US media: Chinese electric vehicle enterprises challenge Tesla


According to US media reports on December 31, Tesla opened a multi billion dollar factory in Shanghai last year. Thanks to its mass-produced cars, Tesla ranks first in monthly sales of high-end electric vehicles this year. But 2020 is also a year for competitors to catch up. In 2021, Tesla will face more competitive battles than ever before. Weilai, Xiaopeng and ideal, the three local electric vehicle manufacturers in China, have been standing in the front line of competition with Tesla.


The Chinese market is very important


Whether Tesla can defend its leading position in China will be the key to determine its longer-term growth and profit trajectory, according to the website of the Peng Bo news agency on December 29. Although China's electric vehicle market is still in its infancy, it has dwarfed other countries in scale, and China is determined to further expand this market while promising to reduce the use of fossil fuels. The fate of Tesla in China will also show whether it can grow into a real global automobile manufacturer, which is also the high expectation of investors after pushing up the share price of Tesla nearly seven times this year.


According to the report, Weilai, Xiaopeng and ideal, the three local electric vehicle manufacturers in China, have been standing in the front line of competition with Tesla. All three start-ups are listed in the United States and are supported by government entities or internet giants. They are rapidly gaining a following, with sales of their electric sport utility vehicles (SUVs), sedans and crossover vehicles increasing in 2020, and share prices surging, driven by Tesla.


"Since June, the sales of Weilai, Xiaopeng and ideal have increased steadily," said Bill Lasso, founder and CEO of Shanghai moto business consulting company


According to statistics, China is Tesla's largest market after the United States, with more than 120000 cars sold in Asia's largest economy this year, the report said. In addition, the increasing capacity of Tesla's Shanghai plant has prompted some analysts to predict that China will account for a larger share of Tesla's sales and revenue in the future.

韦德布什证券分析师丹·艾夫斯在12月21日的研究简报中表示,特斯拉在中国销售的model 3的利润率高于在美国和欧洲销售的同类车型,到2022年初,在中国的销量可能占特斯拉总销量的40%以上。目前,这一比例约为20%。

In a research briefing on December 21, Dan ives, an analyst at Wade Bush securities, said that Tesla's profit margin of model 3 sold in China is higher than that of the same model sold in the United States and Europe, and that by the beginning of 2022, sales in China may account for more than 40% of Tesla's total sales. At present, the proportion is about 20%.


Tesla Model y is also ready to go, and according to musk, sales of this car are likely to exceed all other models of Tesla. The crossover is now being produced at Tesla's factory in California, and the version assembled in Shanghai will go through the final regulatory process and be sold in China as early as next year. Earlier this month, images taken by the drone showed that about 40 model ys left the factory in Shanghai, covered with protective covers.

沃伦资本(Warren capital)分析师李琰(Sharon Lee)在最近的一次简报中表示:"2021年,中国将比以往任何时候都更继续推动特斯拉的全球增长。"

"China will continue to drive Tesla's global growth in 2021, more than ever," Warren capital analyst Sharon Lee said in a recent briefing


The auto maker is also expanding its geographic footprint, with several Tesla centers recently set up in cities such as Weifang and Linyi in Shandong Province, China, the report said. In addition, in addition to big cities, it also strengthens its public relations teams in smaller core cities such as Shijiazhuang and Haikou. Tesla will also start producing charging piles in Shanghai, one of its efforts to expand its charging network to more cities. The company recently built its 500th super charging station, which is on the way to 650 this year.


Chinese auto companies grow rapidly


The China passenger car market information conference predicts that Tesla will sell 280000 cars in China next year. Although this is an amazing growth compared with 2020, it will still leave more than 80% of the market share for companies to compete for. The Federation predicts that the total sales of new energy vehicles will reach 1.7 million in 2021.


According to the report, this means that local high-end brands such as Weilai, Xiaopeng and ideal are becoming a growing threat to Tesla, and the total monthly sales of these three companies are close to Tesla. Auto companies such as SAIC, GM, Wuling and BYD are also accelerating their development, and the prices of electric vehicles they sell are relatively low.

作为中国三大电动车品牌中最大的一个,电动SUV的销量一直在稳步上升,其价格比特斯拉Model 3高出40%。该公司的零售策略包括为客户提供带有展厅、休息室、工作区、电影观赏区的俱乐部,甚至为客户的孩子组织野营活动。威莱汽车CEO李斌近日表示,今年初特斯拉的降价给威莱带来了一定的压力,但随后的降价并没有产生同样的效果。

As the largest of China's three major electric vehicle brands, the sales volume of electric SUV has been rising steadily, and its price is up to 40% higher than that of Tesla Model 3. The company's retail strategy includes providing customers with clubs with exhibition halls, lounges, work areas, movie viewing areas, and even organizing camping activities for customers' children. Li Bin, CEO of Weilai automobile, recently said that Tesla's price reduction earlier this year brought some pressure to Weilai, but the subsequent price reduction did not produce the same effect.


"We don't see any specific impact on our order volume," Li said. This proves that we have our own unique advantages. "


Consumers have more choices


The report pointed out that, driven by the lower price than Tesla, the sales volume of Xiaopeng also increased rapidly. The company took advantage of the recent rise in share prices and raised $2.2 billion this month by issuing additional shares.


Gu Hongdi, vice chairman of Xiaopeng automobile, said in a telephone interview on November 27: "I will call 2020 the first year of China's intelligent electric vehicle market."


The report also pointed out that Tesla and its Chinese competitors also face a common threat: traditional car manufacturers are rapidly turning to the field of electric vehicles. Volkswagen plans to launch eight ID series electric vehicles in China by 2023, while Daimler, which produces Mercedes Benz, has also launched an electric SUV project, and plans to increase the number of pure electric vehicles to at least 10 in the next few years. Although the traditional automobile giants still have a small share in China's electric vehicle market, their advantage is that they have a huge network of dealers, services and supply chains.


At the same time, China is doing its best to attract consumers and traditional car companies away from fuel vehicles. China's goal is to increase the market share of new energy vehicles from the current 5% to 20% by 2025.


"Tesla has a first mover advantage and points the way for consumers," lasso said. But now there are more options. "


update time:2021-01-01 10:36:56


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