Not only does public opinion control the business, but also the chain of love


"The fan circle forms a space, which is defined by the rejection of worldly values and behaviors. It promotes deep feelings and embraces fun enthusiastically. Fan circle empowers fans from both positive and negative sides. Its system allows fans to express not only what they object to, but also what they struggle for. Its cultural products Express fans' disappointment in daily life and their longing for alternative choices. "


Henry Jenkins: the text poacher


Generation Z (95-00 generation) lives at the peak of the rice circle. The highly developed entertainment industry and communication channels enable the post-95s to fully express their attitude towards Aidou. Maybe you know what is station elder sister, but you may not know subcutaneous; you know white whoring and krypton gold, but you don't know purification and powder transportation; you just understand the meaning of CP powder, but you have to learn the connotation of fat powder, only powder, poison only; and more slang, such as "walk flower road", "wall head", BP, "Benming" Let the post-90s old people outside the rice circle confused.


Young world reviews the white paper on Star chasing and lifestyle of Chinese fans published by iResearch, and finds that more than 40% of the female members of the rice circle are after 95 years old. He fan, a professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University, believes that generation Z young people have no life pressure since they were born, and the driving force behind their behavior is "Hi", that is, to please themselves and find happiness. Rice circle is their paradise, where they enjoy and control. It is the epitome of water carrying boat and overturning boat. Make it after 95 and enjoy it.


Rice circle growth


The rise of Aidou and fanquan dates back to 2004. At that time, with the launch of Hunan Satellite TV's talent show super girl, fan economy began to emerge, with loose organization structure and single mode, mainly relying on the sale of records, film and television products and other derivatives.


In the second stage, since 2009, "brand community" began to play a role. With the prosperity of social media, fans and followers began to interact in two directions, and the one-way looking up relationship was redefined.


The prosperity of fanquan was in 2014, when the word "fanquan" really appeared in social media. The functions of Chaohua, hot search and so on launched by microblog played a role in fueling the flames, making "Fanyun" form a closed loop, and gradually upgrading the fan community from a subculture circle to a productive self-organization: "fanquan". In the same year, the emergence of "returned four sons" caused a big stir in the rice circle. Rice circle "consciously and deeply participated in every link of the cultural industry chain, and its productivity was no longer limited to the reproduction of content, but transformed into a real productive consumer. In other words, they are not only consumers, but also consumers: the communication ability and consumption ability of fan community constitute the product itself, which can replace capital and create economic value. "


Fan circle doesn't need talent. Aidou's duty is to set up people, output image and let fans love him. They don't need to have excellent acting skills. They can go on stage with mediocre singing skills and can dance well. The key is to cultivate their dreams and fill the gaps in the ordinary life of ordinary young people.


Take a look at the common features of popular and popular adzuki beans: long hair, gentleness, delicate eyebrows, soft and feminine, proper make-up, no excessive body and no strong muscles. After all, in the mainstream society, people's stereotype of men is either strong and powerful, or fat and greasy, thick lines and not delicate.


The most interesting gathering in the rice circle was organized by a group of young farmers after 95. In the final contest, more than 150 students participated in the game, and they even set up a group of online and offline learning teams. Some researchers interviewed the second place in the competition. The game is called "Yang Chaoyue secret store". If you speak to Yang Chaoyue, "Yang Chaoyue" will reply to you.


Slang and disdain chain


Fanquan has its own discourse system, such as "little wolf dog" and "little milk dog", which are now popular in the world. It was originally born in fanquan to describe the attribute of Aidou. More professional and condensed slang can be found everywhere and keep pace with the times. It is quite possible to publish a dictionary of fanquan.


Weifen is a fan who loves one person, while Tuan Fen is a fanatic for combination, while Duwei is an extreme individual evolved on the basis of Weifen. They are aggressive and even "bite others" in order to maintain the reputation of Aidou. For example, passerby powder, krypton gold and technical powder are slang words that are easy to understand at the primary level, while others have certain technical content, such as "purification", which refers to the behavior of separating from CP powder and only one of them. "Steaming" is not a verb, but a homonym of "Zhengzhu", and "black sour peach" is not a fruit, but a fan of "like black sour people", while "enclosure self sprouting" is to comment on a well-known CP topic in a closed small circle. The high-level slang includes condensed adjectives like "subcutaneous", which are used to describe fans with different appearances and two faces.


