Weima auto IPO: 51 year old founder, with a valuation of 37 billion yuan


Magic scenes of new energy vehicles appear: another new car making force rushes to the science and technology innovation board.


According to investment news, Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau announced on January 29 that Weima automobile has the conditions for guidance acceptance and application for listing on science and technology innovation board. This means that Weima automobile has completed the listing guidance, and if there is no accident, it will formally submit the prospectus soon, which is expected to become the first new car making force to land on the science and technology innovation board.


Since its establishment, Weima automobile has gone through 12 capital increases, with a total financing amount of more than 30 billion yuan. Behind it stand domestic and foreign investors including industrial investors, Internet giants, fund "national team" and top VC / PE venture capital funds. According to the list of the top 500 Unicorn enterprises in the world in 2020, the valuation of Weima automobile has reached 5.857 billion US dollars (about 37.8 billion yuan).


At present, Weima automobile is not the only new force in car building that spurs science and technology innovation board. Zero run, skyline, Nezha, Aichi and other new car building forces have made it clear that they want to land on the science and technology innovation board, and even Evergrande automobile plans to apply for listing on the science and technology innovation board. A common consensus is that electric vehicles are being sought after by the capital market, and now is the best time to go public for financing. In 2021, the second wave of new car building forces is coming to the market.


At the age of 51, he made a car after he got rich and free


37 billion in six years


Weima is on its way to IPO. On January 29, Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau announced that Weima smart travel technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Weima automobile") has met the conditions for guidance acceptance and application for listing on the science and technology innovation board. This means that Weima automobile has completed the listing guidance and started to submit the prospectus.


Different from Weilai, Xiaopeng, ideal and other new car building forces, Weima automobile has more traditional car building style, which is related to the origin of Shen Hui, the founder of Weima automobile. Before the founding of Weima, Shen Hui worked in famous auto companies such as Volvo, Fiat and Geely, and spent many years in the auto industry.

正当他犹豫着要回家的时候,沈晖生命中的重要伯乐李书福伸出了橄榄枝。当时,吉利有意收购沃尔沃,并进入关键谈判阶段。2009年,沈晖加入吉利担任副总裁,并成为project v的全球负责人。沈晖在收购过程和随后的移交中发挥了重要作用。

Just when he hesitated to return home, Li Shufu, an important Bole in Shen Hui's life, extended an olive branch. At that time, Geely was intending to acquire Volvo and entered the key negotiation stage. In 2009, Shen Hui joined Geely as vice president and became the global head of project v. Shen Hui played an important role in the acquisition process and subsequent handover.


After the merger and acquisition of Volvo, Shen Hui became a well-known figure in China's automobile industry and ushered in a peak of his career. Then, however, he made a bold decision: to resign and start a business.


On the last day of 2014, Shen Hui left Geely. In 2015, Shen Hui was 45 years old. He was already rich and free. He could have continued to be a professional manager, but he chose to build a car full of challenges.


At the beginning, Shen Hui accepted the invitation of his friend Ying Yilun and co founded Botai automobile with Ying Yilun. Based on the accumulation of Shen Hui in the automotive industry for many years, he is mainly responsible for establishing a complete vehicle team and building a new company's product design and production system. In the next few months, Shen Hui recruited talents everywhere and set up a team of more than 30 people. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. Shen Hui and another founder had a difference in concept and left the company.


Shen Hui decided to start his own business and set up a company specializing in car making. After that, Shen Hui flew to Germany many times to win an electric vehicle manufacturing team. In October 2015, Shen Hui acquired the team and quickly set up Weima automobile, so as to truly open up his hands to do "new energy + intelligent vehicle".


At the same time, new domestic car making forces also swarmed up: in January 2015, Xiaopeng automobile was founded in Guangzhou; in April 2015, ideal automobile was founded in Beijing; in May 2015, Weilai automobile was founded in Shanghai. As a member of the first wave of Internet car building forces, Weima automobile appears to be "out of place". Shen Hui took the most stupid, slowest, and most valuable way to build a car: instead of looking for a substitute factory, he built his own.


