Apple will use giant Tesla batteries at its California Solar Farm to power its headquarters during the day


Tencent technology reported on April 1 that Apple announced the construction of a solar power plant in Northern California as early as 2015. The company announced on Wednesday local time that it would launch a large-scale energy storage project in this power plant, using giant batteries from Tesla, an electric vehicle manufacturer.


Apple's new project will store up to 240 megawatt hours of energy and power more than 7000 homes throughout the day, according to documents submitted last year. The project will consist of 85 giant Tesla lithium-ion batteries to power the company's headquarters in Cupertino. The head of Monterey County Planning confirmed in an email that Apple would use Tesla batteries. Apple declined to comment, and Tesla did not respond to requests for comment.


"The challenge for clean energy (including solar and wind energy) is that there are intermittent restrictions on its power supply," Jackson said on Wednesday. If we can solve this problem, we can prove that it is effective for us. It will eliminate people's worry about intermittent supply and help the power grid ensure stable power supply. This is something that other companies can follow or learn from. "


Jackson also said Apple plans to share its findings in building the project with other companies. But she said it was too early to say exactly how it would do it. Apple has also shared environmental technology development experience in other projects, including an aluminum smelting joint venture in Canada and apple recycling technology laboratory in Texas.


Tesla first announced the giant battery pack energy storage system in 2019. However, the 60 megawatt storage device Apple will use is not Tesla's largest. Tesla has built about 100 megawatts of larger overall battery storage solutions in Australia and south of Houston, Texas.


While Apple uses lithium-ion batteries in many of its products, it is not known that it is working on any grid scale project. However, the company is said to be developing a lithium iron phosphate battery for its electric vehicle project.

苹果和特斯拉的业务没有太多重叠,尽管两家公司都以"互相挖角"著称。特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)去年12月披露,他曾试图在2018年提出苹果的方案,但苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)却"拒绝"与他会面。

Apple and Tesla don't have much overlapping business, although both companies are known for "digging into each other's corner.". Elon Musk, Tesla's chief executive, disclosed in December last year that he had tried to put forward Apple's proposal in 2018, but Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive, "refused" to meet him.


Tesla is best known for its electric cars, but the company has been working hard for years to build an energy storage business to strengthen the solar products that came with its acquisition of solar company SolarCity. Over the years, in addition to its home battery business, the company has been increasingly involved in large-scale energy storage projects of companies such as apple.


Although the revenue is not high compared with the billions of dollars generated by Tesla's auto business, energy storage products have attracted at least some customers. In 2019, Volkswagen announced the use of Tesla batteries in some of its electric America charging stations in the United States. (Tencent technology reviser / Jinlu)


update time:2021-04-01 10:48:31


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