Top five electric vehicle enterprises compete for hegemony: Weilai has the strongest financing ability and has raised 6.1 billion US dollars since last year


Weilai electric vehicle


Tencent technology news on March 1, as various electric vehicle manufacturers invest billions of dollars in the development of new models and compete to expand infrastructure in the Chinese market, the competition for capital in the capital intensive industry of electric vehicles will continue this year.


Many electric vehicle start-ups in the Chinese market are increasing production, while traditional automobile manufacturers are shifting from producing fuel vehicles to producing electric vehicles. All these companies need more financing to raise funds for the development of electric vehicles with longer driving range and improve vehicle safety. In addition, car manufacturers have to invest heavily in building more charging stations in the Chinese market to sell cars to 1.4 billion consumers.


With the share prices of electric vehicle companies soaring, 2020 is undoubtedly a golden opportunity for them in terms of financing. Since January 2020, some electric vehicle companies have been the most responsive to changes in the industry, maximizing the willingness of investors to participate in the growth of the industry.


Analysts say investment in driving the traditional auto industry to electric vehicles is just beginning. Bank of America equity analysts said in a research report that the complete electrification of the auto industry would cost $2.5 trillion. Future autopilot cars also need more investment.


The window of opportunity opened since January 2020 gives the ever more mature participants in the electric vehicle industry the opportunity to open up more financing channels, which help companies retain talents, build factories and install more equipment.


Open market investors have joined the trend, such as Tesla, the electric car maker, whose share price is nearly nine times higher than in early 2020.


In view of the current prosperity of the market, it can be said that the funds raised by leading electric vehicle enterprises may have exceeded the funds they can effectively use. The following are the top five electric vehicle manufacturers in China's financing market since 2020.


No.5: ideal car


Financing amount since 2020: US $2.46 billion


Total financing: US $3.16 billion


In July last year, ideal car was listed on NASDAQ through an initial public offering


Ideal car is supported by meituan review, China's online service platform. In July last year, ideal automobile was listed on NASDAQ through an initial public offering, raising $1092.5 million, and then issued about $1.363 billion of shares in December.


The ideal car, founded by the serial entrepreneur Li Xiang, is the first company in China to commercialize extended range electric vehicle technology, which helps solve the problems of lack of charging infrastructure and limited battery power in the market. If the car's battery runs out, the internal combustion engine will start.


According to the data of CrunchBase, an enterprise service database company, in the round a to round C financing, the ideal car financing is 676 million US dollars. Just before the IPO, cangu, an auto trading service platform, invested $30 million in ideal auto.


According to refinitiv, a market research firm, ideal cars have no outstanding debt.


NO.4: Tesla


Financing amount since 2020: 3.1 billion US dollars


Total financing: US $20 billion


Elon Musk, CEO and early investor of Tesla


Founded in 2003, Tesla is a financing machine. According to public records, Tesla has raised about $20 billion from outside investors.


Tesla was listed on NASDAQ on June 29, 2010, raising $260 million. Now, as the world's most valuable automaker, Tesla's share price was $816 as of mid February, 48 times its $17 IPO price. CEO and early investor Elon Musk is now one of the richest people in the world, driven by the soaring share price of Tesla.


In January 2019, Tesla began to build a super factory in Shanghai. This is Tesla's first factory outside the United States, and its electric vehicles have become popular models in the Chinese market. The model 3 electric vehicle produced by the company was the best-selling electric vehicle in the Chinese market last year, and the Wuling Hongguang Mini eV of SAIC Group ranked second. In 2020, 21% of Tesla's revenue will come from the Chinese market, making it the company's second largest market after the United States.


On January 1 this year, Tesla launched the second electric vehicle model y produced by Shanghai Super factory in the Chinese market, which is expected to continue to boost Tesla's electric vehicle sales this year.

根据市场研究公司refinitiv的数据,特斯拉的融资中有13笔是股票发行,总价值约134.5亿美元,还有8笔债券,总价值54亿美元。在IPO之前,特斯拉从私人市场投资者那里筹集了约7.05亿美元的债券和股票。招聘平台LinkedIn称,三菱UFG前银行家林书豪(John Lin)是特斯拉全球资本市场团队的成员。

According to refinitiv, a market research firm, 13 of Tesla's financing were stock issues, with a total value of about $13.45 billion, and eight bonds, with a total value of $5.4 billion. Prior to the IPO, Tesla raised about $705 million in bonds and equity from private market investors. John Lin, a former banker at Mitsubishi UFG, is a member of Tesla's global capital markets team, according to LinkedIn, a recruitment platform.


