Rouyu's sprint to the science and Technology Innovation Board: three years' revenue of 500 million, net loss of 3.1 billion, LETV grave digger Liu Shuwei sits on the board of directors


Yang Jing from Aofei Temple


Qubit report official account No. QbitAI


This may be the company with the most polarized market feedback after LETV.


Rouyu technology, founded in 2012 by Liu Zihong, an alumnus of Tsinghua electronics department and Stanford doctor, focuses on "flexible display technology".


Later, Samsung and Huawei launched the sale of folding screen mobile phones one after another, but none of the suppliers had "pioneers" in the industry. Even the folding screen mobile phones developed by Ruoyu have been sold in the open channel very limited so far.

在一个拥有数百万客户的大众电子消费品市场,鲁豫电子商务主渠道的自营旗舰店对其畅销产品的购买点评超过1万条,而今年主营折屏手机flexpai 2的购买点评只有1200多条。

In a mass electronic consumer goods market with millions of customers, the self operated flagship store of Rouyu's main e-commerce channel has more than 10000 purchase reviews on its best-selling products, while this year's main folding screen mobile phone flexpai 2 has only more than 1200 purchase reviews.


Will this be another story of Jia Yueting and LETV? What is Rouyu's real financial revenue ability? Where is the huge amount of financing spent? How does it make money? Who are the main customers? Is it possible to make profits in the future?


Now, this series of questions may also be preliminarily answered from the prospectus.


In addition, there is an important difference between Rouyu and LETV


Liu Shuwei, known as the "Tomb digger" of LETV, was a well-known financial scholar who fired the first shot of LETV's query at the beginning, and appeared in Rouyu's board of directors.


From 2017 to 2019, the revenue of Rouyu technology was 64.72 million, 109 million and 226 million respectively.


The year-on-year growth rates in 2018 and 2019 were 68.47% and 108.15% respectively, and the three-year compound growth rate was 87.26%.


From 2017 to 2019, Rouyu's net loss attributable to the parent company was RMB 359 million, RMB 802 million and RMB 1073 million respectively.


In the first half of 2020, the net profit of the Company attributable to the parent company is - 960 million yuan, which is close to the loss of the whole year in 2019.


From 2017 to 2019, the R & D investment was 160 million yuan, 488 million yuan and 586 million yuan respectively, accounting for 247.87%, 447.88% and 258.25% of the revenue respectively.


But in addition to the large R & D investment, it is also an indisputable fact that the gross profit rate is not ideal.


From 2017 to 2019, the comprehensive gross profit rate of Rouyu technology will be 0.74%, - 7.69%, - 0.15% respectively.


It will improve in the first half of 2020, reaching a record high of 13.39%.


According to Rouyu, the company provides a complete set of flexible products and solutions with flexible electronics such as fully flexible display screen and fully flexible sensors as the core through self-developed flexible integrated circuit technology.


As one of the important application fields, full flexible display technology, since its establishment in 2012, Rouyu technology has been committed to the development of new full flexible display technology suitable for mass production.

去年3月,该公司第二代折叠屏手机flexpai 2首次亮相,并于9月正式推出。

In March last year, flexpai 2, the company's second generation folding screen mobile phone, made its debut and was officially launched in September.


According to the product category, the company's products can be divided into two categories.

解决方案产品,如softtree、romeeting智能铭牌会议系统,或为客户提供全柔性显示器或全柔性传感器;消费品,如flexpai softpai、rowrite、royole moon和royole x等。

Solution products, such as softtree, romeeting intelligent nameplate conference system, or provide customers with fully flexible display or fully flexible sensors; consumer products, such as flexpai softpai, rowrite, royole moon and royole x, etc.


During the reporting period, the main business revenue was as follows:

2018年整体主营业务收入较2017年增长69.25%,主要是由于2017年12月《柔姬》上映,消费品收入快速增长,以及royole X/moon的销售增长。

The overall main business revenue in 2018 increased by 69.25% compared with that in 2017, mainly due to the rapid growth of consumer product revenue due to the release of rouji in December 2017 and the sales growth of royole X / moon.


Specific data can also be combined with sales volume and average unit price


The crux is still product strength.


However, as a "new species", Rouyu's technology and products have not received positive feedback from the market in recent years, but it does not hinder its innovation and encouragement in the process of development.


From the perspective of equity structure, the control rights of Rouyu are as follows:


The holders of class a common shares of Rouyu can cast four votes per share, while the holders of class B shares can cast one vote per share.


At present, Liu Zihong, the actual controller, holds 38.61% of the class A shares and 71.56% of the voting rights.


At the board level, in addition to the members of Rouyu's management team, there are also celebrities:


What makes it famous is a series of actions taken by listed companies to crack down on financial fraud. Liu Shuwei has publicly questioned Lantian, LETV, Baoneng and other companies.


Especially in the doubt of LETV, it was faced with great controversy at that time, but then the crisis of LETV proved its professionalism and accuracy, and the people in the Jianghu later called it "the grave digger of LETV".


It should be noted that Rouyu is not the first company where Liu Shuwei serves as an independent director. It has independent director positions in Vanke and Gree. As for this appearance in the list of independent directors of Rouyu, the specific reasons have not yet been documented.


Perhaps it is also out of the self-confidence of Rouyu's management team.


Liu Zihong, the founder of Rouyu technology, was born in 1983. He won the first prize of science entrance examination in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province at the age of 17. He received a bachelor's degree in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University at the age of 21, a master's degree at the age of 23, and a doctor's degree in electronic engineering from Stanford University at the age of 26. He was a consultant engineer and research scientist of IBM's global R & D center in New York from 2009 to 2012.


Finally, the IPO of Rouyu technology innovation board is going to raise 14.4 billion yuan. The main purposes are as follows:


update time:2021-01-01 14:30:54


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