There is no bolt on the gate of the car Hailing circuit


Editor's Guide: in addition to the subway, bus and other public transport, sharing bicycles, didi and other sharing vehicles have also become the first choice for people to travel. As a leader in the field of online car hailing, Didi has more and more competitors in recent years. It is also expanding its business territory, hoping to create more business value. In this paper, the author makes an in-depth analysis of the field of online car hailing, hoping to help you.


How can the network effect and tuyere theory that Internet companies believe in not work in the online car Hailing market?


01 original "four crimes": the weak network effect of "safe area > moat"


In an industry that is still growing naturally, players in the industry are like ships going downstream. Even if they keep the status quo and do nothing, they can still grow. Usually, they may do small-scale tinkering, but they are not interested in big innovation, or they are not so urgent.


Online car Hailing is a market that is still growing naturally (at present, the penetration rate is only 3%), and didi is like a boat going along the river. There is no "721 rule" followed by other industries. But now, it seems that the door of the industry will never be closed, exposing some relatively obvious loopholes.


1. Weak network effect; the original sin of LBS model which is difficult to build barriers


First, the centralized tiktok market with the core of content information, including Tmall, Baidu search, WeChat, jitter, etc. Online knowledge information, instant messaging information, commodity information, entertainment information, etc.


The second is the location-based decentralized service market, namely lbs. Meituan, hungry Mody, word-of-mouth, didi and other brands are the representatives. Through the online order, provide accurate positioning of offline services.


In the former, the realization of business value purely depends on network effect, which is in line with Metcalfe's law. Every new node will make the network value increase at a geometric rate, which has a high degree of network clustering. The network effect of decentralized market benefits from the scale effect. Every new city needs to be opened up from 0 to 1, which has the characteristics of diseconomy of scale and can not achieve natural fission growth.


From this point of view, the success of decentralized market often gives people the impression of "overall stability and weak foundation".


Whether it's a taxi or a take away, any part of the city may be eaten by the "night attack" of smashing money. The number one industry in these fields often doesn't mean that the door of the industry has been closed. As long as there are subsidies, users are willing to try something new. So many people are saying that didi actually has no real barrier. At the beginning, meituan's taxi raided Shanghai, and Harbin's trial operation of Harbin's taxi in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, proved that they could make a breakthrough quickly.


So how to build the barrier of online car Hailing? The answer is to make yourself a super application, and Alipay, the United States and other local life platforms are now heading towards this path.


In order to achieve economies of scale in the decentralized market with location as the core, it is necessary to tap the value of individual traffic through multi application aggregation.


If it is a single tool, no matter how large the flow, its substitutability is relatively high. However, if there are enough tools and services that can be used in more scenarios, we can reduce or share the cost of customer acquisition, and then achieve roundabout economies of scale. A similar case is Gaode. Now Gaode does aggregation taxi and local life. In fact, it shares the traffic cost through the development of multi tool business to realize the network effect under the LBS mode.


2. Lack of natural enemies: the natural sin of "the chosen son"


In Didi's own words, it may come down to the business level contents such as operation, technology, user experience, efficiency and refinement.


However, in the view of some outsiders, there are certainly some reasons for the above, but perhaps the most direct reason for Didi's success is that it is the "son of heaven" of capital, and the capital drive promoted the merger of several leading enterprises in the online car Hailing market at that time. Didi has become the leader of online car hailing, but it may also become a factor limiting the development of online car Hailing.


Perhaps because of ease, Didi in the past is somewhat different from other enterprises in the same period. When the byte beat with Tencent, Baidu and other giants battle, when meituan expand everywhere to meet Ali, Didi seems to be a bit of a mean.


In the early stage, it relies on subsidies to push the market, and in the later stage, it relies on capital to drive, and achieves a unified online car Hailing status in the form of merger. Therefore, Didi has always been a barrier to the safety zone, not a moat. In theory, it can be overtaken by later players.


Encouraged by the capital, Didi's road to prosperity is also an original sin of the industry.

