First line vivo Ni Xudong: 19 5g mobile phones released in one year, 2021 mentality returned to zero


In 2020, the mobile phone market failed to escape the impact of the new epidemic. Although the domestic market improved in the second half of the year, the market continued to decline globally.


According to the latest data of China Academy of information technology, from January to November 2020, the cumulative shipment volume of smart phones was 271 million, a year-on-year decrease of 21.1%. During the period, the cumulative shipment of 5g mobile phones in the domestic market reached 144 million, and 5g mobile phones gradually became the mainstream.


For vivo in 2020, Ni Xudong summed up as a year of thinking, summing up and starting again. "2020 is a year for us to stop and think. The smartphone industry is running too fast. Now it's at a new crossroads. The epidemic gives everyone a chance to calm down. " He said.


In this context, vivo put forward the brand spirit of "simple and pleasant" in 2020, whose essence is to pay attention to people's real feelings and needs.


"If users are more happy when using our mobile phone, even at a certain moment, they can feel the intention of our designers before the" birth "of this mobile phone. At this moment, they can cross time and space to produce a spiritual resonance. If they have this kind of heart, they can understand our technology and design, then they will really understand people, and our design will be better The original intention has been achieved. " Ni Xudong said.


Around the brand central idea of "Zhijian Zhiyue", vivo has firmly established the strategy of continuous investment in "four long tracks" of design, image, performance and system. Data from third parties show that vivo has been ranked second in China's mobile phone market share for eight consecutive months.


Channel: "headquarters + agent"


In the past year, the epidemic has caused heavy damage to offline channels of all industries. As one of the core competitiveness of vivo, the influence of offline channel is inevitable.


In this regard, Ni Xudong said that the business model of "headquarters + agency" has formed a solid cultural community and a community of destiny between us and our agency partners, which is also a strong guarantee for us to resist external risks.


It is reported that vivo currently has more than 200000 offline stores, including nearly 4000 experience centers.


Products: 19 5g mobile phones


Dual brand operation is a unique landscape in China's mobile phone market. In the past decade, numerous dual brands have emerged, but few of them have been successful.


For vivo and iqoo, Ni Xudong said that as the high-end flagship of vivo brand, vivo X series is positioned as "professional image flagship", focusing on "professional image" and "design". Iqoo focuses on "performance" and "competitive experience", and its main users are young geeks.


He further said, "in fact, from the perspective of users, everyone's needs are different, so we need to balance the two dimensions of technology cognition and user insight to help users make choices and reduce their purchase cost, choice cost and use cost."


In terms of 5g products, vivo will be more aggressive in 2020. It is understood that within one year after 5g licensing, vivo has released 19 mobile phones with prices ranging from 1000 yuan to 6000 yuan. At present, vivo has started the R & D layout of 6G.


As for the customer-oriented strategy, Ni Xudong said that the best strategy is to change the customer's demand.


Technology: add image power


On the technical level, joining hands with Zeiss has attracted the attention of netizens recently. The newly released X60 series is equipped with vivo Zeiss joint imaging system.


The hand-in-hand relationship between vivo and Zeiss is very similar to the marriage between Huawei and Leica. With nearly 175 years of deep accumulation in the optical field, combined with vivo's rich experience in mobile phone production, R & D and manufacturing, Zeiss finally makes the X60 series have strong imaging quality. In addition, the cooperation between the two sides will continue to explore the future development direction of imaging system.


Ni Xudong said that based on the synergy and complementarity of traditional optics and new digital technology, the two sides hope to take this strategic cooperation as a starting point to open a new era of mobile imaging.


Tencent News "first line" learned from the channel that the amount of 50 yuan deposit on vivo X60 online this time is twice that of the previous generation X50 in the same period, and 1.9 times that offline.


On the other hand, vivo's original micro pan tilt anti shake technology has entered the second generation. While greatly improving the ability of anti shake shooting of smart phones, it also caused the mobile phone industry to re-examine the 5g video phones. As the first appearance of the system's long track capability, vivo's new mobile phone operating system originos further enhances its differentiation competitiveness.


According to official data, vivo has a reserve of professional talents in design, imaging, 5g, AI and other fields. At present, 70% of the company's employees are engaged in R & D work, and the overall R & D personnel have exceeded 10000. The global R & D network covers Tokyo, Japan, San Diego, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Nanjing, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Taipei, etc.


Prospect 2021: become the nearest mobile phone brand to users


The times are changing, and so are the needs of users. For the year 2021, which has already begun, Ni Xudong said that in 2021, vivo will return to zero, stick to the original intention of user orientation, and strive to become the nearest mobile phone brand to users.


In the face of competition, Ni Xudong said that he should firmly embrace competition, because competition can force innovation and provide users with better products. Such as Su Shi's "calm storm" inside the two words, "a raindrop for life", "no rain, no sunshine.". It means that as long as the product is finished, there will be raincoat that can resist the wind and rain.


update time:2021-01-01 14:30:54


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