Meituan's profit guaranteed by "stock speculation": it has made 6.3 billion yuan, 90% of which depends on investment


This is a special financial report. In the past month, Tencent, Alibaba, pinduoduo, Jingdong and other Internet giants have published financial reports, but meituan has been delayed until the end of the month. During this period, meituan's share price fluctuated from HK $300 per share to HK $338 and a minimum to HK $270. In breaking through the threshold of two trillion Hong Kong dollar market value, meituan stopped. The market is watching.


During this period, there were two unfavorable news for meituan. One was that the regulatory authorities were brewing an anti-monopoly policy on the Internet, and meituan might be impacted. On the other hand, some data showed that meituan's takeaway app had been starved for the first time in October.


Based on the above background, investors are very concerned about the following three issues for meituan:


One is whether meituan's takeout can continue to grow. Are you hungry? Are you eating into meituan's market share? In the three quarter, Ali made full use of Alipay to starve for diversion. Ali's local life (hunger + word of mouth) revenue grew by 29.3% over the same period last year. Whether the growth rate of meituan's takeaway income can exceed that of starvation will be an important signal.


The second is whether meituan will fall into a loss again. In the first quarter of this year, due to the epidemic situation, meituan made profits for three consecutive quarters and then lost money again. In the third quarter, meituan joined the community group buying war. The expansion of new business may drag down meituan's profits.


Third, whether community group buying can bring increment to meituan. In addition, the company has launched a fierce competition with Tencent in July.


Around these problems, shenran will take you to read the third quarter financial report of meituan, and see how many points meituan can score this time.


Is the takeout boss still stable?


In the third quarter, meituan's takeout revenue was 20.7 billion yuan, up 32.8% year on year.


In terms of growth rate, meituan's takeout has exceeded 29.3% of the hungry, basically stabilizing the situation. Although the growth of meituan takeout has been rapid, meituan's takeout has maintained a high growth rate for the time being, and it has not let the hungry man surpass it.


In terms of income scale, the gap between meituan's takeout and hungry Momo has widened further. In the third quarter, meituan's takeout was 20.7 billion yuan. Ali's whole local life, including hunger, was 8.8 billion yuan. Meituan's takeout was 2.3 times that of Ali's local life.


In terms of Gmv, meituan's takeout was 152.2 billion yuan in the third quarter, with a year-on-year growth rate of 36%, returning to the pre epidemic level.


In terms of transaction amount and income, meituan's takeout still grew at a high speed in the third quarter, and there is no sign of slowing down at present.


Comparison of takeout income between meituan and Meiyou


These two data are very important, because food and beverage delivery is the basic dish of meituan, accounting for half of the total revenue of meituan. The summer of the third quarter is also the peak season of takeout business. According to the previous data, the Gmv and income of takeout in the third quarter are relatively high in the year, so the summer campaign can not be lost.


The counter offensive of hungry men is also concentrated in the summer. In July, the famo app was upgraded from a catering delivery platform to a life service platform to meet all the immediate needs of users, that is, everything should be sold in the future. In August, hungry men launched the "10 billion subsidy", covering more than 100 key cities in China. According to the trial operation effect, the order growth rate of businesses participating in 10 billion subsidy has doubled compared with that of daily operation.


This is the signal after the full integration of Alipay in March this year, and starved to launch a counterattack against the US regiment. In the past, the market has accepted the market pattern of meituan takeout and hungry moo, and the anti attack of hungry Mo seems to indicate that the takeout war is not over.


However, judging from the data of the third quarter, meituan's takeout remains the No.1 position.


According to the data of trustdata mobile big data monitoring platform, in the third quarter of this year, the difference in user size between meituan and famo has gradually increased to 12.607 million, compared with 8 million at the beginning of this year.


In the third quarter, meituan took out 3.2 billion orders, with a customer price of 47.38 yuan. Before this year, the unit price of meituan takeout had been below 46 yuan. This year, the online catering service of meituan was accelerated due to the epidemic situation. The unit price of meituan takeout was as high as 52.02 yuan in the first quarter and dropped to 48.83 yuan in the second quarter. At present, the unit price of takeout customers is higher than that before the epidemic. On average, each take away order can bring meituan 6.44 yuan in revenue.


Unit price and single order income of meituan takeout


By the end of September, meituan had 480 million users, an increase of 19.2 million compared with the second quarter of this year. This growth rate has returned to the pre epidemic level. The annual number of active businesses was 6.5 million, an increase of 10.2% over the same period last year, which was the highest in the past five quarters.


As for whether the counterattack of hungry Mo can erode meituan's takeaway market share in the future, it depends on the performance of both sides in the fourth quarter. According to questmobile's data, in October this year, the Mau of meituan takeaway app was overspent. This is the first time that meituan's takeout app has been reversed. Of course, this data only counts the app side. In addition to the meituan takeaway app, there are meituan app, Dianping app, wechat, etc., and Mau is only partial data. However, to some extent, the change of battlefield situation often starts from local. This also gives meituan a wake-up call.


Can earning power last?


Since this year, meituan's share price has risen from HK $72 in March to a peak of HK $338 in November, with a price earnings ratio of 633 times. The capital market is willing to give meituan such a high valuation premium because investors believe that meituan will make a lot of money in the future.


Return to the core indicator of profitability. In the third quarter, meituan's revenue was 35.4 billion yuan, an increase of 28.8% over the same period last year, and its net profit was 6.3 billion yuan, up 374% over the same period last year. The biggest bright spot is that the scale of net profit has reached an all-time high and far exceeds the market expectation.


