Zhang Zheng, CFO of eggshell, and former CEO Assistant all quit, dangerous situation?


Vincio snow


Meng Jinglei, another senior executive of the eggshell investment office, was also informed that he was one of the representatives of the eggshell financing group.


Within one year, two CFOs quit, and senior executives frequently change and quit, which seems to be a foretaste of eggshell's dangerous situation.


Earlier, tech planet (wechat ID: tech618) made a report on the analysis behind the eggshell turmoil in the past year and the company's top management information: "eggshell" broke "this year.


Since the beginning of October 2020, eggshell apartments have been burst and the gold chain has broken, resulting in a large number of suppliers defaulting on decoration payments in Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Tianjin and other cities. The time of default is about one year, and the amount owed ranges from several hundred thousand to 30 million.


Weizhong bank, the partner of the eggshell rent loan, has promised to cover all the rent loans of the tenants. At the other end, most of the landlords have automatically terminated the contract with the eggshell and deducted the deposit as compensation for the eggshell default, while the supplier in the eggshell triangle chain has no progress.


Tech planet (wechat ID: tech618) interviewed an eggshell supplier who owed 8 million yuan. When he learned that the eggshell exploded, he immediately worked with the major suppliers to come up with a self rescue plan, and also found the relevant departments to seek funds. However, the eggshell side delayed to push forward the plan. On Wednesday, after a month's delay, Deng Liu, the person in charge of the eggshell supply chain, called the supplier and told him that the eggshell side had no choice If the case is rejected by shareholders, there is a legal risk.


Content of the proposal provided by the supplier


In the plan, the supplier negotiated with eggshell and asked to take over the management right of eggshell's existing house supply to pay off the debt. But before any communication was obtained, eggshell would be taken off the shelves of all existing houses. The suppliers said that eggshell was delaying the time to solve the problem. The assets and residual value of the contract of eggshell apartment were released free of charge day by day, and they were still unwilling to save the suppliers in trouble 。


A supplier told tech star that he went to eggshell headquarters to block CEO Cui Yan on Tuesday, but Cui Yan immediately called the company's female employees to "escort". During the confrontation, he didn't reveal a word. During the confrontation, he didn't have any intention to communicate and he was playing with his mobile phone all the time. "I don't want to be responsible at all. I don't look like the boss of the company."


However, eggshell said that it was willing to communicate with creditors and negotiate to solve the problem, which has become a dead letter.


Letter of agreement and cooperation with eggshell company seal


Since the eggshell incident broke out, under the pressure of all parties and public opinion, only CFO Zhang Zheng, the second leader of the company, has appeared briefly, while CEO Cui Yan has been staying behind the scenes. Now, when Zhang Zheng leaves, Cui Yan is still hiding. The suppliers are wondering who will be responsible for more than 400 suppliers and debts of 500-600 million yuan? Who is responsible for thousands of cleaning, decoration workers and furniture employees? Tech planet will continue to pay attention to the follow-up progress of the eggshell apartment incident.


update time:2021-01-01 14:30:54


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