Beating the table with the boss, power being lifted, income not improving: scientists are "escaping" from the enterprise


The story of talents is always inseparable from the development background of the industry.


We need to go back to the beginning of AI wave in 2016.


At that time, the wind of AI was just rising, and the enthusiasm for entrepreneurship in China was unprecedented. A number of AI star companies emerged. They often raised more than 100 million yuan, and the valuation was rising all the way. For example, Shangtang raised billions of dollars between 2017 and 2018. In 2018 alone, the total amount of financing reached $2.22 billion, and the valuation soared from $2 billion at the end of 2017 to $6 billion.


According to public records, from 2016 to 2018, there were more than 2000 investment and financing events in the AI industry, and the amount of financing reached a new high of 250 billion yuan. The flow of capital often determines the flow of top talents.


This kind of background has brought great opportunities for University scientists who have been on the bench for many years.


A well-known AI bull once said in an interview with tiger olfactory, "before the rise of AI, we were in the graduate and doctoral stage. We were embarrassed to tell others that we were doing algorithms, but said that we were learning computers, because many enterprises didn't understand algorithms and AI at that time. On the contrary, computers were more popular."


When AI became popular, these former researchers became the object of competition for enterprises. Many companies even launched bidding wars in order to compete for these talents.


Professor Andrew Moore, Dean of the school of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, once said publicly: "the value of an AI expert to an enterprise is at least US $5-10 million.".


According to people familiar with the situation, for well-known experts in the field of AI, their annual salary and stock total salary will reach several million or tens of millions of dollars in four or five years. At some point in the future, they will renew or renegotiate a new contract, much like professional athletes.


For example, according to sina science and technology, on September 18, 2019, Ali announced that Chen Ying, former chief engineer of Qualcomm, and Tan Ping, lifelong associate professor of Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Canada, had joined Ali Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and the annual salaries of the two scientists were as high as one million US dollars.


On the one hand, when the business model is not clear, they need the platform of scientists. At that time, it seems that "those who get Ai scientists get everything.". On the other hand, because deep learning and other technologies are too new, talent accumulation is insufficient. The scarcity makes the flow of AI talents more and more frequent. Technology giants try their best to grab top AI talents, such as Baidu's "young commander plan", Alibaba's Dharma academy, Facebook's fair, etc.


Take the aridamo academy as an example. Before and after its establishment, it expanded its personnel crazily, and was once known as the "Utopia" of top scientists. Including but not limited to the following experts and scholars:


As can be seen from the above figure, this cliff like gap is particularly obvious in 2019. When AI companies can no longer obtain financing by PPT, when the voice of doubt in the industry is greater than affirmation, those scientists with the most star Aura will be the first to hear the voice of failure.


As a result, both big Internet companies with abundant funds and star AI companies in the industry are gradually returning to rationality and evaluating the "cost performance" of AI scientists.


For start-ups, the "cost performance" is more important. For example, for some enterprises, inviting scientists to join can make the company have more brand value, thus gaining recognition in the capital market, facilitating financing, and enabling the enterprise to improve its popularity in the industry in a short period of time. Frankly speaking, scientists act as the facade of enterprises.


Therefore, as we can see, at the beginning, enterprises will come up with very good conditions and prospects to attract scientists, but after all, small and medium-sized enterprises are not "patient" enough to achieve the combination of technology and industry with a longer exploration cycle. This is an unacceptable "compromise" for scientists who pay attention to scientific research achievements.


As a result, the speed of talent flow has become faster.


As for the reason, some analysts said that there might be a problem with the operation mode of the laboratory. After all, Ma Yun once positioned laboratories (including Dharma Institute) at the cloud habitat conference in 2017: "more than 90% of the research items can not only be in the laboratory, but must be in the market. Only in this way can the laboratory go far. "


However, in response to this incident, Alibaba said that "Ai labs has been integrated into cloud intelligence in the last round of architecture changes, and is still recruiting a large number of people."


With such a lesson, more and more large factories are becoming more cautious and clever in introducing scientists.


Recently, when talking about the flow of AI scientists in an interview, the person in charge of an AI Laboratory of an Internet factory once pointed out that more and more enterprises now choose to cooperate with scholars from several domestic universities, so that both enterprises and scientists can have a relatively safe and appropriate distance and guarantee, and also can perform their respective duties.


From the perspective of scientists themselves, there are many problems after joining the enterprise. One of them is that the project has been "accelerated". On this point, we can only draw an analogy from the situation of foreign scientists.


A foreign media once pointed out that neuralink, a star brain computer interface company founded by musk, once had a large number of founding scientists. But some former employees who have left say that the slow development of science can't keep up with Musk's harsh schedule.


Scientists are given a few weeks to complete certain projects, while research takes longer to complete, creating a "pressure cooker" like environment inside the company, and many employees feel "completely overwhelmed".


According to the late report, most companies do not give enough time tolerance, and R & D has cost pressure. "If we can't see the economic benefits in the short term, its development is not so fast.". On the other hand, there are not enough people. The recruitment targets available are limited. The senior management also has to balance various departments, and the personnel and resources of other internal departments can not be fully controlled and dispatched.


When Hu olfactory communicated with some AI academic experts, they found that they had a common maladjustment when they worked in the enterprise, that is, they took on more and more management work. For them, although the management work was not difficult to be competent, it went against their original intention.


One of the AI scientists said that in an enterprise, although scientists or research institutes do not have to bear the pressure of revenue directly, as the person in charge of relevant business, scientists also need to deal with performance accounting, business evaluation and other work, which requires scientists to be clear about everyone's development and contribution while ensuring scientific research, so as to make the original painstaking work more painstaking power.