We interviewed several senior fans of the post-95 rice circle and asked about the situation of disdain chain. They said that strictly speaking, they are: front-line powder, high krypton powder, technology powder, data powder, powder head, ordinary powder and BP powder. The contempt of human nature is still the same: the rich look down on the poor, the spenders look down on the BP, the self esteemed ones look down on the low interest ones, just as the classical music players look down on the pop music players in the art circle, and the ballet dancers look down on the modern dance.


The fan head in the fan circle is often referred to as "fan circle da da da". It is similar to the top management of the company, with a small number of people, but it can represent the opinions of most fans. They have more voice, get more star benefits, and are easier to approach the stars themselves, and even influence and control the Star Studios and their business. They are the winners of "star chasing success". The ordinary powder wants to be promoted into a powder head, which is not a day's work. It takes many years of work, completing a series of tasks, and attracting a large number of krypton gold. Maybe it can get the "river lake status".


BP (white whoring) powder in the rice circle is at the bottom of the discrimination chain. It is the role of everyone in the rice circle. Who told you not to support Aidou? You know, Aidou in the rice circle lives brilliantly by traffic and data. The movie was packed, new songs were raised to buy hundreds of thousands of EP, endorsement of the liquid foundation was listed on the hand, BP good, extend the party.


A up leader who studies rice circle culture told young world that the core of rice circle is to compare with others. If you don't compare with others, others will take the initiative to compare with you. A girl in the rice circle, BP fan, said that she didn't spend money. She didn't understand why even her good friends around her would suppress her saying that "BP doesn't deserve to be a fan" and "no krypton, no true love". The BP fan hit back and said, "even if you're a kryptonite with countless poisons, Aidou won't marry you?". However, what is more discriminated against than this pure and good BP powder is not the free licking of the screen, but the gossiping, pointing fingers or showing off for free to the gun sister (the fans who can shoot stars with professional equipment in the front line) and the microblog, front-line reports posted by the station. Even the female fan who was ridiculed by BP would say, at least I lick the screen quietly.


Fanatical fans of rice circle


Power generation with love


From an anthropological point of view, fan circle is actually the unique association culture of young people; from the perspective of organization and management, it is like a small economy composed of countless companies, each star's fan circle is a company. These companies are big and small, and their "corporate culture" and codes of conduct are different, but they have something in common: they all have clear goals and feasible paths to achieve them; they have different levels of division of labor and cooperation, and most importantly, they are an organic whole.


Over the years, fanquan has evolved from a loose individual behavior into a mature and functional department. Some departments belong to the front-end business departments, such as the aid department, the investment department, etc., which help to increase the popularity of stars and obtain resources; some departments belong to the middle and back-end functional departments, such as the anti underworld department, the publicity department, and the publicity department and the public relations department of similar enterprises, with the purpose of optimizing the brand image of stars. Some top rice circles, as well as public welfare departments, have the same significance as the social responsibility departments of large enterprises: they use public welfare to give back to the society and establish a positive image.


Professor Lu Peng of Sociology Department of Central South University combed in detail the organization and division of labor of various departments in the rice circle, such as support, fight and vote, anti gangster, publicity, public welfare and other departments. The corresponding functions were backup Association, fight and vote to do data, anti gangster to eliminate negative public opinion, buy advertising space to promote and carry out public welfare in the name of stars.


Now the post-95s have great executive power, high efficiency, and the powder transportation is strictly mature. Everyone who enters the rice circle has to punch in the group, rush the hot list, and raise money for support. Some people are responsible for data, others are responsible for copywriting and photos. One fan once said with a smile that he entered the rice circle as 996, and he didn't have a salary. The fans in rice circle pay attention to team spirit, team spirit and joint action; implement hierarchical operation and distribute work according to fans' level - Senior fans (fans) give orders and manage ordinary fans. Pufen is responsible for the specific implementation. For example, snh48's fans meeting is divided into two working groups: one is composed of administrators and core fans participating in the management to discuss daily affairs; the other is composed of skilled fans, responsible for copywriting, drawing, publicity, etc. The former leads the latter, the former gives instructions, and the latter is responsible for operation and implementation.


