It's "lost" by Ali


Author Su Qi


Editor's note_ �[


Real fans of shrimp music can prove it by opening their own app interface. The number of years of registration and the number of songs you have heard are the best proof.


In 2006, a "little broken station" named emumo appeared, meaning "learn music & money". After many users for love power generation, spontaneous upload album. This website has won a lot of minority singers and independent musicians. It has unique fans' stickiness and music atmosphere. When it is difficult to finance, it is favored by Alibaba.


In 2018, the industry shuffled. Tencent music was listed in the U.S. stock market. Since then, TME has gone through the dust. Shrimps can only appear in rumors of selling and merging.


Online listening app despises chain source / network


Different from most online music platforms, Xiami was built by many music lovers in the early days. Users can upload songs, edit / translate lyrics, and improve musicians' information. One kind of exaggeration is that some users have created more than 100 song lists written in their own stories and words. This self-made play method is different from other platforms, and soon attracted a large number of high-quality music fans.


The left is shrimp search page, and the right is Netease cloud music search page


"The social attributes of shrimp and the sparks generated by a song among fans are all based on this relatively complete database. Netease cloud music has been talking about social attributes, but it has not been as good as Douban and Xiami, because the basic data system is not well done." Zhang Zhaoyi, Chief Strategic Officer of hifive, a music copyright content company, analyzed the deep burn. The data system owned by Xiami is not optimistic about the market, and KPI is difficult to measure, but it is a belief level sentiment for users.


At that time, Xiami also supported a large number of minority musicians through the light seeking plan, and now the recommendation algorithm will recommend some minority singers, "there are all kinds of cool songs in every corner," said one netizen.


According to Liu Heng's recollection, Xiami is the first mobile phone software that he knows to recommend songs and artists according to user habits. In the ocean of music of Nuo Da, like a good friend who has known him for many years, he brings artists and music that he will definitely like in the future one by one: "come on, listen to this, thief NB!"


Many people say that the decline of shrimp began with losing the copyright war. In 2014, Tencent music set off a three-year music copyright war. At that time, Tencent QQ music, ocean music (with KuWo music and cool dog music) and Ali music (with shrimp music and beautiful everyday) began to fight. They didn't want to fight half way. Ocean music and Tencent QQ music merged to become today's Tencent Music Entertainment Group TME.


According to Gao Xiaosong's idea, this app can listen to songs, and also allow singers to cash in through live broadcast, reward and performance, so that musicians can find production companies and behind the scenes teams. For Ali planet, Ali has connected almost all the data that can be connected. However, due to the complicated interface and operation, it is difficult for most people who only want to listen to the music to pay for it. Due to the lack of copyright and the wrong direction of the product, users of Alibaba planet have fallen rapidly and have been shut down for one year.


When Ali music management introduced the "iron triangle" combination, Wang Hao left shrimp music and joined the nail business unit. Before leaving, Wang Hao said: "I have been engaged in this industry for eight years, the original intention is to make the industry keep up with the times, but now the current situation of the industry is so absurd that it is appalling."


Xiami has been rumored to have negotiated with Netease cloud music and Taihe music about the merger. Later, it was delayed for several months, and finally Ali took a stake in Netease cloud with $700 million. At that time, there was a rumor that Ali was investing in Netease cloud, and might be gradually giving up its own music business.


But now, the audio platform has already lost such ability and no longer has an influence on the cutting-edge culture and consumer culture. Even if some online singers are produced on the platform, they also expand their territory in the video circle through variety shows.


update time:2020-12-01 14:48:12


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