Selling 1.6 million cars in five years, why does Li want to "float"?


Let's start with the financial report just released.


Turn losses into profits


2020 is a very special and important year for ideal car, because at present, ideal one, the only model, will be delivered in December 2019 (1029 vehicles will be delivered in that month). In addition, ideal car submitted its prospectus to the US SEC on July 11, 2020, and then completed its listing in the US.


Therefore, 2020 is the first year for the complete delivery of ideal one. At the same time, the release of Q4 financial report means that the results of the annual financial report in 2020 will come out, and this financial report is also one of Li Xiang's confidence in daring to say "crazy words".


Let's take a look at the key data of the whole year


In 2020, a total of 32624 ideal ones were delivered, with a gross profit margin of 16.4%;


In 2020, the total revenue will be RMB 9.46 billion, the gross profit will be RMB 1.55 billion, and the gross profit rate will be 16.4%;


In 2020, the operating loss is RMB 669.3 million, and the loss under non GAAP is RMB 526.5 million;


The net loss in 2020 is RMB 151.7 million, and the loss under non GAAP is RMB 281.2 million;


In 2020, the operating cash flow is RMB 3.14 billion, and the free cash flow is RMB 2.46 billion. By the end of 2020, the cash and cash equivalents will reach RMB 10.172 billion;


In fact, according to the annual data, the financial report of ideal car is not outstanding, but on the one hand, this is the first year after the official delivery of ideal car. It is already good for a new car company to achieve the highest sales volume of new energy SUV in China, 16.4% of gross profit of car sales, and sufficient cash reserves; on the other hand, since the delivery of ideal car in 2019 is about not started, so it is very important for a new car company It's less significant than the data in 2020.


But if we look at the horizontal comparison from the quarterly dimension, we can see where Li Xiang's strength lies.


In 2020, a total of 14464 ideal one vehicles were delivered by Q4 ideal cars, with a 67% increase on a month on month basis, reaching a new high in quarterly delivery volume. Of course, the quarterly impact of China's auto market and the impact of the epidemic situation are included, but the continuous growth of sales volume is enough to show the market's recognition of ideal one.


In 2020q4, the gross profit was 724.6 million yuan, up 45.9% on a month on month basis; the operating loss was 78.9 million yuan, down 56.2% on a month on month basis, indicating that the overall operating efficiency is constantly improving and the scale efficiency is gradually obvious. Under non GAAP, the operating loss reached 71.1 million yuan, up 58% on a month on month basis. This was due to the substantial expansion of Q4, the investment in sales stores and personnel, and the increase in R & D investment, rather than the issuance of a large number of equity incentives in Q3.


(data / ideal financial report, chart / Sun Mingyuan)


Ideal automobile has proved Li Xiang's correct strategy in operation and product with solid financial report, and the huge cash reserve also makes Li Xiang dare to continue to stick to this idea. Of course, behind his "wild talk" is not only the financial support, but also his careful thinking and judgment on the development of new energy market and consumer psychology.


Choice is important


Li Xiang not only accurately judges the trend of Tesla's stock price, but also knows how to develop in the new energy vehicle industry.


Although the trend of new energy vehicles has issued a large number of "tickets", in order to survive in this "new market", we still need to follow the "old rules". That is to say, before the establishment of brand power, we should either impact the education market with great product power and characteristics, or find another way to avoid the most competitive market.


Li Xiang chose the latter.


The original name of ideal car is "car and home". In Li Xiang's blueprint, its user portrait is the demand characteristics of "Chinese car consumers": household, practical, cost-effective, and high-end (face) Based on this demand, the charging and endurance problems of new energy need to be solved, and the product features such as large model and intelligent are revealed immediately.


It's very simple. Instead of laying out long-term charging facilities or breaking through battery technology, it's better to first solve the problem of practical use, that is, add program hybrid system. In this way, it can avoid the problem of "it's difficult to educate consumers and the competition is very fierce" in the pure electricity market. On the other hand, it can bring the advantages of intelligence and motor into the product while ensuring the endurance. Finally, based on the add program hybrid system We will develop and polish the three electric technologies, wait for the opportunity to find technology and market opportunities, and enter the pure electric market to adapt to the future development.


