More than five kinds of vaccines have been put into use, and more than 30 million people have been vaccinated. Is the new crown vaccine safe?


How many new vaccines in the world


On January 19, 2021, the latest report of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (who) on global vaccines is that at present, there are 52 new coronal vaccines in the clinical evaluation stage and 162 vaccines in the preclinical evaluation stage on the agency's vaccine registration platform.


These vaccines can be divided into five categories: nucleic acid vaccine, inactivated vaccine, adenovirus vector vaccine, recombinant protein vaccine and attenuated vaccine.


However, at present, there are only three types of vaccines in the world: one is mRNA messenger RNA vaccine, which is produced by Pfizer and Modena in the United States; the second is adenovirus vaccine, represented by AstraZeneca in the United Kingdom and Russian satellite 5; the inactivated vaccine is represented by vaccines of Sinopharm group and Kexing company.


In other words, Pfizer and Modena in the United States, AstraZeneca in the United Kingdom, Russian satellite 5, and Sinopharm and Kexing vaccines in China are the main new vaccines to be vaccinated in the world.


However, the most important thing for who is the mRNA vaccine developed by Pfizer, an American pharmaceutical company, and biontech, a German pharmaceutical company, with an effective rate of 90%.


Who not only approved Pfizer / biontech vaccine as early as (December 31, 2020), but also authorized the only new vaccine with emergency use license. This means that those less developed countries that do not have the ability of independent drug audit can also obtain the vaccine through the United Nations.


According to the WHO Circular on December 31, 202, the new coronal vaccine developed by Pfizer / biontech meets the safety and effectiveness standards of the organization, "its anti epidemic effect exceeds its potential risk."


Who also pointed out that the vaccine needs to be cryopreserved below minus 60 degrees Celsius, which is very difficult for many countries. As a result, who will work with governments interested in acquiring the vaccine to find solutions.


At the national level, the drug regulatory authorities of the United Kingdom, the European Union, the United States, China, Russia and other countries have also approved one or more vaccines. Therefore, there are at least five kinds of vaccines in use in the world.


At present, 47 countries and regions in the world have launched the new crown vaccine immunization work, and the number of vaccinations has exceeded 30 million, of which only one is a low-income country.


In order to ensure that all countries in the world can have fair access to life-saving new crown vaccine, who and many other agencies jointly launched the "new crown vaccine access mechanism" to seek to purchase and deliver new crown vaccine for 82 low-income and low-income countries around the world, and assist more than 90 middle - and high-income and high-income countries to purchase vaccines, covering a total of 80% of the global population.


In addition, novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) vaccine global access (COVAX) mechanism was established by WHO, and a pre order agreement was announced to purchase up to 40 million Pfizer /BioNTech vaccines.


The covax mechanism also announced that through the existing agreements with the Serum Institute of India and AstraZeneca in the UK, it is expected that nearly 150 million doses of AstraZeneca / Oxford candidate vaccine will be available in the first quarter of 2021 after obtaining the WHO emergency use list.


It is estimated that by the end of 2021, covax is expected to provide at least 2 billion doses of vaccine, including at least 1.3 billion doses to 92 low-income economies participating in the covax advance market commitment of the global alliance for vaccines and immunization.


How many people are vaccinated to win


At present, there are about 2.41 million new coronal vaccines injected into people's arms every day. China has been vaccinated 22.767 million times.


China and the world novel coronavirus pneumonia to prevent (New) crown pneumonia?


Vaccines are not omnipotent, but they are absolutely impossible without them. Vaccination and other measures, such as daily prevention and control, treatment, control of infectious sources and other measures, can be combined to win.


Now we're going to focus on the role of vaccines.


Novel coronavirus pneumonia should be suppressed as a standard. Group immunity means that a large proportion of human or animal groups are immune to infectious diseases, so that other individuals without immunity are protected from infection.


The higher the proportion of resistant individuals is, the less likely the susceptible individuals are to contact with the infected individuals, and the more vulnerable they are to be protected.