No.3: BYD


Financing amount since 2020: US $4 billion


Total financing: US $11.3 billion


BYD electric vehicle


Unlike Tesla and other new energy vehicles in the Chinese market, BYD was a traditional car manufacturer before switching to electric vehicles.


BYD, backed by billionaire Warren Buffet, has been making electric cars since 2002. In December, the company sold more electric cars than traditional cars. BYD was listed in Hong Kong in 2002 and Shenzhen in 2011.


BYD, China's biggest auto maker by market value, raised HK $29.9 billion (US $3.8 billion) in January by issuing new shares, its first since 2016, according to refinitiv, a market research firm. The company also raised $282.8 million last year by issuing bonds.


BYD, which was founded in 1995, said it issued new shares to speed up the replacement of fuel vehicles with new energy vehicles and intelligent vehicles.


BYD is the world's third largest car manufacturer by market value, second only to Tesla and Toyota, and its electric car brands include Qin, song, Han and Tang. BYD is also the world's largest manufacturer of electric buses.


BYD was originally a manufacturer of rechargeable batteries. According to refinitiv, the company has raised $7.9 billion from the stock market and $3.4 billion from the bond market.


No.2: Xiaopeng automobile


Financing amount since 2020: US $5.1 billion


Total financing: US $7.7 billion


Xiaopeng's factory in Zhaoqing, Guangdong


Since the beginning of 2020, Xiaopeng automobile has raised a total of US $5.1 billion. As of mid February this year, the stock price of Xiaopeng automobile in the United States rose to $43.41, almost three times the IPO price of $15 per share.


In August last year, Xiaopeng automobile was listed on the New York Stock Exchange, raising $1.72 billion. Xiaopeng automobile was founded in 2014. In December last year, Xiaopeng auto issued 2.484 billion US dollars of additional shares to investors.


Xiaopeng automobile is putting the financing funds into R & D, and its third model is scheduled to be officially launched and put into use this year. The company delivered 27041 cars last year.


In addition to the capital market, Xiaopeng received 4 billion yuan (about US $620 million) of investment in September last year to build a second electric vehicle factory. In January this year, Xiaopeng automobile obtained a total credit line of about 12.8 billion yuan from the bank. Although it has not been fully used, it is conducive to the smooth operation of the company's cash flow.


Xiaopeng completed the C + round of financing in August last year, raising a total of $900 million from investors such as Alibaba and Xiaomi. According to the data of CrunchBase, in several rounds of financing from 2016 to 2019, Xiaopeng has raised about US $2.64 billion. According to refinitiv, a market research firm, xpeng has no outstanding debt.


In 2018, Xiaopeng automobile hired Gu Hongdi from JPMorgan in the United States as its head of financing.


No.1: Weilai


Financing amount since 2020: US $6.11 billion


Total financing: US $9.6 billion


Li Bin, founder of Weilai


In the past year, Weilai has gone through a roller coaster journey. It was on the verge of bankruptcy in April and became the fifth largest automobile manufacturer in the world by market value.


In 2018, Weilai was listed in the United States, raising $1151.8 million. As of mid February, its share price was $57.32, more than nine times its IPO price of $6.26.


Since its listing, Weilai auto has been one of the electric vehicle companies with diversified capital structure in China's market by raising funds through equity, bonds and loans. According to LinkedIn, Weilai appointed jade Wei as its head of capital markets in 2018.


According to refinitiv, a market research firm, Weilai's investor relations team was very active last year, raising $4.8 billion from stock investors at least three times. Weilai also issued $1.5 billion worth of convertible bonds in January this year, double the total amount of $750 million issued in 2019. The company also privately issued $200 million in convertible bonds in 2020.

CrunchBase的数据显示,在IPO之前,惠康通过a轮到D轮融资筹集了14.09亿美元,其中包括腾讯和总部位于爱丁堡的投资管理公司Baillie Gifford。(腾讯科技/焦涵评论)

Before the IPO, Wellcome raised $1.409 billion through round a to round D financing, including Tencent and Edinburgh based investment management company Baillie Gifford, according to CrunchBase. (reviewed by Tencent technology / Jiao Han)


update time:2021-03-01 14:59:46


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