1) 简单的交互:用户摆脱了低成本工具的原罪

1) Simple interaction: users escape from the original sin of low cost tools


There are always opportunities for online car hailing, which is also inseparable from the industry characteristics of low conversion cost. The specific reasons include the following two aspects:


First, the tool attribute of online car Hailing is strong.


The core function of online car Hailing is actually relatively thin. A driver, a car, is easy to homogenize, and the added value is relatively low, or it seems that there is no secondary interaction at all.


The direct communication and service between the platform and users is the first level interaction, but the real improvement of user stickiness depends on the second level interaction. The first level interaction solves the pain point, which is the foundation; the second level interaction stimulates the difference, which is the deep connection. However, it is very difficult to establish two-level interaction in the business of online car Hailing. Users can't provide secondary services for the sake of a certain driver, because it can't be controlled directionally. Customer loyalty is not high, people follow subsidies. What is left is endless enemies and endless battles.


Second, the interaction threshold of online car Hailing is low.


Instrumentalization itself actually means a lower interaction threshold. A super portal plus payment tools can form a new online car Hailing interaction platform. At present, the super portal connecting people and services in the market is actually the underlying logic of aggregating online car Hailing. And the payment is simpler. Online payment is no more than Alipay or WeChat. So we can see that the High German and US group can smoothly cut into the aggregated taxi market. In the future, there may be more super entrances to install the tool plug-in of car Hailing. For the second and third line car Hailing brands, one more entrance brings only benefits to them.

2) 行业不忠:虚假股市的机会原罪

2) Industry infidelity: the original sin of opportunity in the false stock market


Involution is an important reason why there are still opportunities in online car Hailing market.


According to public information, as of last year, online car Hailing has grown for eight years, with a penetration rate of only 3% in China's travel field. Maybe it's too comfortable. Didi has been developing for so many years, but the online car Hailing market is still a "pseudo stock market". The industry still has room for growth, allowing more players to join in. In particular, some vertical schemes can improve the permeability theoretically.


Driven by pressure, Didi launched huaxiaozhu, aiming at the taxi market. At the competitor level, Gaode has also made efforts in the taxi market, and has reached intensive cooperation with many large taxi enterprises in Beijing, such as jinyinjian travel and BAIC taxi.


To a certain extent, these more vertical and more refined taxi services, to a certain extent, actually help the industry break through today's involution.


To sum up, it is not without reasons that the door of online car Hailing has not been closed due to the characteristics of the industry and some of Didi's own factors.


Although the online car Hailing track is no longer suitable for simple entrepreneurs to join, the "barbarians at the gate" of other tracks are actually likely to enter. But the net about car for them like icing on the cake, look at the posture does not seem to want to subvert the appearance of Didi. But for Didi, online car Hailing is the lifeblood. If you are bitten today and bitten again tomorrow, it may be dangerous after a long time.


02 change, collision and Coexistence: where will online car Hailing go in the future?


There are constantly "barbarians" parachuting in the industry, so Didi, as the nominal leader of the industry, naturally can't sit still and try his best to establish a two-level interaction system of the platform.


So how to establish two-level interaction? The answer is to become a super application.


For some time in the past, it's hard for the outside world to know that didi did more frequently last year. Previously, members of the Internet River and Lake team held two views on this: one is to raise the valuation. After all, Uber's lessons are there, and the pure online car Hailing model may be difficult to move the capital market; the other is to seek the "second growth curve" through the "horse racing mechanism".


But now it seems that there may be some reasons for raising the market value, but it should be a secondary factor. The idea of "horse racing mechanism" may also be wrong. Didi is now doing polymerization, mending the dead sheep, and building itself into a super application.


Because of the dream of super application, so many new businesses of didi are launched at the same time, only orange heart can enjoy the treatment of "no upper limit". Didi has never been an e-commerce business before. Why is she so persistent in the community basket business? Because what didi wants is activity and user duration. Agricultural products are high-frequency rigid demand products, easy to produce real-time consumption. Through orange heart optimization, we can improve the activity of the platform and serve the whole ecosystem in the future.