At the same time, the World Health Organization (who) supports mass immunization through vaccination, rather than allowing the disease to spread in any part of the population, because it will lead to unnecessary cases and deaths.


Population immunization is an abstract problem, and it is also a specific problem that can be quantified, but different situations need to be analyzed.


The reason is that it has many variables or factors, such as low basic infection number (R0), low mortality rate, low virus mutation rate, low virus mutation ability enhancement rate (including virulence change, lethal condition change, host adaptability change, etc.), small regional population, small regional area, high average health level of population, and high lifelong immunity rate after rehabilitation.


These factors are difficult to confirm, so there is a lot of controversy. However, specific to some diseases, there are also specific data and successful experience.


The successful cases given by the World Health Organization and recognized that about 95% of the population needs to be vaccinated for measles.


Since measles does not spread among vaccinated people, the remaining 5% will be protected. Polio, on the other hand, requires about 80% of the population to be vaccinated.


Shao Yiming, consultant of who vaccine R & D Committee and chief expert of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of China new crown vaccine technology review, concluded that the level of population immune barrier y can be calculated according to the formula: (1-1 / R0) x 100%.


Among them, R0 is the ability of an infected person to transmit the virus to several people on average, R0 of new coronavirus is 3, y is 66%. Because the vaccine protection rate is less than 100%, and the loss of vaccine in transportation and use, China needs more than 80% of the population to be vaccinated in order to establish the population immune barrier, and this time period is about two years.


Effect evaluation of vaccination


Vaccination, of course, depends on the effect.


Let's look at China's vaccine first. According to the analysis data approved by the State Food and drug administration, the protective efficacy of inactivated vaccine in China is 79.34%, higher than the 50% target of the World Health Organization.


Most vaccines can be marketed in China if the effective rate exceeds 70%. Moreover, in the case of relatively low general protection rate of respiratory disease vaccine, China's new crown vaccine belongs to the first-class level.


From the perspective of vaccination effect, more than 20 million doses of vaccine have been inoculated, and no serious adverse reaction report has been received.


Of course, there were some adverse reactions, mainly local reactions, mainly pain at the inoculation site. Systemic reactions mainly include headache, myalgia and fever.


Moreover, some of the adverse reactions are not caused by vaccines, but the coupling reactions of other diseases. If the recipient is in the latent or prodromal stage of a certain disease, there is a basic disease that has not been found, and the disease happens coincidentally after vaccination, it has nothing to do with the vaccine itself.


According to the two main indicators of safety and effectiveness, China's vaccine has gained trust. At present, at least 24 countries in the world (most of them are low-income countries) have signed purchase agreements with Chinese vaccine companies. Sinopharm expects its production capacity to exceed 1 billion doses in 2021.


Another Chinese company, Kexing biology, says it has the basic conditions to produce 1 billion doses a year, which can meet the vaccination needs of 500 million people.


Worldwide, Israel and the United Arab Emirates have vaccinated about 1 / 4 of the population (more than 2 million people each), leading the world in the proportion of vaccinated population.


The UK and Norway have vaccinated high-risk groups. The UK has vaccinated more than 4 million people, most of them are medical staff and the elderly, including the elderly in nursing homes. The elderly in nursing homes in Norway have been vaccinated, about 40000 people. Germany received about 614000 doses of vaccine.


According to the information released by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention of the United States, from December 21, 2020 to January 10, this year, more than 4 million people in the United States were vaccinated with Modena new crown vaccine. Among them, 10 people had severe allergic reactions and needed to be treated with epinephrine injection. The adverse reaction rate was about 2.5/1 million, and 43 people had mild allergic reactions such as mouth and throat itching, tight throat and rash. All the patients with allergic reaction recovered successfully and no one died.


Among the vaccinated countries, the effect of Israel is better.


