Jitter issued punishment notice to crack down on tiktok and other bad content


In February 26th, the TikTok Security Center issued a notice of punishment for punishment, and banned and banned a number of accounts that were deliberately showing off wealth, malicious speculation, and against social order and good customs. Since January, the center has cleared 2862 tiktok videos, 324 audio items and 47 topics, and has banned 3973 illegal accounts.


The announcement said that tiktok advocated rational consumption and scientific and civilized lifestyle. This administration focused on six categories of bad values and unhealthy lifestyles. It includes advocating money worship, comparison and pleasure seeking, discriminating against, ridiculing or attacking non rich groups, publishing a large number of luxury information about minors, creating "self-made counter attack into elite" personal equipment for marketing or fraud, deliberately displaying a large amount of cash and throwing money, and making sales videos, pictures, copywriting and other rich materials.


Tiktok safety center responsible person said that deliberately showing off the rich content of the community pollution, especially harm to the health of young people, the sound of this highly valued, will also enter the normalization of governance, welcome users to actively tiktok related violations.


The following is the original announcement:


In order to advocate rational consumption, scientific and civilized lifestyle and build healthy and upwards and valuable community atmosphere, tiktok has been cleaning up various kinds of unhealthy values and unhealthy lifestyles through product means and operation methods, and punished the relevant accounts.


From January 1, 2021 to February 25th, the center of the trembling Safety Center handled and cleaned up the accounts and contents of the relevant unhealthy information released by the platform, and accumulated 2862 videos, 324 audio and 47 tiktok, and 3973 related accounts were banned.


Tiktok will punish the relevant accounts in strict accordance with the platform management rules on the long-term strike platform involving the following violations.


1. The content of advocating money worship, comparison and enjoyment, fantasy rich content and other lifestyle and bad values;


2. Improper display of their own advantages and social status, and discrimination, ridicule or attack against non rich groups;


3. Minors release a lot of luxury information, as well as other irrational behavior and language content;


4. The content of marketing, social intercourse or fraud is set up by "Bai Fumei", "Gao fushai", "from scratch to become elite", "returned students";


5. Improper use of RMB and other currencies, intentional display of a large amount of cash, throwing money and other means of content;


6. Production and sales of rich video, pictures, copywriting and other content.


Now some cases and accounts in this governance are publicized as follows:


Case 1: deliberately showing a lot of cash and throwing money

1月3日,tiktok安全中心收到用户的报告。用户mit***bao tiktok发布了一段短视频,上面有大量图片显示mit***bao中的现金。

In January 3rd tiktok security center received a report from the user. The user mit***bao tiktok released a short video with large images showing the cash in mit***bao.


After reviewing and evaluating the relevant accounts and video content, the center of the jar security center decided that the video tiktok was suspected of using Renminbi and other currencies unintentionally, showing a lot of cash and money and other behaviors, which did not meet the platform values. Subsequently, tiktok security center carried out the video processing of the user's "mit***bao" (tiktok: mit***bao) and banned the account.


Some of the punished accounts are publicized


Case 3: making and selling rich videos and pictures


In February 22nd TikTok Security Center found in daily inspections that the user "I * * *" (dy***v9) released a video, and displayed a set of WeChat dialogue and a short video in the video content. According to the analysis of the dialogue content, the user charges tiktok to help users make videos and pictures.


After reviewing and evaluating the relevant accounts and video content, the center of the jitter security center decided that the video was suspected of producing and selling videos of tiktok, pictures and copywriters. The tiktok security center then processed the video of the tiktok (dy***v9) video and banned the account.


Some of the punished accounts are publicized


TikTok Safety Center


February 26, 2021


Editor Chen Li proofread Liu Jun


update time:2021-02-28 17:33:08


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