Weiya and his wife's business expansion: after sitting on 14 companies, they quietly set up a venture capital company


Weiya and his wife quietly started a VC.


The investment community has learned that tianyancha shows that on January 28, Qingdao qianmiao Private Fund Management Co., Ltd. was established. Its business scope includes private equity fund management, venture capital fund management services, etc. The company is 100% owned by Qianxun (Hangzhou) Holding Co., Ltd. and its suspected actual controller is Dong Haifeng.


The outside world is quite strange to the name of Dong Haifeng, but when it comes to "the first female anchor", Weiya is very familiar, and Dong Haifeng is Weiya's husband. The couple started from scratch. In 2003, they set up a clothing store in Beijing wholesale market with a start-up capital of 6000 yuan. Later, they traveled to Xi'an, Guangzhou and other cities, until they met the biggest turning point in 2016 - live broadcast on Taobao, creating myths in the field of e-commerce live broadcast.


After 14 companies,


Weiya and his wife quietly set up a venture capital company


This time, Weiya and his wife are eyeing venture capital.


Tianyancha shows that on January 28, Qingdao qianmiao Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. was established with a registered capital of 10 million yuan and its legal representative is Zhao ran. Its business scope includes private equity fund management and venture capital fund management services. However, the investment community has found that Qingdao qianmiao Private Fund Management Co., Ltd. has not yet been put on record.


Through equity penetration, it is found that the company is 100% owned by Qianxun (Hangzhou) Holding Co., Ltd., and its suspected actual controller is Weiya's husband Dong Haifeng, with a total shareholding of 53.3%.


In fact, before Weiya and his wife set up a venture capital agency for the first time, the couple had already quietly laid out a huge commercial territory. In addition to Qianxun holdings and Hangzhou Qianxun e-commerce, Dong Haifeng is also a legal person of 12 companies, most of which are registered in 2019 and after.


Weiya's real name is Huang Wei. She was born in 1985 in a business family in Anhui Province. Before that, she worked as a singer and model. In 2003, she began to sell clothes in the wholesale market in Beijing. Her business was very impressive. In 2008, Weiya and her husband Dong Haifeng moved to Xi'an and opened 10 clothing stores in an attempt to expand their business.


In 2012, with the rise of e-commerce and the impact on the physical stores, the two came to Guangzhou and transformed to open Taobao stores. In order to find out how to play e-commerce, Weiya took many detours. In "double 11" of 2014, a clothing in the store exploded, creating more than 10 million sales. She was eager to sell a large order, but lost millions of yuan because the supply chain couldn't keep up. For this reason, she also sold two apartments in Guangzhou.


However, it was the double 11 that made Weiya see the explosive power of e-commerce. In 2016, Weiya officially entered Taobao live. With the support of Dong Haifeng, Weiya has become more and more famous with her own efforts, and has become the head net red of live broadcast with goods. In that year, she was the most sought after anchor of Taobao live broadcast ceremony. Taking advantage of the live broadcast, Weiya's Taobao shoes store and clothing store grew rapidly, with sales of nearly 300 million in 2016.


On October 10, 2017, a sales record of 70 million yuan was set in five hours. Weiya became famous in the first World War, catching up with and surpassing the record of 20 million yuan set by Zhang Dayi, the first anchor of Taobao at that time. In March 2018, Taobao released the income ranking of talents. Weiya, 32, ranked first with an annual income of 30 million yuan. Later, her live record was constantly refreshed by herself. During the double 11 period in 2019, the guiding transaction volume exceeded 3 billion, creating the myth of e-commerce anchor industry again.


Since 2020, Weiya is even more unstoppable. In April, Weiya sold rockets in the live studio, and the launch service of "kuaishu-1 carrier rocket" with a launch capacity of 4000 was robbed by seconds. In a public welfare sales activity in Hubei, Weiya cooperated with Dongfeng Motor, an old domestic car company, and sold 1750 cars in 7 minutes in a live broadcast room with 5 million people. In addition, she moved the live studio to the model house and sold the house through live broadcast. She also helped Yuan Longping promote rice, selling 860000 Jin in one minute.