Meituan's quarterly revenue and net profit


However, it is worth noting that this net profit is not "real" net profit, of which 5.8 billion yuan is due to the increase in the share price of the listed companies invested by meituan. In the third quarter of this year, the share prices of technology companies in Hong Kong and US stocks continued to soar. In particular, ideal automobile was listed in the U.S. stock market in July, and the stock price rose sharply. Now the stock price is three times of the issue price. Meituan invested in ideal automobile before it was listed.


Excluding the impact of investment income, meituan's net profit in the third quarter was 500 million yuan, compared with 1.3 billion yuan in the same period of last year, which was a year-on-year decline. The profitability of meituan at the operational level has not been as rapid as it seems in the financial figures. The key is that the excess return on the investment level is unstable and unsustainable.


So, in terms of operation, what is the real profitability of meituan?


Meituan's business is divided into three parts: Food and beverage delivery, arrival and wine travel, and new business. In the total revenue of 35.4 billion yuan in the third quarter, these three businesses accounted for 58.5%, 18.3% and 23.2%. Takeout business has the largest volume and the largest revenue contribution, but it is not the most profitable. In the third quarter, the operating profit was 800 million yuan for takeaway, 2.8 billion yuan for restaurants, hotels and tourism, and 2 billion yuan for new business. The operating profit of takeout business was 500 million yuan less than that in the second quarter, and 900 million yuan more than that in stores, hotels and tourism.


Operating profit of meituan's business sectors


Are you hungry? When the "10 billion subsidy" was launched in July, meituan's takeout was not involved in the subsidy war. After all, the scale is very important, but the profit is also important.


Commission is still the main source of meituan's income. In the third quarter, commission and online marketing revenue accounted for 65% and 16% of meituan's total revenue, respectively. But revenue from online marketing services grew rapidly, 28% in the third quarter, higher than 25% of commission.


In meituan's business, businesses earn money from users, while meituan makes money from merchants. Commission is like sitting on the ground to collect rent. It is extracted from the flow of merchants. The level of commission rate determines the profit space of meituan. However, raising the commission rate is easy to cause disputes. In April this year, meituan merchants attacked meituan takeout and asked for a reduction in commission. Online marketing services are like collecting property service fees. Meituan collects money from merchants by providing value-added services to businesses. Obviously, the latter is more likely to win the favor of merchants.


Marketing service will occupy an important position in meituan's revenue in the future. Just like Ali, when the number of merchants increases to a certain scale, the stock market can only rely on extended services, and collecting advertising flow fees is the only way. Last year, meituan launched the food information flow online. The granularity of intelligent recommendation has been further improved, and the dimension of advertising fees has been charged. Now, the imagination space for making money has become larger from merchants to dishes.


Of course, the new business is still losing money, and the extent of the loss is expanding. In the third quarter, meituan included new business modules such as fast donkey, flash shopping, online car hailing, and vegetable shopping, with an income of 8.2 billion yuan and a loss of 2 billion yuan, the largest loss in nearly three quarters.


How are you getting on with meituan?


At the present stage, the most concerned new business of meituan is the business of buying vegetables.


Internet shopping represented by community group buying is the track with the most participation, the highest capital density and the most fierce competition this year. Tencent, Ali, Didi, pinduoduo and meituan have all entered the game, and meituan is one of the most vocal and fastest-moving giants.


On July 7, meituan announced that it had officially entered the community group purchase track and launched meituan preferred. Five days later, meituan preferred began to sign a contract in Jinan, Shandong Province, and officially launched on July 15. One month later, meituan preferred to enter Wuhan, and directly transferred the front-end warehouse of meituan's shopping in Wuhan to community group purchase, and took over the flow and supply chain of meituan's shopping in Wuhan.


The preferred person in charge of meituan is Chen Liang, who is a member of S-Team, senior vice president and core management of meituan, and reports directly to Wang Xing. Throughout the third quarter, meituan optimization has been vigorously promoting its "thousand city plan" to achieve coverage of "thousand cities" within the year.


On the one hand, it is an important source of flow and income for meituan in the future. On the other hand, it can not be lost in this market. If pinduoduo or didi win, the valuation of meituan will be discounted.


Prior to the release of the third quarter financial report, the capital market had made a good prediction that the expansion of vegetable business would drag down meituan's net profit, and some investment banks even predicted that meituan would lose money in the quarter. Scale and speed are more important than profits in the battle for positions in key markets.


Meituan did not disclose the preferred financial data of meituan separately, which was included in the new business. However, the performance of the new business can reflect the progress of meituan's optimization. In the third quarter, the growth rate of meituan's new business was 43.5%, higher than that of takeout and liquor travel. From the income growth curve, we can see that the new business is picking up rapidly.


Revenue growth of meituan's three major businesses


In the third quarter financial report conference call, Wang Xing said that meituan optimization is now the priority strategic area of meituan's entire business, and its coverage is the most important at present.


Meituan preferred to open the city in July this year, but the intensive distribution started in September, so the data will not be reflected in the third quarter financial report immediately, but it should be more obvious in the fourth quarter financial report.


This is the first time that meituan and pinduoduo have launched a direct battle in the front battlefield. Although they are both emerging giants invested by Tencent, they did not have much intersection in the business level in the past, and it is rare to buy vegetables. Pinduoduo has raised the business of buying vegetables to the strategic level and started the hard core mode of struggle. In a sense, the success or failure of the vegetable buying business will, to a certain extent, determine the growth rate and scale of meituan's new business, and will also affect the stock price trend of meituan in the future.


Now, the U.S. regiment has begun to attack in an all-round way once again. At every track, it faces a very tough enemy. In the takeout market, it is in a fierce battle with ALI. In the food market, it is also fighting with pinduodidi. In the wine market, it is facing a strong counterattack from Ctrip.


Is meituan stable? Perhaps for the growing giant, there will never be a moment when the battle is over.


*The title is from pexels.


update time:2020-12-01 14:48:12


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