In addition, academic scientists have lived in ivory towers for a long time, and few of them can withstand the cruel commercial test.


Take an autonomous unicorn in China as an example. In the founding team of the company, Yang Fan, a scientist, is also the technical director of the company. At first, the team members basically perform their own duties. However, with the development of the company and the aggravation of competition in the whole industry, the landing and Realization of technology has gradually become the priority of the company's development.


As a result, contradictions began to appear.


As a technical practitioner, Yang Fan insists on the original intention of R & D, and stubbornly believes that technology does not reach a certain extreme level, which is not enough to talk about landing and realization. This is contrary to the company's idea of rapid sales. Before long, conflicts broke out. Yang Fan had several challenges and quarrels with his boss because of his technical requirements.


Then, the academic talents in the company began to lose their attention, and Yang Fan also began to be suppressed internally. First, he was questioned about his poor management ability, and then he was reduced in the number of managers. From the initial management of 200 to 300 people, he was completely elevated, which was equivalent to sitting on the bench.


At the end of the story, of course, Yang Fan chose to leave and entered a new force car making company. One small detail is that when Yang Fan left the company, he got more "Congratulations" from his peers or colleagues. It's very rare that everyone agreed that "leaving is a better choice".


Generally speaking, the "breakup" between enterprises and AI scientists is more the result of mutual choice.


The end: who can leave with dignity


As a result, AI scientists began to leave for several years.


For example, simou technology, founded by Jia Jiaya, is a company that uses AI vision technology to enter the intelligent manufacturing industry; aibee, founded by Lin Yuanqing, former president of Baidu Research Institute, is an AI integrated solution company aiming at the transformation and upgrading of the vertical industry; feibu technology, founded by he Xiaofei, former president of didi research institute, is a company that focuses on the scene of driverless trucks.


But are these entrepreneurs who leave big business really better than before? The answer is not sure.


Not get forever in the commotion.


An AI scholar who has returned to academia said that almost every researcher has an entrepreneurial dream, because the ultimate goal of entrepreneurship is to influence technology.


It is undeniable that the departure of AI scientists from enterprises is the result of the choice of both enterprises and individuals. When the scope of business that AI scientists can influence becomes narrower and narrower, and when the competition of enterprises returns to the second half of commercial value, perhaps this is the most economical choice for both parties.


End: what is the gap between scientists and enterprises


How to bridge the gap between scientists and enterprises?


First of all, it is certain that any scientist has the original intention of putting technology on the ground and expanding its influence.


However, this demand can only meet the needs of a few enterprises in a certain period. For example, AI scientists and NLP (natural language processing) experts from Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent when smart speakers were on the rise. For example, when AI vision was on the rise, all companies were competing for the technology magnates. For example, now all major enterprises are competing for the chip industry experts and scholars.


Therefore, it is very important for scientists to choose the right time to "get in and out".


In addition, although these scholars can get higher salaries with the aura of scientists, it also means more giving up to some extent.


From the point of view of scientists, the first thing to face is to adapt to the enterprise and abandon the concept of academic spring and snow. Accordingly, more efforts should be made to meet or conform to the development needs of the company.


A scholar with the experience of enterprise business department, enterprise research institute and University Research Institute at the same time said that the advantages and disadvantages of these three kinds of departments for academic personnel are very obvious.


From the perspective of academic research alone, in fact, the influence of technology is progressive. For example, in the business department of an enterprise, technology can only affect one or a series of products, while the technology of Enterprise Research Institute affects the technology trend of the whole company. In the research institutes of colleges and Universities, the problems of technology integration and industrial technology are solved more and more, and the influence is gradually widening.


However, the above views have not been generally accepted. Some people think that what colleges and universities solve is not the problem of industrial technology. On the contrary, the research institutes of enterprises seem to be the combination of industry, University and research.


As we all know, in China, for a long time, research is generally the "task" of colleges and universities. This also determines that the industrial research of colleges and universities is more "exam oriented", most of the purpose is for academic competition and paper publishing. Scholars in Colleges and universities are more used to doing research in the ivory tower, and their ability in business landing is very weak.


And this trend also continued to the early AI entrepreneurs, because in the view of some entrepreneurs with college background, publishing papers in top journals or winning academic competitions is the only way to grow rapidly. They focus more on proving themselves than landing.


In fact, this exposed a common problem of industry university research in China, and even became a major reason why AI start-ups were so sad all over the world for a period of time - technology alone made it difficult for products to be recognized by the market.


The current situation of production, teaching and research in China also makes more and more large companies start to seek cooperation in foreign universities. For example, Huawei has a large amount of production, teaching and research expenses overseas every year to ensure its advantages in the technological frontier.


From a corporate perspective, scientists in start-ups may take on more responsibilities, such as resources, revenue and technology. In large enterprises, subject to the internal management of the enterprise, the actions of scientists are easy to be restrained, which eventually leads to the deformation of actions. Therefore, when recruiting these talents, enterprises should teach students in accordance with their aptitude, reasonably divide responsibilities and give full play to their strengths.


But in the final analysis, it's actually that enterprises and scientists want more from the wave of AI and more from each other. After all, no enterprise is a charity organization that can pay at no cost. On the contrary, the essence of capital is to spend less and do more.


This is one of the important reasons why scientists will continue to make career choices and value measurement.


So it can be seen that the gap between scientists and enterprises is not difficult to cross, but enterprises and individuals are always doing a choice about "cost performance".


We can foresee that in the future, AI scientists will return to academia, or the trend of entrepreneurship will continue.


update time:2021-03-01 10:41:45


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