How can old people not use software to call a car? The good news is that the "one click call" function will be widely promoted


According to the data, as of December 28, 2020, there are more than 750000 registered users on Shencheng travel platform. About 12% of the daily calls using the "one button call" function in the app show a gradual growth trend.


Among the registered users of the platform, the middle-aged and elderly users aged 55 and above account for more than 30% of the total users. Among them, about 15% of the total number of 55-65 year olds who will have a high probability of using mobile phone to take a taxi independently, which is basically consistent with the use of one click taxi.


In terms of numbers, the proportion of elderly people calling for a taxi is relatively low. "With a small customer base and large operating costs, from the perspective of input and output, the price performance of" one click call "may not be high." Industry insiders pointed out, "however, in today's increasingly digital divide, it is the responsibility of enterprises to be willing to provide convenient services for a small number of vulnerable groups, and it is also the embodiment of urban temperature."


At present, the relevant platform is developing a taxi function for the elderly. On the 28th, Gaode taxi said that the function is specially designed for the elderly, large font, no need to enter the starting point and end point. Didi officially announced on the 30th that it has set up a special project team for the elderly to take a taxi, and will promote the development and implementation of "app one click taxi" and other functions on the basis of existing elderly product functions such as "care mode" and "affinity card".


"The use of the" one click call "function, on the one hand, requires accurate positioning, which we are gradually optimizing and improving. On the other hand, we hope that after receiving the order, the driver will communicate with the passengers in advance to confirm the pick-up point." As a pioneer of "one click taxi call", Shencheng travel said that next year it will focus on optimizing the "my family" mode in the app. By optimizing the operation process in the app, more middle-aged and elderly users can apply for travel accounts, realize the love binding with their children, and master the travel information of each other in real time. At the same time, we will go further into the community, go to the silver haired people, and constantly optimize the product experience.


update time:2021-01-01 14:30:54


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