Tesla threw the pot again, but this time it hit the iron plate


Tesla's "throwing pot" operation quickly encountered a slap in the face, but this is not the first time its throwing pot act. Xinhua News Agency once issued an article criticizing: "the use habits of Chinese users and the pressure of regulatory authorities can not be used to such unreasonable arrogance."


Tesla apologizes to State Grid Nanchang: the problem of recording being edited and released has been solved


"Throwing pot" State Grid is "connected"


According to the report of Jiangxi city channel, Mr. Tu reported that he contacted Tesla after-sales service immediately after encountering a vehicle fault. According to the instructions of after-sales service personnel, the new car still couldn't be started.


The next day, after Tesla's after-sales personnel arrived at the scene, it happened that it rained in Nanchang. Model 3, which was loaded with a trailer, was unable to close the window due to power failure, so it had to stick a large piece of paper box on the window to block the rain.


For the accident, Tesla inspection, its after-sales person in charge said that the car instant charging current is too large, inverter was burned.


Why does current overload occur when charging at Tesla's own super charging pile? Tesla said that the current of China's State Grid is too large.

据中国乘联数据显示,2020年特斯拉Model 3在华销量为13.74万辆,成为去年中国新能源汽车销量冠军。但在庞大销量的另一边,特斯拉频频发生的自燃、失控等事故却引发外界对其安全性的关注。

According to the data of China Association of passengers, Tesla Model 3 sold 137400 vehicles in China in 2020, becoming the sales champion of new energy vehicles in China last year. But on the other side of the huge sales volume, Tesla's frequent spontaneous combustion, out of control and other accidents have aroused outside attention to its safety.


According to the economic information daily, according to incomplete statistics, since the launch of Tesla Model s and model x, there have been more than 50 combustion, spontaneous combustion and explosion accidents in charging, driving and collision. For each accident, Tesla's solution and response are based on "throwing the pot", believing that the cause of the accident lies in the improper use of car owners.


In 2019, a Tesla Model s exploded in a basement in Shanghai. At that time, Tesla issued a statement that after the investigation and analysis of the Sino US joint investigation team, no system defects were found, and it was preliminarily determined that the individual accident was caused by a single battery module failure in the front of the vehicle.


On December 18 last year, a Tesla Model s in Shenzhen suddenly accelerated during normal driving. After crashing a taxi in front of it into the roadside, it collided with a truck in front of it, causing serious damage to the front of the car. According to the owner of the car, when the accident happened, I suddenly felt that the brake couldn't be pressed and the direction couldn't be turned. The car rushed forward, hit a taxi, and then hit a truck.


Three days later, in response to the accident, Tesla customer support said on its official microblog that after reading and analyzing the vehicle data, during the acceleration of the vehicle and the subsequent two collisions, the driver pressed the accelerator pedal continuously and deeply, but did not press the brake pedal during the period. Currently, Tesla is assisting car owners in insurance claims and vehicle maintenance.


On January 20, Tesla made a response: we initially determined that the cause of the fire was the internal cell damage and short circuit caused by the impact of the high-voltage battery at the bottom of the vehicle, which eventually led to the fire. At present, the case has been transferred to the public security department for follow-up investigation.


In the U.S. market, Tesla also caused a crisis of consumer trust due to various accidents. In the consumer report of the United States in 2020, Tesla's reliability is second to last. Tesla ranked at the bottom of the IQs initial quality report for the U.S. market in 2020 released by J.D. Power.


Finally, on January 13 this year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) officially issued a document, requiring Tesla to recall about 158000 model s and model x electric vehicles, confirming that the touch screens of the two vehicles were defective.


The document points out that the touch screen failure can lead to the loss of rear view camera image and the loss of sound and reminder function of automatic driving assistance system. Drivers will not be able to use the windshield demisting and defrosting functions. If they encounter bad weather and poor visibility, the risk of accidents will increase.


In the domestic market, Tesla made a recall in October last year, which attracted the attention of the market. According to the announcement of the State Administration of market supervision and administration, Tesla recalled 29834 imported model X and model s in China due to problems in the front suspension, rear link and rear suspension.


Even so, according to foreign media reports, in a letter to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Tesla denied that there were hidden dangers in its vehicle suspension, and said that the damage was not caused by quality problems, but by abuse by some Chinese car owners.


The remark soon attracted the attention of the market. Xinhua news agency said, "the cars have been recalled in China, but Tesla does not admit it overseas. It is unreasonable and arrogant that Chinese users are used to it and the regulatory authorities are under pressure."


Play the role of "price butcher"


Tesla, which has been criticized repeatedly, launched a price war after localization.


Just after the new year's day of 2021, Tesla officially announced that the domestic model y was officially open for booking. According to the official website, the model y of long-term dual motor full drive and the model y of performance high-performance are priced at 339900 yuan and 369900 yuan. Compared with the previous pre-sale price of imported model y on the official website, the price was reduced by 148100 yuan and 165100 yuan respectively.


At present, the lowest price of Xiaopeng P7 is 229900 yuan, the lowest price of ideal one is 328000 yuan, which is lower than that of domestic model y; the lowest price of Weilai es8 is 436500 yuan, the lowest price of Weilai ec6 is 368000 yuan, and the lowest price of Weilai ES6 is 3436000 yuan, which is higher than that of domestic model y The lowest price of Y.


It is reported that some car owners even unsubscribed from the new domestic models they had subscribed for overnight, and turned their attention to Tesla, which once "paralyzed" Tesla's official website.


Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the National Joint Conference on passenger car market information, believes that Tesla takes the opportunity of localization to promote sales through price reduction and achieve good scale effect, with the purpose of accelerating the market penetration of new energy vehicles into traditional fuel vehicles.


Some people in the auto industry believe that Tesla has a leading edge at present. Psychologically, it has some arrogance. When the domestic new energy vehicles really rise, I believe Tesla will have a better service attitude.


Note: This article is the original work of radar Finance (ID: leidacj). No reproduction without authorization.


update time:2021-02-01 14:42:55


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