The media often use "completion KPI" to compare the behavior of the pink circle to complete the task. In fact, the more accurate word should be "OKR" (goal and key result).


Most of the actions of fan circle are not assigned by idols, but the spontaneous and voluntary behavior of fans "from bottom to top". Their motivation is not from the top to the bottom of the distribution of tasks, but from the heart of love and ideal, with love power generation, rely on love light.


"Harvest fans economy" has become the consensus of many brands, especially in the fields of fashion, beauty and FMCG. Brand business adheres to the strategy of "which red uses which", uses it as early as possible, "not fast but not broken"; at the same time, "carrying capacity" has become the most recognized ability in the market. The new star who dominates microblog hot search today will appear in a series of packaging such as yogurt and drinks tomorrow. In order to harvest traffic to the greatest extent, brands often choose multiple stars as brand ambassadors. Even the "big brand of the universe" like Dior has opened the "wholesale traffic ambassador" mode.


Commercial value is the most important index to measure the comprehensive strength of stars, which reflects the comprehensive strength of all aspects of stars. Aiman data publishes the star business value list every year. It is calculated from the four dimensions of popularity index, word-of-mouth index, professional index and endorsement index. Stars need to perform well in these four dimensions in order to improve their business value. If a star can have a name in the semi annual list and annual list, which have a longer statistical cycle, it will be more valuable and more popular with brands.

另一方面,米圈经济的兴起,给了衰落的传统媒体另一种"中弹"。《时尚杂志》创办了《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚杂志》《时尚,通过微信应用程序;以及superelle pop,superelle副刊的电子期刊。这些出版物的封面都很受欢迎。据不完全统计,目前市场上的电子期刊有20多种,已有200多位明星上过电子期刊,总销售额超过1亿。

On the other hand, the rise of the rice circle economy has given the declining traditional media an alternative "shot in the arm.". Various electronic journals and video journals emerge as the times require: vogue founded a supplement vogue for young people Me; Fashion bazaar has set up bazaar film, which specializes in stars; cosmopolitan has set up hicosmo electronic journal and launched cosmohits Video Journal; Elle has launched elleidol, a regular electronic journal, through wechat app; and superelle pop, an electronic journal for supplement superelle. The covers of these publications are all popular. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 20 e-journals on the market, and more than 200 stars have been on the e-journals, with a total sales of over 100 million.


An employee who once participated in the compilation of e-magazine told young world that e-magazine is a krypton gold single product with high cost performance. In the era of traditional media, it's good to be on the inside page of a big magazine, and the cover is something you don't even want to think about. But now it's not the same. In this kind of e-magazine, which shares brand name with big magazines, Aidou is the cover and almost all of the content is him. Liu Jing, the producer of fashion bazaar electronic magazine, said that they used "soul" as the theme, including double and single hard photos, video and text interviews of Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu, as well as a voice recording of "wake up the soul girl". As soon as it went on sale, the server was crushed by the influx of fans. The electronic magazine with Xiao Zhan as the cover of "red show" has a sales volume of more than 1 million yuan and a revenue of about 6 million yuan in two weeks. A member of the men's league's station sister thinks that "compared with paper magazines, those of us who do stations prefer electronic magazines, because if we want to buy them, we must buy hundreds of them locally. If we want paper magazines, I don't want these hundreds of them. It's really troublesome to deal with them."


However, the essence of these magazines is quite different from traditional magazines. Their function is not to convey media insights, but to reap fans' economy. The role of traditional fashion magazines has also changed quietly. They have changed from a high-ranking trend maker to an intermediary company connecting idols and brands. They are the "top floor" of the rice circle fighting, competing for "force" and "fashion power". At the same time, they have become the "invisible party B" of the rice circle economy. During the fashion week, I saw a group of post-95 young people buying large screen ads for tfboys at Malpensa airport in Milan.


