Luo Zhenyu's New Year speech: we live in a digital system, and you can let everyone see it at any time


Tencent science and technology on December 31, Luo Zhenyu held the new year's speech "Friends of time" tonight. This time, he explained what is "Friends of time": working hard separately, making each other better; identifying with each other and helping each other.


As long as we are in the same community at the same time, there will be a "friend" effect.


Luo Zhenyu said that China is an organized network. This network is large in scale, rich in layers and dense in turns. It has both strength and flexibility. This is the origin of the confidence and confidence of our generation.


As for lifestyle, Luo Zhenyu said, we should learn to co evolve with the system when we grow up. Because in the future digital system, the value of a person, your friendliness, cooperation and constructiveness can be seen by all people anytime and anywhere. Good system, let people really be seen.


The following is a summary of Luo Zhenyu's new year's speech on friends of time:


Part one: Opening


When we grow up, many problems are new, and we have to face them alone. In 2020, there is a feeling that the world has changed and the previous experience is useless. As Elias carnetti, the Nobel Laureate in literature, said, "the old answers are falling apart, and the new ones are not yet available."


In 2020, many people will be familiar with this feeling. It's like the springboard coming all the way is suddenly pulled away, but in front of us is the surging sea.


What is "friend of time"? To put it bluntly, even in time, I'm growing, you're growing, and the little bit of predestination we had from the beginning is also growing.


In this process, we only need to do two things: first, we should work hard separately and make each other better. Second, we identify with each other and help each other. As long as we are in the same community at the same time, there will be a "friend" effect.


At the beginning of the year, everyone was trapped not only at home, but also in the system.


This system is called digital.


Let's look at the three words "digitalization" again. In the past, digitalization represented clearer, more transparent and more efficient. But now, it has a different flavor, representing tension, oppression and helplessness.


First, the digital trend is irreversible and has been greatly advanced by the epidemic, accelerating for at least six years. Second, the digital future is a differentiated future. Some people will be trapped in the digital system, or even replaced by the system. And some people will become more powerful because of the digital system.


When we grow up, we have to learn to coevolute with the system.


Can we make high-end chips ourselves?


I'm still a little surprised by the answers I've been asking around. Although many people feel particularly worried, in the eyes of experts, the answer is not controversial, just two: first, it's very difficult; second, it's certainly OK. Li Tiefu from Tsinghua University told me. He said that the chip issue is not a scientific issue, but an engineering issue.


Part V offline value


The biggest consensus in 2020 is "digitalization".


The first day of the Spring Festival holiday this year. So many people went to work online that Tencent added 100000 virtual machines and million core server resources.


Then the epidemic eased. But online trends don't ebb. This year, the performance of all digital platforms has increased to varying degrees.


That's the familiar song: where am I going? They're all pointing in the direction of digitization.


I think it's exciting. I like to see you, clearly want to buy bags, but have to study with me for life.


Remember a scene in the movie Harry Potter? Between platform 9 and platform 10, there is a platform 9. It's a gateway between the magical world and the real world. Muggles are on this side, on the other side of the world. In this era, if you want to do something, you need to find a 9 platform, so that you can repeatedly shuttle between the digital world and the real world.


In this era of rapid digital development, we want to get on the bus and are afraid of being torn to pieces. What should we do?


Our generation may have to do two things at the same time. The first thing is to learn to use the existing meaning containers to gain our own value. The second thing is to create some new meaning containers for the world that can be handed down to later generations. When we grow up, we have to create new containers of meaning for the world.


The sixth part is social innovation


Zhang Quanling, my old colleague and teenager, made a Chinese lesson for Quanling. She told me that this product has a very magical effect, that is, the first grade children can quickly learn more than 500 words of oral composition. Children in grade five of primary school can read 1 million words and make character analysis.


I didn't understand how it was done before. However, it wasn't until I went to Jiuduhe primary school that I understood what Zhang Quanling said to me: education is not to cope with exams, but to help children build their ability to solve problems.


There is a motto on the wall: "in my eyes, there are two Daguang primary schools." Why is there light in your eyes? Because children are solving specific problems, the light in their eyes is because they are really looking for answers. Where is the root? The roots are in the villages nearby, in the people nearby.


When we grow up, we create new containers of meaning for the world;


When we grow up, we gain strength;


When we grow up, we look at the present from the future.


The past has not gone, the future has come


2021, worth looking forward to


update time:2021-01-01 14:30:54


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