If we don't do that, we are likely to be defeated by the cruel market before we have established our own technological core and competitiveness. The reason is very simple. It's very difficult to confront Tesla, a "rabbit that keeps on walking", just to overcome years of technology accumulation later than Tesla. Moreover, to realize this kind of technology arms race, the funds and talents required are immeasurable. For a start-up car company, it's just like eating out of its own pocket.


In the Q4 financial report conference, Li Xiang also held the same attitude towards those "later car makers": in the new energy automobile industry, it will take at least 3-4 years to build and deliver the first product, and the user scale and technical strength of the ideal car after 3-4 years are beyond comparison.


So Li Xiang is not unaware of the existing problems of the extended range hybrid, but considering the overall situation, at least the advantages of this road outweigh the disadvantages, and the ideal car has the highest probability of survival.


However, as mentioned in the financial report telephone conference of ideal automobile, ideal automobile has gone from the "0-1" stage to the "1-10" stage after going through the difficult years. With the guarantee of capital and profitability, Li Xiang is very clear that ideal automobile must choose to improve its solid technical strength and hard product strength in order to achieve long-term development.


Therefore, the increasing R & D cost in 2020, the planned R & D cost of at least 3 billion yuan in 2021 and the expected R & D cost of 6 billion yuan per year in three years will be injected into the "next stage" of the ideal, that is, pure electric high-voltage platform, autonomous driving technology and other core competitiveness, in which autonomous driving will account for more than half of the R & D Fund.


In order to achieve these goals, the ideal most need is talent.


A while ago, ideal established a Shanghai R & D center and began to recruit large numbers of people from the society. In the Q4 conference call, CTO Wang Kai even mentioned that ideal urgently needed talents from all aspects and hoped that everyone would join ideal automobile. It seems that he came to the conference call not to introduce strategies but to recruit openly.


Everyone knows that although Tesla has innumerable black spots, it is obvious to all that Tesla is strong in terms of technical strength. Behind this, it is the huge talent team that supports Tesla today. They are the foundation of its core competitiveness. Just as apple has been recruiting talents from Tesla, automatic driving companies, traditional car companies, technology companies and other places in recent years, no matter how big the goal is promised, it needs a solid talent team to support it.


Through the feedback from the market, it is not difficult to see that Li Xiang's choice for the "0-1 stage" is correct, and through the ideal future planning, Li Xiang's planning and preparation for the "1-10" stage are relatively perfect. If the ideal car can be promoted step by step according to the plan, then from the perspective of the promised product strength, there is no doubt about the substantial growth of its sales.


This is the second confidence of Li Xiang.




Although ideal car has the word "ideal" in its name, both its products and its future expectations and plans fall into reality. Li Xiang, who knows car buyers very well, was once criticized by the media as "paying too much attention to consumers". But in fact, it is precisely based on this that ideal car has passed the most difficult stage of "survival".


The revelry of the new energy market at the capital level gives some people the illusion that as long as they try to get involved, they can make money. But now many new car companies have proved that this is a false proposition with painful lessons.


No matter how big the air outlet is, whether it can fly or not depends on its own strength. This is an eternal rule in market competition.


It's OK to learn from Tesla, but blindly follow everything of Tesla, that's overpowering. China's auto market has its own characteristics. Consumers' rigid demand for cars is not the same as that of overseas markets. Therefore, the most direct evidence will be the downfall of new cars and the failure of some auto companies. In addition, the trend of the industry does not represent the current situation. How to meet the current market and steadily promote the long-term goal will also be a common problem faced by new car manufacturers.


Whether it's Li Xiang or other "newcomers" in the car industry, it's respectable to shout "crazy words". But whether there is a detailed planning and matching resource base, and whether it can be promoted step by step, is the real core of the problem.


update time:2021-03-01 14:59:46


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