Fans' economic era leads to "local tyrants' pursuit of stars"


Rights backfire


With the economic growth of the rice circle, it is the change of the right relationship between industry and rice circle.


In the last century, fans can only watch idols from a distance through traditional media such as TV, newspaper, radio and so on. Fans' support can not be transformed into specific strength to support idols, neither can it increase their exposure, nor can they get economic benefits. In the Internet age, the relationship between fans and idols has changed from "weak connection" to "strong connection". Their enthusiasm and love for idols can be transformed into the actual interests of idols.


Fans have changed from mere "lookers" to producers and builders. This gives the younger generation of fans more motivation to pursue stars. They believe that with their own efforts, idols can become superstars. Different from the "star chasers" of their parents, the generation after 95 "made idols" in the process of chasing idols. In the process of building idols, they get a sense of achievement and acquisition different from their parents.


"Creation 101", which was popular all over the country in 2018, is an excellent case of fans' transformation from "watcher" to "empowerer". In this program, the birth of idols has changed from the star company model to the fan "pick" model. Previously, stars had to be packaged and cultivated by the company before they could make their debut, and then rely on their works to accumulate fans. In the "pick" mode, the control is handed over to the fans: "if you don't vote, I won't vote, when will my sister come out; if you vote, I vote, my sister will come out immediately.". Fans control the fate of the idol, can let the nobody fire all over the network, can also let the king of popularity cool overnight. In this mode, idols "become fans and lose fans". The success of idols is the success of fans; the failure of idols is the failure of fans.


At the same time, fans can also choose whether to pay for the brand and refuse to reap blindly. On the second day of the "creation 101" finals, five of the "rocket girls" of the women's team received their first endorsements from Yili Granado. The brand side has arranged a crowdfunding challenge for fans, requiring fans to buy a certain amount of money, so that the five sisters can successfully obtain the identity of brand ambassador. Because the finals just ended, many fans have spent a lot of money in the voting process, the brand side's move was strongly protested by fans and refused to buy it. Finally, Yili stopped the activity of "buying endorsement with sales volume" ahead of time.


Fanquan not only controls public opinion, but also controls Aidou's business. An advertising practitioner once disclosed to the media that when Cai Xukun filmed a car advertisement, influential fans in his support meeting were also on the scene. The script of the advertisement had to go through these fans first, because they were afraid of damaging Cai Xukun's personal design.


In the cover story of the first issue of "rice circle", first financial weekly discussed the proposition of "rice circle" from the perspectives of entertainment industry, fan economy, and the relationship between microblog and entertainment circle, and worried about its reverse effect on consumer economy. What happens when an industry is kidnapped by consumers? 》"Everyone is aware that fans are changing from consumers and followers of idol stars to rule makers who have a say and can influence market decisions," the author wrote. Fans can rely on consumer feedback to influence the weight of advertisers' choice of brand spokesmen, and use microblog to cast and control comments to influence artists' online popularity and public impression, so as to form the attention and traffic, and further affect how many movie appointments artists can get, how many announcements they can receive, and how many brands they can speak for Once this business logic works, the model of the entertainment industry will naturally change, because traffic has gradually become the industry vane. "


In fact, apart from Aidou's business, the rice circle also influences Aidou's style. For example, some people find that when their fans discuss topics such as Aidou's fat, bad hair color, and poor taste in clothing, the undercover staff or fantou will feed back these users' feelings to the stars. It won't be long before they can see Aidou changing her hair color on social media and waving iron in the gym Sweaty photos or videos.




To report, criticize, fight against gangsters and human flesh, to bully more and exclude less, there are rivers and lakes where there are people, just as the moon has its ups and downs, people have their joys and sorrows, and the rice circle is no exception. From the chicken blood stage back to the plain stage, or because of the behavior of powder head, love beans angered himself, rice circle naturally vote with their feet. Taking off powder is a natural phenomenon, becoming a passer-by powder, or sit ups, or even stepping back.


