Tmall's response to being punished by the State Administration of market supervision: problems involved in comprehensive rectification


Tencent technology news on December 31, tmall today responded to the punishment of the State Administration of supervision and administration: it has received the notice of administrative punishment from relevant departments, we sincerely accept it, and has comprehensively rectified the problems involved in the notice. It will further strengthen its own operation and management to fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.


On the evening of December 30, in response to the problems of online shopping that consumers strongly reflected before and after the "double 11", such as price increase first and then discount, false promotion, induced trading, etc., according to the price monitoring, complaints and other relevant clues, the General Administration of market supervision legally punished Beijing Jingdong century Information Technology Co., Ltd. (Jingdong), Hangzhou haochao e-commerce Co., Ltd. (tmall) and Guangzhou vipshop e-commerce Ltd. (vipshop) conducted an investigation into the improper price behavior of the three enterprises engaged in self-supporting business, and made a decision on punishment on December 24, 2020 in accordance with Article 40 of the price law and Article 7 of the provisions on administrative punishment for price violations, imposing an administrative penalty of RMB 500000 on the three enterprises respectively.


Vipshop responded to the punishment: it will carry out comprehensive rectification in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities


In response to the market supervision bureau's investigation into the improper price behavior of Guangzhou vipshop e-commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as vipshop) and other self operated businesses, and the administrative penalty of a fine of 500000 yuan, vipshop said that it has received the notice of administrative penalty from the state market supervision administration on price inspection, and will follow the requirements of the regulatory authorities and relevant laws and regulations To further standardize business activities and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.


Jingdong's response: attach great importance to and actively rectify in strict accordance with the requirements


Jingdong said that after receiving the notice, we attached great importance to it and actively rectified it in strict accordance with the requirements of relevant departments.


update time:2021-01-01 10:36:56


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