Help debtors "put out the fire", sell star itinerary, rob famous wine Scalpers focus on new business


Compared with scalpers buying tickets, concert tickets, queuing and registration, some online scalpers are now realizing the "transformation and upgrading" of their services. And behind these upgraded new services, money is still indispensable. All kinds of new services of online scalpers are on the edge of law.


At the end of the new year, the business of online scalpers began to get busy. This year, however, seems very different.


The reporter's investigation found that, different from the previous services such as collecting money to help grab tickets and queuing, now online scalpers have focused on some "unique" new businesses - helping to grab famous wine, helping debtors "put out the fire", and facilitating fans to pursue stars However, behind these new services, they are suspected of touching the law, which has a lot of legal risks.


Nowadays, for various reasons, many people are affected by overdue credit card repayment, inability to repay online loans, and being harassed by collection. And some online scalpers have also "sensitively" caught such people and opened up relevant "anti collection" business.


Data map


"A large number of credit card" negotiation "business and online loan" negotiation "business can be handled by us if you are not sure." A circle of friends of a scalper against collection said that the service provided by the scalper can repair bad credit information, preserve assets and avoid prosecution, "stop collecting by phone, collect by door" and "stop high liquidated damages and interest after overdue credit card".


The reporter to the network loan overdue, was called "pop address book" as an excuse to consult the "anti collection" cattle. After hearing the message, the scalper quickly suggested to do an "explosion-proof" business, that is, to effectively intercept the phone calls for the collector to disturb the address book, so as to avoid all kinds of collection calls.


"Can do address book explosion-proof processing." The other side also said that the explosion-proof can not guarantee 100% no longer be harassed, but can block most of the harassing calls. As for the service price, the other side said that "only 300 yuan is enough" and after-sales service is guaranteed for one year.


What to do after the one-year "explosion proof" service expires? The cattle said that from their own experience, do not worry too much. "Generally, the collection time of this kind of" antiaircraft gun "(the name of Internet usury) is not long. After a year, it guarantees that it will not contact you again, nor will it contact your contacts." As for the "explosion-proof" effect, the cattle are also confident. "Don't worry, because our explosion-proof effect is based on the feedback of other customers, and then optimized for some new users to continue to use."


Reporter investigation found that the network to provide similar "anti collection" business is not uncommon, and even there are pages showing "anti collection skills summary". As long as you input keywords such as "anti collection" in a social platform, some accounts will appear. These accounts often leave something like "VX: (homophonic of wechat). In QQ software, there are also many groups with the names of "anti collection", "anti dog communication group", "anti dog overdue communication group". The reporter added into a number of "anti collection" QQ groups, and found that the number of group members was mostly in the hundreds, while the group leader basically set up a state of silence. In order to exchange the "anti collection" business, you need to add the group master number. The reporter added a number of group owners, and there was no reply by the time of publishing.


As for the "anti collection" behavior, some lawyers said that such behavior is suspected of disturbing the financial order and damaging social credit. In order to avoid debt, some borrowers use the means of "anti collection", intercept, forge or alter the proof materials or provide false materials through some technical methods, which are more likely to violate the bottom line of relevant laws and regulations, and need to bear the legal cost.


"Star chasing ox" 5 yuan to buy Star flight number


Previously, the media reported that online scalpers sold personal itinerary information of stars, causing public concern. The reporter recently re investigation found that similar behavior still exists. If ordinary people want to get a star's flight itinerary information, they just need to "ask a price", and the price is as low as 5 yuan.


"Whose do you want?" A scalper named "Aidou (Idol) itinerary is controlled by one hand" asked. He said that his circle of friends will update his itinerary from time to time. "You can also tell me which Aidou you want to see directly." And in its circle of friends, released a number of stars recent departure date, departure, destination and other brief information.


Taking the star itinerary provided by his circle of friends as an example, when the reporter said that he wanted to get the star's itinerary information, he said that 12 yuan could buy the star's "which flight, where to go, when to start, when to drop and which channel". After the reporter paid 12 yuan, he soon got the star's flight itinerary information. As for the source of the information, the cattle did not give a positive answer, but only said "can be inquired". In addition, it also warm prompt "I only give you information, can receive, depends on yourself."


The reporter added another scalper and asked him about the flight information of the above-mentioned star. He said that it only costs 5 yuan, and a "purchase process example" was given. After paying 5 yuan, the flight number of the star was sent. More than that, it also said that it could "brush customs, 45 yuan, need to contact". See reporters do not understand the meaning of "brush pass", it said that the so-called "brush pass", meaning "pass through the security check to see love beans". The specific steps are to provide them with ID card and name, then help them book tickets online, and issue an electronic boarding pass after success. At that time, you just need to take your ID card to the airport to use the electronic boarding pass. After security check, you can see Aidou. "I'll do everything else. I don't need you to do anything."


Taking the flight information of a star on February 1 as an example, the reporter compared the flight number given by two scalpers and found that the flight number was the same. In the circle of friends of the two scalpers, the recent travel dates, departure places, destinations and other information of many stars are also at a glance. Reporters search a social platform, "Aidou itinerary assistant", "Aidou itinerary notice", "flight itinerary early know", "brush off itinerary flight star" and other accounts are also active.


"Baijiu" takes ten shots and takes the place.


"It's not easy to grab two months ago, especially before the festival." Zhang Tong is keen to rush to buy Maotai Liquor on the network platform. Many friends around her regard her as "good at financial management". She told reporters that many e-commerce platforms are open to users to limit the purchase of Maotai at the direct selling price of 1499 yuan. However, being able to buy doesn't mean being able to buy it. Zhang Tong admits that she can only get it several times in spring and summer. Each time a bottle is reserved for their own business use, others will be sold to cattle on the spot when picking up the goods, "cattle generally charge 2000 yuan to 2200 yuan a bottle."


The seller said frankly that the general software is used by people who sell alcohol channels, or want to do purchasing business. If you just want to buy a few bottles, it's not suitable. Of course, he can also help with the shooting himself, but he needs ten bottles to start shooting, with a price increase of 500 yuan per bottle, and the account number also needs to be provided by the customer. "Because one bottle is not enough trouble!"


It is obvious that there is a great risk to inform cattle of the account number and password. However, such means as snapping software are suspected of violating the crime of providing programs and tools for invading and illegally controlling computer information system stipulated in article 285 of the criminal law of the people's Republic of China. The reporter found that there were precedents in the case of manufacturing and selling snap shot software. In the "net 2019" special action, Nantong Public Security Bureau of Jiangsu Province successfully beat down a gang involved in the production and sale of scalper software. The suspect made "seckill" software to sell to thousands of people, making nearly 6 million yuan profit. Those who bought the software continued to sell it to more people at a lower price, with the total amount involved exceeding 10 million yuan.


Source: Beijing Daily reporter Li Songlin Wei Jing


Editor: Zeng Jiajia


Process editor: Guo Dan


update time:2021-02-01 14:42:55


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