Now, Didi's online car Hailing business is diverting community group buying, but in the future, it may hope to revitalize the whole diversified business ecology through community group buying.


But there is a question: is it too late for didi to make up for the homogenization of local life services?


Let's take a look at Didi's super application ideas: online car hailing, bike sharing, intra city freight, community group buying and didi map. These businesses seem to be found in Alipay. As for meituan, it seems that in addition to maps, other businesses are also covered. Compared with these super entrances, Didi seems to have started a little too late. If other business users are used to using other people's home products, why does didi have the courage to take over users? Do you have access to the Internet?


In fact, any super entrance, its core tag function has the value of high and low. As the core label of super entrance, the net car is not as good as the US group's takeaway frequency in frequency, nor is it as good as Alipay's financial payment and other aggregation tools, even even share a bicycle. In 2020, the average daily order of bike sharing will exceed 45.7 million, while the average daily order of online car Hailing will be 21 million. In fact, the activity of online car Hailing is not as good as bike sharing, and the psychological evaluation of users should be inclined to the low end of the food chain.


Therefore, we don't know whether Didi's position will be overturned, but it may be inevitable that its market share will be squeezed out. At present, T3 travel, Cao Cao travel, Wanshun travel, meituan taxi, Shouqi car hailing, xiangdao travel and Harbin travel all have opportunities.


As for the speculation about the future operation mode of online car hailing, at present, it seems that it may move towards the "taxi type" competition form.


On the one hand, it is to "de share" and implement standardized vehicles like taxis.


What is the essence of online car Hailing? In the eyes of the Internet team, it is to match the demand and supply at a fixed time. The supply side transport capacity needs to achieve intensive coverage to meet the scattered demand. Didi's most obvious advantage now is the transport capacity.


However, at present, the new energy trend of operating vehicles in the future is inevitable. In this case, many didi drivers may not be able to run, and their transport resources may once return to the pre liberation period. Therefore, last year, Didi released the first customized online car Hailing D1 designed and produced in cooperation with BYD, and automobile manufacturers have unique advantages in this aspect. Before that, the car Hailing platform of car enterprise network, represented by T3, adopted the self operated mode from the beginning, providing fixed models to cope with the transformation of new energy.


On the other hand, in one city, many families coexist.


As we all know, many cities have more than one taxi company coexisting. In the future, a city may also have a number of online car Hailing companies to provide common services. Of course, these cities are actually targeted at the Fifth Ring Road. The urban area is relatively large, and many cities have a limited number policy, so there is a large demand for cars, which can make many online car Hailing platforms survive.


According to the data of tianyancha professional edition, there are more than 30000 businesses in China, including "online car hailing, online taxi booking and online taxi booking". Among the existing online car Hailing related businesses, 238 have a registered capital of more than 10 million. Although didi is the only one, the data shows that online car Hailing can support the survival of many regional players all the time.


The specific market share division is still difficult to predict. To some extent, the trend of online car Hailing market may also depend on the efficiency of didi super entrance. Through the realization of two-level interaction and network effect, improving the market defense of a single city can effectively avoid the possibility of individual cities being eroded, and then reduce the expansion speed of competitors. But in the middle of this period of time, in fact, it is the development window period of the "new forces" of online car Hailing.


Travel is just a need, but as a market with strong social public attribute, taxi is difficult to be monopolized by one company. In fact, a healthy growing market also needs full market competition to improve the progress speed of the industry.


From this perspective, the current characteristics of online car Hailing industry not only provide entry opportunities for more players, but also stimulate didi to go out of the comfort zone, like the other two TMD companies before, constantly looking for more meta business challenges.


The world is no longer the world of the didi family, but it is still the world of the world.




Everyone is a product manager. Reprint is prohibited without permission


The title is from unsplash, based on cc0 protocol.


update time:2021-02-01 10:51:22


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