In a short period of two years, Weima automobile has been in the forefront of new car launch, mass production, delivery and quantity, creating a "Weima speed" that shocked the industry. In December 2020, Qingdao Municipal People's government and China private enterprise research center of Renmin University of China jointly released the list of top 500 Unicorn enterprises in the world in 2020. According to the list, the valuation of Weima automobile has reached 5.857 billion US dollars (about 37.8 billion yuan). Now, Weima automobile is going to the science and technology innovation board, and is expected to become the first "new car making force" to land on the science and technology innovation board.


Sold 22500 cars a year


12 rounds of financing 30 billion, investors' lineup is luxurious


Car building has always been a waste of money, and it needs a lot of money. The financing process of Weima automobile is also magnificent.


According to the listing guidance report, Weima automobile has gone through 12 capital increases since its establishment, with a total financing amount of more than 30 billion yuan. Besides, there are industrial investors, Internet giants, fund "national team", top VC / PE venture capital funds and other domestic and foreign investors behind, forming a diversified investor matrix.


At the beginning of the establishment of Weima automobile in 2015, Shen Hui was recognized by the capital with years of industry accumulation and contacts. In August 2016, Weima automobile announced that it had obtained US $1 billion in round a financing. At that time, the company was just 10 months old.


Weima's craziest financing took place in 2017. In this year alone, Weima automobile obtained six capital increases and two equity transfers. Especially in December of that year, Weima automobile announced two rounds of financing in succession: first, baidu capital led investment, amoeba capital, SIG Haina Asia, baidu group, etc., followed by US $1 billion of round B financing; and Sequoia China, Minmetals investment, Tencent, China's state-owned enterprise institutional adjustment fund participated in round B + financing.


Looking back on Weima's financing history, Baidu has always been an important investor. In March 2018, Weima automobile completed round C financing with a total amount of RMB 3 billion, led by Baidu group, and invested by Taihang industrial fund and linear capital. At that time, Li Zhenyu, vice president of Baidu group and general manager of intelligent driving business group, once commented: "Shen Hui and his team, who have been immersed in the industry for many years, have gone through domestic and foreign automobile enterprises, integrated multiple backgrounds, not only have a global perspective, but also deeply cultivate the local industry, until now they are the new force of car manufacturing."


In the next two years, the sound volume of Weima decreased. In 2020, the new forces of car making will have a double effect: Xiao Peng and ideal will go public in the United States one after another, and the stock price will soar; however, news that other players can't support themselves will also rise one after another. Weima automobile once faced great pressure -- Lu Bin, co-founder and senior vice president of strategic planning of Weima automobile, was transferred from his original position and left in 2020; some dealers chose to "withdraw from the network" because they could not bear the high inventory pressure exerted by Weima automobile; on the staff side, after Weima began to reduce the basic and performance-based salary of front-line sales in the second half of 2020, some of the old dealers began to work hard The salesmen also left under pressure.


When the outside world was in doubt, Weima announced a huge amount of financing. In September 2020, Weima automobile announced the completion of round D financing with a total amount of 10 billion yuan, which is also the largest financing for new forces to build car tracks in 2020. In this round of investment, in addition to Baidu and Sina Asia venture capital fund (SIG), there are also "national teams" from Shanghai state-owned investment platform, SAIC Group and other state-owned industrial funds.


There are many new forces in car making. Why did investment institutions choose Weima automobile? Xinding capital has bet on Weima and Xiaopeng at the same time. Zhang Chi, chairman of Xinding capital, once said that Weima is one of the few enterprises that have set up their own factories among the leading enterprises of the new force in car manufacturing. As an old man in the automobile circle, Shen Hui's product strength and contacts are also trustworthy.


However, in terms of terminal sales, there are some drawbacks in the model of Weima automobile. Different from Weilai and Xiaopeng's direct sales, Weima chose the "partner" store mode, which could not be separated from the traditional dealers. The heavy assets in the channel side once delayed the sales to a certain extent. According to the data of the passenger Association, in 2020, the total annual sales volume of Weima reached 2.25 vehicles, with a year-on-year growth of 33.3%, but the competitors grew faster - Weilai's annual sales volume was 43700 vehicles, Xiaopeng's was 27000 vehicles, and the ideal delivery volume of only one model on sale was 32600 vehicles, all ahead of Weima.