Statistics show that in 2020, the total turnover of Weiya's goods reached 20.208 billion yuan, ranking first in the list of Taobao's live celebrities, and Li Jiaqi ranked second. In 2020, the total turnover of Weiya's goods was 12.922 billion yuan.


Weiya is not only Qian Xun's anchor, but also her boss. In Dong Haifeng's eyes, many anchors need the team to push forward, but Weiya is not, "she is far ahead, pulling the team to run with her."


In the past 20 years, Weiya and Dong Haifeng have been fighting against each other and making achievements. An interesting detail is that Dong Haifeng was born as a dancer. At that time, he was just a humble accompaniment to Lin Yilun. Now he has become the boss and signed Lin Yilun as an artist of his company. This reversal is amazing.


Out of the studio,


They cast huge territory


In addition to the live broadcast room, the myth of wealth creation of e-commerce anchors continues.


From the company behind the anchor, Li Jiaqi's Guizhou meiwrist Network Technology Co., Ltd. has invested in 8 companies, Weiya's Qianxun holding 12 companies, and Simba has set up an investment company to complete the foreign investment.


Last September, an announcement opened the mysterious investment territory of an e-commerce anchor. On September 16, the company announced that the company's shareholders planned to transfer 5% of the shares of Xinxuan investment and Zhang Xiaoshuang by agreement at the price of 9.162 yuan per share, with a total consideration of 432 million yuan. As soon as the announcement was made, the stock price of the initial shares rose by the limit for two consecutive days, and the market value soared by 1 billion yuan.


Xinxuan investment has a bright future. Kwai Tsing revealed that the investment was founded in April 23, 2020, with a registered capital of 100 million yuan, and the largest shareholder of the company is Xin You Zhi, the "fast brother" Simba who was still in the draught at that time, with a total shareholding ratio of 95%, and served as the executive director and general manager of the company. Zhang Xiaoshuang was the co founder and supply chain leader of Xin Xuan investment. This means that through this investment, "Simba series" holds 10% of the initial shares, becoming the second largest shareholder of the latter.


The investment started in June 2020, when Simba, which has been known for more than a month, made a sales record of 800 million yuan in more than three hours. One side is the children's clothing company, and the other side is the e-commerce anchor. The outside world is curious about why the two sides promote this cooperation? The person in charge of start shares said that this investment is not a simple capital action. Both sides are interested in the imagination space brought by the combination of live broadcast with goods and entities.


The capital map of Xinxuan investment is more than that. In October 2020, Xinxuan investment also acquired 49% of the equity of shengxun yunshang, a subsidiary of shengxun Da, through equity transfer. So far, shengxun yunshang has become a joint venture subsidiary of shengxun DA and Xinxuan, and Simba serves as the chairman of the subsidiary. The investment community has learned that shengxinda started with games. After this operation, the two sides will carry out in-depth cross-border cooperation.


But Simba's empire began to collapse because of the bird's nest fraud. After more than one month of fermentation, the incident was officially Kwai Chung: the personal account of Simba was suspended by the fast hand authorities for 60 days, and the 27 members of the Simba family were 15 days. At the same time, the market regulatory authorities also issued a 900000 yuan ticket for Simba.


More anchors joined the investment team. According to the incomplete analysis of investment circles, Weiya has directly or indirectly invested in 21 companies, while Li Jiaqi has realized her dream of building a beauty brand through investment. She has personally invested in nearly 10 companies, of which 5 companies hold 100% shares, involving brand planning, media workshops, e-commerce, cosmetics, network technology and management consulting. As you can see, the investment map of the anchor has not bypassed the e-commerce live broadcast ecology.


In the live broadcast room, e-commerce has set off a crazy wave of goods, creating a series of wealth myths. Unconsciously, the competition between these super head anchors has extended to the live broadcast room, and they are trying to use the real money they earn to cast their own land.


update time:2021-02-01 14:42:55


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