Xiao Zhan, a post-95 CP fan, took part in Wang Yibo's offline activities on the 5th anniversary of his debut. When he received the aid, he needed to show Wang Yibo's Micro blog super voice level and krypton gold record. After showing it, she was forced to check the microblog homepage, and was found to pay attention to Xiao Zhan's Chaohua. She lost the right to distribute aid, because she was not the only fan. This fan was very hurt and felt that fantou was unreasonable. He immediately quit the rice circle and never took part in collective action again.


There are various ways to remove the flour from rice circles.


There is a girl who used to be a CP fan of a star in 1996. She always thinks that her two men love bean is "the limit of summer", but after getting the gossip news, she confirms that the two stars actually had a real short-term love affair. She thinks it's unacceptable and destroys her beautiful imagination of love bean. "The pure love between them can only appear in the works, and absolutely can't appear in the dirty world The human world takes root. For this reason, she chose to withdraw from the circle, and occasionally appeared in the back stepping group or the micro blog of Shijian Aidou.


When asked why he still has SJ, the fan thinks that although he has retired, he still has some sit ups. Recalling those good days, he can't help coming back to see if they are doing well, or adding some disgust, so that he can completely forget Aidou. Other young fans who left the circle told us that they suddenly found their love beans "cracked", such as the unearthed cultural relics suddenly oxidized and lost their color.


For example, in the early stage of Aidou's growth, if he often parachutes the rice group and interacts with everyone, the fans will feel warm and appropriate. But when Aidou's popularity rises, he still parachutes and actively maintains the viscosity of new fans. "I can't accept this kind of behavior," the out of circle fan told us, "because there's an unwritten rule in the rice circle that you don't want to interact It's pet powder, but it's flattering powder if you don't keep high cold after fire.


There is also a special case of "defection" from the circle, and then jump into the circle of "love for home". There is a well-known Xiao Zhan's "professional black" windmill in fanquan. Originally, it was Zhu Yilong's only fan. Later, it became Xiao Zhan's fan, and then it became Xiao Hei for unknown reasons. Some people in the circle talked about who it belonged to and who had no principle. Another girl who quits the circle and takes off the powder is much more mainstream. Because she can't accept her love to her diving girlfriend on the microblog, she chooses to take off the powder with everyone. Their collective microblog black head portraits quit the circle, and some even wrote essays about quitting the circle. A 20-year-old fan thinks that "Aidou who relies on the fans to cast the powder cloud is not qualified to fall in love.".


In the "dedust and back group" on the bean paste, it is a complaint from many young fans to make complaints about the food circle. They are free to open a topic. They are all "love and hate". All the screens are "when your fans are too miserable", "when fans need money, they are crazy about business, and do not need fans when they are invisible." what makes me always sticky? "You want too much love, as a mediocre ordinary person, I can only give this, too tired, so I left.".


Many of the 95 who have resumed their rational circle make complaints about the withdrawal of the ring. They say: I am tired of all the food circles, empty bottles, washing squares, patrol squares, and card black, drowning the real voices of users by data, and even Tucao can only use abbreviations. This kind of collective mindless behavior without freedom and individuation is boring.


In his book fans' cultural economy, John Fiske believes that fans are an extra market for the cultural industry. They not only buy a lot of "derivative" products, but also provide a lot of valuable and free market trend feedback to compete with the cultural industry. Relying on the social media platform, the growing rice circle, with the help of consumption and public opinion, is competing for the right to speak on the macro level of taste. In this context, we see more and more traffic dramas, more and more traffic luxury spokesmen, and even "rice circle girls" going abroad.


As the mainstream group of business culture, z-00 is becoming the mainstream group. Henry Jenkins wrote: "fan culture regards the utopian side of popular culture as a place to construct an alternative culture. However, no one can live forever in this utopia. "


Copyright notice: the copyright of this work is exclusively owned by "young world", and Shenzhen Tencent computer system Co., Ltd. is authorized to enjoy the exclusive right of information network transmission. No third party shall reprint it without authorization.


update time:2021-01-01 10:36:56


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