Magical scenes


In 2021, the second wave of new auto makers will be listed


At present, it is not only Weima automobile that is competing for the first share of the new force of car making of science and technology innovation board.


In the second echelon of the new forces of car manufacturing, Zero run, Tianji automobile, Nezha, Aichi, etc. have made it clear that they want to impact the science and technology innovation board. In addition, Evergrande automobile, which has passed the "shell replacement listing", has also gone to the science and technology innovation board. After Weilai, Xiaopeng and ideal went to the United States for listing, the second wave of new Chinese car making forces came.


Why do the new car building forces rush to land on the science and technology innovation board? As the new energy vehicle is in line with the national strategy, breaking through the key core technology, high degree of market recognition of scientific and technological innovation enterprises, it is one of the three types of enterprises focused on by the science and technology innovation board. According to the analysis of some people in the industry, as the first share of the new force of car making on the science and technology innovation board, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will have greater support and higher valuation.


On the other hand, the new energy vehicles are ushering in an unprecedented high light moment, which is pursued by the capital market. At this stage, it is the best time for listing and financing.


In the past year, new energy vehicles have exploded the capital market. On January 21, 2020, Tesla's market value exceeded $100 billion for the first time. You know, in mid-2019, Tesla's market value once shrunk to just over $30 billion. At that time, he Xiaopeng said on his microblog, "I can't understand it, and I don't see the logic of such a high valuation." However, no one thought that this was just the beginning. Less than a year later, Tesla's market value soared from $100 billion to $834.1 billion. And musk also ascended the throne of the world's richest man, which seems to announce the beginning of an era of electric vehicles.


This also makes the new forces of car making in China the beneficiaries. Weilai, ideal and Xiaopeng, which have been listed, bear the brunt. Among them, the stock price of Weilai has increased more than 14 times since the beginning of 2020, which is even more fierce than Tesla. At present, with a market value of 88.9 billion US dollars (about 571.2 billion yuan), Weilai is the second largest auto company in China after BYD. In addition, ideal and Xiaopeng will gather in the US stock market one after another in 2020. Just a few months later, the market value has tripled. Weilai, Xiaopeng and idealist, once jokingly known as the "three fools of electric", have now become the "three heroes of electric".


What's more dramatic is that Evergrande, which has not yet produced a car in mass production, has become the third largest car enterprise in China. On the evening of January 24, Evergrande announced that it had obtained HK $26 billion in financing, which is one of the largest equity financing in the history of new energy vehicle industry. As soon as the news came out, Evergrande's stock price rose by more than 50% the next day, with a market value of nearly 400 billion yuan, just like BYD and Weilai. Before that, Shen Hui sighed in his microblog that "Evergrande is inferior to the car", which showed the craziness of the new energy automobile industry.


There is no craziest, only crazier. Even Jia Yueting's Faraday future (FF) came back from the dead. On the evening of January 28, FF announced that it had reached a final agreement with special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) on business merger. After the completion of the transaction, the company's valuation is about US $3.4 billion (about RMB 22 billion), and will be listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange with the stock code of "ffie". In addition, FF will establish joint ventures with Geely and a first tier city in China to support the production and operation of FF China and its headquarters in China.


Bayern, who has been out for half a year, has survived. After burning up 8.4 billion yuan of financing, byton not only failed to build mass production cars, but also was in the state of wage arrears and shutdown, which was once named by CCTV. Even so, the auto company is still alive. On January 4, 2021, Baiteng announced that it signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Foxconn Technology Group and Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone. The three parties will work together to promote the mass production of beiteng new energy vehicle products, and strive to achieve mass production of m-byte by the first quarter of 2022.


Hefei government's investment in Weilai has achieved a Book Return of more than 100 billion yuan, which has made the mode of "new car building forces + government support + listing" popular, and various regions have begun to compete for new car building forces. As Zhu Jiangming, the founder of Zero run auto, said, the performance of Weilai, Xiaopeng and ideal after listing makes many investors feel that they have good investment opportunities in new energy vehicles. "Zero run is likely to be their last ticket." In the same way, all parties hope to get a ticket, "no matter who he is, vote again," sighs one VC.


In 2021, the second wave of new car building forces is coming. I don't know what crazy scenes will be staged for new energy vehicles.


update time:2021-02-01 10:51:22


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