Xiami is said to be closed, Alibaba does not have a musical dream?


On November 29, Xiang Zheng, a certified microblog user (former marketing director of Warner Music / global music in China), posted on his microblog that "it is rumored that shrimp music will be closed in January next year." According to the user @ shell magnifying lamp, the chief editor and chief operating officer of Xiami music are currently meeting in Beijing, and they have to implement some staff changes when they go back. Shrimp music is likely to be dissolved.


This has something to do with the unique atmosphere of the music community and the intensive work of musicians in the past. Since its establishment in 2007, Xiami's fate has changed several times. It was originally entrusted with the hope of stirring up the domestic online music pattern, but now it has become a marginal role in the industry due to a series of mistakes.


Looking back on the past, everything is still a pity.


Wang Hao who loves music and shrimp who knows music


When it comes to shrimp, Wang Hao is a name that can't be bypassed - even though he is far away from shrimp.


In 2007, after working as a system analysis engineer for four years in Alibaba, Wang Hao founded the shrimp music sharing community, and the following year, xiami.com was established.


The starting point of the story of shrimps is also the starting point for the rapid development of domestic online music. Around 2007, a number of online music products were established successively, which was still the world of PC Internet. Therefore, the entrepreneurial stories of online music are closely related to the two keywords of player and piracy.


Among a large number of music start-ups, the existence of shrimp is quite special, which is related to the characteristics of Founder Wang Hao. According to the public introduction, Wang Hao loved music as a child. He studied applied electronics major during his college years. During this period, he organized a band and founded the "voice network" forum, which is a platform for releasing performance information and exchanging music lovers and band musicians in Hangzhou.


This love of music has been injected into shrimps, giving them the soul of discovering and sharing good music. For example, users can always find relatively small and high-quality music in shrimp, and the discussion in the comment area is more focused on the music itself, with high quality.


Do you know the source of the picture


In an interview, Wang Hao once introduced that the unique product quality of shrimps is a lot of small details. He has made many small regulations on the design of shrimp products, such as:


It is required that the songs must be arranged in the order of the album, rather than in the intelligent order or simply playing heat;


The player interface should display the singer of the song instead of the stars;


Do you want to download when collecting? Do you want to collect when downloading.


In music recommendation, shrimp is "anti intelligent" and will not be completely led by numbers. According to the report at that time, shrimp would incline the recommendation weight to the minority music: "according to the statistics, 90% of users like Faye Wong. According to the logic of xiami.com, since everyone knows Faye Wong, they don't need to recommend, and those who are recommended are 10% of the people you don't know. In xiami.com's nearly 6 million music library, about 11% of the songs of more than 5000 independent musicians are heard every day. Some musicians were discovered and recommended by some listeners from the tail of the long tail, and finally became famous


It is based on the understanding of music, not long after its birth, shrimps without the background of giants made their own fame in the industry, and attracted the attention of giants. Soon, shrimps ushered in the first turning point of their fate.


In 2013, Alibaba acquired Xiami and established the music business department. Six years after leaving, Wang Hao became an employee of Alibaba again.


Although the literary and artistic label of Xiami has never been weakened since its birth, Wang Hao's cognition of the music industry is very realistic. In the second year after returning to Alibaba, Wang Hao once said: "there will be many changes in the digital music market in the past two years. It will be similar to the early video websites. In the future, it will be an era when big capital enters into giant games. As an independent music platform, shrimps will be more dangerous Insurance, together with some large groups and platforms, will be safer. "


In fact, before and after the acquisition of shrimp, the domestic online music copyright war has shown signs. At this time is in the starting point of the mobile Internet take-off, Alibaba's resources give shrimp a lot of support. According to public information, in the first year of integration into Alibaba system, Xiami reached a strategic cooperation with Canxing and started the preparation work for the second season of "China's good songs".

此时,阿里巴巴也对音乐产业充满热情。阿里巴巴通过收购shrimp正式进入音乐行业后,于2015年3月合并了shrimp music和天天天骄,组建阿里音乐。

At this time, Alibaba is also full of enthusiasm for the music industry. After officially entering the music industry through the acquisition of shrimp, Alibaba merged shrimp music and tiantiantiantouting to form Ali music in March 2015.


