The first line Xiaopeng automobile delivered 4224 units in November, reaching a new high in 2020


Tencent News "first line" Wang pan


On December 1, Xiaopeng automobile announced its delivery results in November 2020, with a total monthly delivery volume of 4224 units, a year-on-year increase of 342%, reaching a new high in 2020.


From January to November 2020, the cumulative delivery of Xiaopeng automobile is 21341, with a year-on-year increase of 87%; the monthly delivery volume of Xiaopeng P7 is 2732, with a month on month increase of 30%, breaking the record of single month delivery.


Since the launch of scale delivery at the end of June this year, Xiaopeng P7 has delivered 11371 units in total, setting the fastest record of new force brand single vehicle delivery; Xiaopeng G3 delivered 1492 units in a single month, with a month on month increase of 59%, setting a new high in 2020.


update time:2020-12-01 14:48:12


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