What are the top ten rumors in the circle of friends in 2020?


Top ten rumors in the circle of friends in 2020


1. In case of food shortage, we should rush to collect rice for oil


Typical rumor samples


Rumor said: "affected by the epidemic, the domestic food shortage, we should quickly hoard rice to grab oil."




In response, the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, the State Food and materials reserve bureau and other departments responded: "China's grain production and inventory are sufficient, the market goods are sufficient, the price is stable, the supply of rice and noodles is abundant, there is no need to rush to buy and hoard.". So you can rest assured.


2, novel coronavirus can be killed by garlic water and liquor.


Typical rumor samples


During the epidemic period, a "folk prescription" spread on the Internet: "eating garlic and drinking high-level liquor can eliminate the new coronavirus, and the effect is better than other epidemic prevention supplies."




At present, no specific food can help people resist the new coronavirus. Therefore, no matter garlic or liquor can kill the new coronavirus.


What we often say about alcohol disinfection is not drinking alcohol. The wine in the stomach goes into the digestive system, while the new coronavirus infects the respiratory system.


3. Academician Zhong Nanshan went to a place to assist in epidemic prevention and control


Typical rumor samples


With the progress of the epidemic, "academician Zhong Nanshan landed in Chengdu", "Zhong Nanshan has arrived in Urumqi, Xinjiang to fight the epidemic", "Zhong Nanshan went to Europe to guide other countries to fight the epidemic" and other news have emerged on the Internet.




The novel coronavirus pneumonia is rumored to have been invented. Whenever there is a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia, similar false rumors will be updated. At present, the rumor has been refuted in the relevant areas.


4. Mask removal schedules across the country


Typical rumor samples


Wang Liping, a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and prevention, said that according to the current research, mosquitoes and flies do not have the biological basis to transmit the new coronavirus. At present, there is no report of human infection with new coronavirus caused by mosquitoes, flies and other vectors in the world.


The new coronavirus is mainly transmitted through droplets, or through the eyes, mouth or nasal mucosa after contacting the contaminated objects.


6. Disaster in the year of gengzi in 2020


Typical rumor samples


According to the Internet, the year of gengzi was full of disasters, "the disorder of the earth's gravitational field / magnetic field", "geological / climatic disasters" and other comments were frequently expressed on major platforms.




The so-called "lack of scientific basis for the recent occurrence of the earth's magnetic field" disorder. According to the long-term observation of the total solar radiation, solar activity and the earth's magnetic field by China's on orbit Fengyun satellite, no anomaly has been found at present.


Yang Jun, director of the National Satellite Meteorological Center, also said that at present there is no evidence that the problems mentioned in the rumors are related to the heavy rainfall in the South and this year's disasters.


7. Sesame oil drops in the nostrils, can block all influenza and plague infection


Typical rumor samples


"Every day before going out, dip a cotton swab in a little sesame oil, drop it into two nostrils, and gently pinch it for a few times." this practice can block the spread of all influenza and pestilence, and is widely forwarded.




Yun Wuxin, Ph.D. in food engineering, Department of agriculture and biology, Purdue University, pointed out that influenza and plague are caused by virus infection. Applying sesame oil in the nostrils can not prevent the virus from entering the human body, nor can it affect the replication and proliferation of the virus, so it can not play any defense role against influenza and plague.


8. Novel coronavirus pneumonia is not the case with runny nose and expectoration.


Typical rumor samples


Novel coronavirus pneumonia is a symptom of novel coronavirus pneumonia this summer. Many WeChat groups are spreading the news: "cough and nasal mucus are not seen. Therefore, the symptoms of expectoration and runny nose are not new crown pneumonia".



新型冠状病毒肺炎(novel coronavirus pneumonia)感染诊疗方案是根据国家卫生防护委员会《新版冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案》(试行五版)发布的。新型冠状病毒引起的肺炎临床表现为发热、乏力、干咳,少数患者出现鼻塞、流涕、腹泻等症状。因此,新的冠状病毒肺炎是不准确的,根据是否流鼻涕和咳痰。

The novel coronavirus pneumonia (novel coronavirus) infection diagnosis and treatment plan was issued according to the National Health Protection Committee's "new version of coronavirus pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan" (trial version fifth). The clinical manifestations of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus were fever, fatigue, dry cough, and a few patients had nasal congestion, runny nose, diarrhea and other symptoms. Therefore, novel coronavirus pneumonia is not accurate according to whether the nose is runny and expectoration.


9. The face mask, face and hands can be disinfected after 30 seconds


Typical rumor samples


The saying that "the mask, face and hands can be disinfected after 30 seconds by blowing with an electric hair dryer" once dominated the circle of friends, and the upgraded version said that "this method can make the mask used repeatedly".




The new coronavirus is indeed sensitive to high temperature, and it can die out by itself in the environment above 56 ℃ for 30 minutes. But it is said that the method of using hair dryer can not achieve this condition, not only can not kill the virus, but also may damage the face and hand skin.


10. Large plate chicken, barbecue and salad are infected with HIV


Typical rumor samples


An "emergency notice" on the Internet said: "recently, under the command of terrorist forces, people poured into cities all over the country and put the blood of HIV infected people into food."




Guo Caiping, chief physician of infection center of Beijing You'an Hospital, explained that AIDS will not be infected through food. Once HIV is separated from humoral environment, its viability and pathogenicity will decline. With the death of blood cells and lymphocytes, HIV will lose the ability of proliferation and then die.


update time:2021-01-01 10:36:56


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