In the year when Ali music was founded, online music in China encountered the most stringent copyright order: in July 2015, the National Copyright Administration issued the notice on ordering online music service providers to stop unauthorized dissemination of music works, requiring all non copyright music works to be offline before July 31, 2015. According to the data, more than 2.2 million unlicensed music works have been offline by various online music service providers within the specified time. For this reason, 2015 is called the first year of digital music in China.


The emergence of the strictest copyright order has greatly changed the development ecology of the domestic online music industry: with the advent of the era of music legalization, copyright has become the basis for the development of online music platform, which requires strong capital as a support. A large number of small and medium-sized players who lack strength are shuffled out of the card board, and Baidu even has been absent for a time. On the basis of having a genuine music library, it can attract users and promote the development of online music industry To explore the corresponding business model and feed back the upstream and downstream is the general development path of online music platform in the legitimate era. The development path of Tencent music and Netease cloud music are also roughly similar.


Therefore, the establishment of Ali music actually set the right time for the changes in the domestic music industry: at the beginning of its establishment, Ali music not only had two platforms, namely, Xiaomi and tiantiandiao, but also obtained many copyrights with the support of Alibaba group.


In 2015, Ali music cooperated with three major record companies (universal, Sony and Warner);


It has the exclusive copyright of many famous record companies, such as Xinxin music, rolling stone music, Huayan international, BMG (Bertelsmann Music Group), Huanya records, etc;

购买新一代的所有经典歌曲,如五月天、S.H.E、林友嘉、丁当、辛、白安、严珏、王薇薇、MP magic power、卓文轩、巴三瑶等,以及刘德华、张学友、周华健、张震岳、李宗盛、梁静茹、任贤齐、刘若英等。

Buy all the classic songs of the new generation, such as Mayday, S.H.E., Lin Youjia, Ding Dang, Xin, Bai an, Yan Jue, Olivia Wang, MP magic power, Zhuo Wenxuan, BA Sanyao, etc., as well as Liu Dehua, Zhang Xueyou, Zhou Huajian, Zhang Zhenyue, Li Zongsheng, Liang Jingru, Ren Xianqi and Liu Ruoying.


It can be seen that Alibaba at this time has strong willingness to invest in the music industry. For the shrimps who are in it, the situation is obviously on the rise - the industry is on the way up, and there is strong support from Alibaba.


But at this time, disaster came.


A disaster from the planet


In 2015, after online music entered the era of legalization, Ali music was a force that could not be ignored from any aspect. However, during the strategic decisive battle of online music market, Ali music made mistakes in its development route.


On July 15, 2015, Alibaba Group announced that Gao Xiaosong and song Ke had officially joined Alibaba music, serving as chairman and CEO respectively. Song Ke said in an interview with the media that after joining Ali music, the division of labor between the two will be very clear: Gao Xiaosong is in charge of content and strategy, while song Ke is in charge of operation and management. At the end of December of that year, Gao Xiaosong announced that he Jiong joined Alibaba music as CCO through microblog.


Ali planet interface


Less than a year after the official launch, on December 13, 2016, Alibaba planet released an update in the apple store, which will stop the music service in the app.


Although Ali's life is short, the impact on Ali music is devastating.


First of all, the practice of forcibly converting tiantiantiandiao into alixing has resulted in a large loss of users accumulated after years of intensive cultivation, thus reducing the overall market share of Ali music.


Secondly, in the period of focusing on the development of the planet Ali, Xiami was relatively neglected in operation and maintenance. As the only player of Ali music, the neglect for nearly a year made shrimps lose their competitive advantage rapidly, and a large number of users lost their attraction to copyright owners. Under the vicious circle, the shrimps who once held a good brand have gradually become the marginal role of the industry.


