Top 10 AI patent companies in 2020: more than half in the United States and only two in China


Recently, GlobalData released a list of patents of various technology companies in the field of AI in 2020, and some companies in traditional industries are not lagging behind in the field of AI. Half of the top 10 companies are from the United States, and the rest are from China, Japan and South Korea.


There has always been a debate about "which company is the best in AI". GlobalData collates the patents published by various companies in the world in the field of AI, which can show which company invests more in AI to a certain extent.


AI patent application is not only the standard to measure a company's future digital strategy, but also answers the question of who is winning AI hegemony competition to some extent.


10th place: Canon


Our daily understanding of Canon is limited to "moving often" and "deceiving screens". In fact, Canon also focuses on the production of cameras, medical equipment, scanners, printers and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.


Canon was founded in 1937 with a history of 83 years. It has about 200000 employees. Due to the sufficient capital "cash ability", the R & D team has strong innovation ability, and there are a lot of patent applications in other fields every year.


Sixth place: Alibaba


Alibaba was founded only 22 years ago, and our impression of it is probably the leader of Taobao and e-commerce.


Alipay's security system is also the best in the industry, and it can't be cracked without a "sesame open door".


In addition to being a leading cloud provider and technology giant, Microsoft also leads machine learning research and artificial intelligence development.


Although Microsoft is a giant, not all AI experiments are particularly successful.


In 2016, Microsoft released a chat robot, tay, a 19-year-old female. The original design intention was to promote AI research. However, due to the unexplainability of the model, there were several times when Tay went online. Microsoft could only delete inappropriate comments and then adjust it directly offline. We don't know why Tay tends to be Nazi. AI needs to be used more carefully.


Fourth place: IBM


IBM is the oldest company on the list and has been in existence for 109 years.




All the companies on AI track have made amazing progress. AI has changed our lives, including navigation, property safety, medical treatment and so on. Although most of the patents they applied for may never meet with us, as long as a small part becomes reality, it will greatly facilitate our lives.


In 2010, not 2021.


reference material:


update time:2021-03-01 14:59:46


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