Sweden's medical system is the most developed among the five Nordic countries. Why is the fatality rate the highest?


Key points:


The number of new crown infections in the world exceeded 100 million!


About a month later, another official report commented on the population immunization. The news came from the public health England.


What is mass immunity?


This should start with the epidemic law of infectious diseases.


There are three indispensable conditions for an infectious disease to continue to spread among people: source of infection, route of transmission and susceptible population. To stop the spread of infectious diseases is to control the above three factors: on the one hand, to control the source of infection, on the other hand, to cut off the route of transmission, and on the other hand, to protect the susceptible population.


The so-called group immunity is originally a term used in the field of vaccination, which means that when a considerable number of people in the population have immunity, they can effectively protect the susceptible. In other words, when the pathogen spreads to them, the route of transmission is blocked.


These people with immunity are scattered in the society and distributed around the susceptible population, forming an invisible immune barrier to protect the susceptible population.


We can use a picture to show: smiling face represents an individual with immunity, and crying face represents a susceptible person without immunity. This picture tells us: Although these susceptible people have no immunity, there are many immune people around them as a barrier, and they are still protected.


When the errors accumulate to a certain extent and the quantity changes to the quality, the virus strain will change. Once there is a major change in the strain, the resistance acquired by the original infection may become invalid.


For example, in August 2020, a new confirmed case was reported in Hong Kong. The patient was infected once in the first half of the year and recovered later. In the summer, when he went to Europe and returned to Hongkong, he was infected again. After gene sequencing, it was found that the two infected strains were different. This is the conclusive evidence that New Coronavirus has two infections.


When is the virus easy to mutate? When migrating from one host to another, mutation is most likely to occur. In other words, if the infection continues uncontrolled, the virus will continue to mutate.


Thirdly, this strategy of letting some people get infected is actually very inhumane, because it is tantamount to telling these people: the government will not take care of your life and death, let it be! Pray for your life!


As a medical colleague in the field of public health, I really don't understand people who come up with such bad ideas. Where are all his medical books? This is a serious violation of medical ethics. What's more, it has been advocated as "higher humanitarianism". If we don't even care about life or death, where does humanitarianism begin?


The incidence rate of novel coronavirus pneumonia and the overall mortality rate in Sweden were 2., and 1 of the 20 people in Sweden were infected. 1 of the 1000 people died of new crown pneumonia. More than one million people have been diagnosed and more than 20000 have died in Beijing. It would be unthinkable if it happened in China. This is the bitter fruit of Sweden's practice of "mass immunization" and "Buddhist anti epidemic" in the first three quarters of 2020.


3. more importantly, we should pay attention to the two indicators behind the table: the incidence rate in nearly 14 days / the incidence rate in the near 7 days. The two indexes in Sweden still rank the highest. That is to say, the risk of infection among Swedes in recent time is still far higher than that of other Scandinavian countries. There is also a very noteworthy indicator, that is mortality. Sweden also has the highest fatality rate among the five Nordic countries.


So, let young people be infected, can we achieve mass immunity? Has it come true? Obviously, not at all.


This shows that the probability of a new crown patient dying in Sweden is higher than that in other Nordic countries.


What's more, Sweden's medical system is the most developed among the five Nordic countries. Why is the fatality rate the highest in Sweden? This is another consequence of the Buddhist group immunization strategy: the breakdown of the medical system.


The group immunity of the Buddhist system will inevitably lead to the spread of the virus in the society. New Coronavirus is also a virus with strong transmission ability, and a large number of cases will appear in a short time. These patients have to go to the hospital.


Then the problem comes: the carrying capacity of hospitals is not unlimited. Doctors are human beings, not machines. Even machines should be maintained regularly, not to mention flesh and blood. When a medical institution is overloaded, its efficiency will decrease sharply.


Let's take an example: a hospital originally has the ability to treat 10 patients a day. If it sends 10 patients, none of them may die. If 100 patients come in all of a sudden, I'm afraid none of them will be saved.


If it's not easy to understand, there's a simpler analogy: water in plastic bags. A bag that can hold 5 jin of water or 50 Jin of water will burst and leak out.


This is the breakdown effect. The economic concept is called run.


For example, in the UK in the spring of 2020, in the first round of the epidemic, the fatality rate once reached 20%, because a large number of patients swarmed in in a short time, and medical institutions were broken down. After the second wave of the epidemic started in the second half of the year, the mortality rate rose again, which is the same reason.


I wish this COVID-19 could be released soon.


Special author: Li Faqiang, deputy chief physician of Dezhou Center for Disease Control and prevention, member of health education lecturer group



[1] 中国疾控中心官方网站,COVID-19分布图http://2019ncov.chinacdc.cn/2019-nCoV/global.html

[1] China CDC official website, COVID-19 distribution map http://2019ncov.chinacdc.cn/2019-nCoV/global.html

[2] 瑞典国王承认防疫政策失败了:我们失败了,人民遭受了很大的痛苦https://world.huanqiu.com/article/419CtM4fZJz

[2] The king of Sweden admits that the anti epidemic policy has failed: we have failed and the people have suffered a lot https://world.huanqiu.com/article/419CtM4fZJz


update time:2021-02-01 10:51:22


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