and are familiar with chambers' work. In early September, the three began to exchange information about the lawsuit every day.

蒂克托克的律师安比卡·库马尔·多兰(Ambika Kumar Doran)说,她觉得这三人有充分的理由提起诉讼,因为她还认为特朗普政府权力过大。她还意识到,网络名人可能会发现与美国政府正面交锋令人望而生畏。

Ambika Kumar Doran, tiktok's lawyer for them, said she felt the three had a good reason to file a lawsuit because she also believed that the trump administration had too much power. She also realizes that online celebrities may find it daunting to engage in a head-on confrontation with the U.S. government.


"It's unprecedented for the U.S. government to shut down the entire platform for whatever reason," Dolan declined to discuss how the lawsuit was conducted or to disclose the source of funding.


She filed a lawsuit on behalf of the three on September 18, two days before the U.S. Department of Commerce initially decided to ban downloading tiktok. In another lawsuit filed by tiktok himself, the judge stopped the action hours before the ban came into effect.


The plaintiffs said the pressure was greatest throughout October as they waited for the court hearing. For a few days, Malan continued to brush up on news and personal social media, hoping to hear about a deal that would save tiktok.


"I'll never forget the whole experience," says Doug MARLAND


Rinab, who often posts on tiktok about fashion and lifestyle, said she earned between $5000 and $10000 per video endorsement. She heard other Internet Celebrities discussing whether to switch to other platforms such as YouTube.


On October 28, rinab left his laptop in the kitchen, took a cup of coffee, wore a formal shirt and pajamas, and sat down to attend a court hearing through a video conference. She and Malan answered a series of questions from their lawyers about how tiktok works. Two days later, judge beatlestone sided with the plaintiff.


Doran texted you, "we just won. Please check your email."


"Really Rinab was so excited that his cell phone dropped and he couldn't help calling. (Jiao Han)


"Silicon Valley cover" series is a collection of interviews, research reports and in-depth surveys of big companies in the technology circle. It aims to provide high-quality articles with the most profound thinking for science and technology information enthusiasts.


update time:2020-12-01 10:37:26


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