Therefore, Ali planet makes Ali music's two major products suffer heavy losses. Song Ke, who was born in the traditional record industry, was in charge of Ali music. His different management concepts and styles led to internal conflicts and the team suffered turbulence for a time. Facing the poor situation of Ali music, Wang Hao returned briefly at the end of 2016, but soon left again. After many twists and turns, Wang Hao now chooses to live in Southeast Asia.


After a series of setbacks, Ali's music team was reduced in size, song Ke left, and the structure was constantly adjusted. Today, Ali music's products are gradually marginalized. This important player who once owned users, copyrights and funds has lost its former glory due to the strategic error of the business leader.


Alibaba dream music?


Ali's music continues to fall, and the survival situation of shrimps is becoming more and more dangerous.


In June 2019, Huayan, who holds the copyright of S.H.E., Tian Fuzhen and other singers, transferred to Tencent music camp, which means that shrimp music has lost its last important copyright position.


According to "deep sound", in the opinion of record companies, in addition to considering the copyright price, the promotion of the platform to its singers is also a very important dimension.


The reason why Hua Yan chose Ali music before is that compared with Tencent music, Ali music can provide more resources for its artists. Previously, S.H.E's new song "you were a teenager" and Tian Fu Zhen's new song "little luck" were all premiered in shrimp, and shrimp has also allocated important promotion resources such as the focus map on the home page. However, due to the loss of users, record companies have to reconsider the value of the platform. The choice of Huayan to invest in the camp is enough to reflect the decline of Ali music's influence.


Since 2016, Netease cloud music has heard the news of independent financing. Nearly a year later, on April 11, 2017, Netease cloud music officially announced that it had obtained 750 million yuan round a financing; on October 12, 2018, Netease cloud music announced that it had reached round B financing, with Baidu, general Atlantic, Boyu capital, etc., of which Baidu was the strategic investor.


In December 2018, Tencent music with copyright, three major music platforms and national karaoke was listed on the NYSE.


In 2017, Tencent Music Entertainment Group announced the launch of musician plan, which will gather six platforms including QQ music, kugou music, KuWo music, national karaoke, kugou live broadcast and 5sing to create the whole industry chain service of original musicians.


Netease cloud music launched "stone plan" and "ladder plan" to support original musicians through investment of funds and resources. During this period, shrimps also launched a light seeking program to join the ranks of original music support, but in terms of influence and volume, it was unable to compare with its competitors.


In September 2019, Tencent music put forward a new CTS strategy, saying that it would do more empowerment for the industry. After obtaining a new round of financing, Netease cloud music is bound to increase investment in content level. Alibaba's entry into the bureau can provide more capital and resource support for it. Compared with Alibaba music, Alibaba music is like a passer-by.


With the decline of Ali's music, the fate of shrimps in Alibaba has become more and more vagrant.


On June 18, 2019, Alibaba adjusted its organizational structure and reorganized Alibaba's innovation business group. Zhu Shunyan, as the president, was responsible for UC and its mobile innovation business, as well as tmall genie, Ali literature and Ali music. Since then, Xiami has been separated from the large cultural and entertainment sector. Shortly after the completion of the adjustment, Zhu Shunyan, in an interview with first finance and economics, once responded to the difficulties encountered by Alibaba music, Alibaba literature and other businesses: "shall we not do it? It's impossible. I am not satisfied."


However, under the new competitive situation of the industry, Ali music, which has lost both users and copyrights, will return to the first camp. There are many challenges: without users, there is no value for copyright owners; without copyright, users will gradually lose.


Things seem to have come to a dead end, leaving Ali music time is not much.


In 2020, the sense of existence of shrimps will be even thinner. In the face of the fact that it is difficult for existing dishes to improve, the innovation business group has put its treasure on innovative products - in external communication, the newly launched singing app singing duck has replaced shrimps and become the music related performance that innovation business groups prefer to show.


Now, although the rumor about the closure has not been officially confirmed, the appearance of the rumor is enough to show that the product, which once carried the music dream of many people, seems to be in the end.


An obvious fact is: Alibaba may still have a music dream, but the protagonist in the dream is definitely not shrimp.


update time:2020-11-30 18:51:02


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