In Israel, Pfizer / biontech mRNA vaccines were administered in two doses. The overall results showed that Pfizer / biontech mRNA vaccines could prevent infection or shorten the duration of infection in some vaccinators.


Clalit, Israel's largest health care center, compared the situation of 200000 people over the age of 60 who were vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine with 200000 people who were not vaccinated. It was found that there was almost no difference in the virus infection between the two groups until the 14th day of the two doses.


But after 14 days, the infection rate of the vaccinated group decreased by 33% compared with the non vaccinated group. This specific data shows that the vaccine is effective.


Adverse events and their causes


Vaccines have different technical routes, so they also have different effects and evaluations, which are mainly reflected in inactivated vaccines in China, Pfizer and Moderna in the United States, and Pfizer / biontech mRNA vaccines.


According to the results of late efficacy trials conducted in many countries, it is said that although the Chinese vaccine is considered to be effective, its ability to stop the virus is not as good as the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in the United States.


In fact, this needs to be analyzed in detail. Each vaccine has its own advantages and disadvantages.


So far, there is no serious adverse event of death after vaccination in China.


A few days ago, a Peruvian volunteer who participated in the trial of Sinopharm vaccine died. Some people think that China's vaccine is not safe.


However, on January 27, the University of Cayetano eredia, which participated in the study, issued a statement saying that the volunteer was given a placebo instead of a vaccine, and that "the death of the participant was not related to the vaccine.".


Is the vaccine still effective in the face of virus mutation?


So far, the effect of vaccination has been confirmed, and the mutation of the virus has not affected the effect of the existing vaccines, because all vaccines are based on the virus s spike protein receptor binding region (RBD) as the original antibody.


However, the fact that the vaccine is effective now does not mean that it will be effective for a long time in the future, because the virus may undergo major mutation. To this end, upgrading vaccines in technology is also on the agenda.


The upgrading of vaccines mainly involves mRNA vaccines and inactivated vaccines, because the upgrading of these two vaccines is the fastest, while the upgrading of other vaccines, such as viral vectors and recombinant protein vaccines, is relatively slow due to the many links involved.


Chinese inactivated vaccines can be upgraded without any adjustment to other processes after drug companies obtain the mutated virus strains.


As for the mRNA vaccine, it only needs to change the mutation site in the chemical synthesis map, and then it can be synthesized and modified by machine to become a new vaccine.


China's inactivated vaccine is based on biotechnology. It takes about two months to upgrade the vaccine against the new mutant strain. The mRNA vaccine is a chemical synthesis technology, which can be upgraded in a few weeks. Therefore, the upgrading of mRNA vaccine is faster than that of inactivated vaccine, but the difference should not be more than one month.


This also means that the vaccine can be quickly upgraded to cope with the virus mutation, so the effectiveness of the vaccine will be guaranteed.


In terms of vaccination strategy, it also needs to be adjusted.


Now it seems that China's vaccination is divided into three steps and has an advantage in terms of safety.


The first step is to vaccinate the key population and the population with high risk of infection; the second step is to gradually expand the vaccination to the high-risk population, that is, to vaccinate the people who are prone to severe disease after infection with new coronavirus, mainly including the elderly and the population with basic diseases; the third step is to vaccinate the whole population.


This method will effectively protect high-risk groups, such as the elderly and people with basic diseases, because the results of the early vaccination group will effectively guide the late vaccination group.


The vaccinated elderly (picture / network)


However, countries such as Norway and Germany vaccinated the elderly first, resulting in accidental death of the elderly.


Now, Norway has revised its vaccination recommendation, which was made in December 2020, to recommend that people who are "extremely frail" not be vaccinated. The reason is, "for those who are extremely vulnerable, even relatively mild vaccine side effects can have serious consequences. For those who don't have much in the future, the benefits of the vaccine may be very limited or insignificant. "


*Cover picture: on January 29, 2021, Beijing medical workers vaccinate vaccinators. (Photo by Yuan Yi / people's vision)


update time:2021-02-01 14:42:55


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