Japanese media: Chinese manufacturers hoard second hand chip manufacturing equipment to resist US pressure


Japan's Nikkei Asia review published an article on February 28, original title: China is hoarding second-hand chip manufacturing equipment to resist the pressure of the United States. At a time of tight trade between the United States and China, and Chinese semiconductor manufacturers are eager to produce local products, they are rushing to buy second-hand chip manufacturing equipment. This has driven up equipment prices in Japan's secondary market.


The older generation of devices are not subject to U.S. sanctions against China, which allows Chinese players to buy without restrictions. The trend of living at home caused by the epidemic is also one of the factors. As global chip demand continues to rise, even if not the latest devices are selling fast. These second-hand equipment are mainly sold through personal transactions.


A Japanese second-hand equipment manufacturer said that since last year, the price of related equipment has increased by 20% on average. The price of core equipment such as lithography system has increased by three times. "Nearly 90% of the second-hand equipment seems to flow to China," said a source with Mitsubishi UFJ leasing finance


Beijing is pushing for more local semiconductor manufacturing at a time when the US limits access to chip manufacturing technology for Chinese companies. Chinese manufacturers are hoarding older generation equipment as the US limits access to cutting-edge technology for Chinese companies. "I've heard that some Chinese manufacturers are buying a lot of equipment, even if they won't put it into use right now," said one market person

这一流行病也促进了二手设备的流行。电视和电脑显示所用的驱动芯片以及网络设备所用的电源管理芯片需求旺盛。"日立资本(Hitachi capital)的一位业内人士说:"现在你能买到的二手设备的价格比全新机器的价格还要高。"

The epidemic has also promoted the prevalence of second-hand equipment. There is a strong demand for the driver chip used in TV and computer display, and the power management chip used in networked appliances. "The price of second-hand equipment you can buy right now is higher than the price of brand-new machines," said an industry source at Hitachi capital (translated by Yoichiro hiroi, Chen Jun'an)


update time:2021-03-01 14:59:46


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