Community group buying midfield battle: while opening positions and withdrawing points, the fire began to fall secretly


Reporter she Xiaochen Ke Xiaobin


Editor Wen Shuqi


After half a year of crazy conquest, community group buying began to reduce the fire secretly.


"After the Spring Festival, all large and medium-sized platforms have entered the stage of refined operation." A co-founder of a player in the middle of the community group buying industry told an interface reporter.


According to the interface news, meituan optimization has begun to rectify the team leader and raise the entry threshold; Didi's orange heart optimization has taken the layout of grid warehouse as its important strategy; Duoduo has also begun to strengthen the optimization mechanism, and some grid warehouses have iterated for several rounds to eliminate those agents who are not "professional".


After more than half a year of enclosure, the stock market (community resources) has been basically divided up. At the same time, in the rapid expansion, from the data point of view, the company has made a distinction between good and bad communities, and built a refined operation model.


This is not consistent with the market's judgment that the community group buying company will run wildly during the Spring Festival.

一个典型的现象是,社区团购的BD(Business Development)开始大面积失业。

A typical phenomenon is that BD (Business Development) of community group buying began to lose a large area of jobs.


After the second half of last year, meituan, didi and other giants entered the market one after another, shouting the slogans of "taking the first place in the market" and "marching into 1000 cities before the year". At that time, the salaries of team leaders and BD also went up. Nowadays, in several BD groups promoted by a community group buying platform, a large number of BD lose their jobs and quit their work groups every day.


The policy also has an impact on the situation of this industry - in December last year, the General Administration of market supervision and the Ministry of Commerce issued the "nine no" on community group buying, which made clear provisions on the distribution mode and price of goods, and to some extent ended the "face-to-face" price war. This makes the means that Internet giants used to be good at and used to be ineffective when they entered new fields in the past. The restrictions on prices have compressed the space for disorderly expansion, and the era of refined operation has arrived ahead of time.


Nevertheless, in this still competitive track, players from all walks of life are still fighting within their ability. Predictably, the circuit is about to usher in another round of shuffle, and the giants are still the most likely to get the final ticket players.


While opening, withdraw


In order to continue to stay on the table, the head player once frantically replenished ammunition.


"In November, orange heart optimization was digging people regardless of cost." At the end of last year, in the face of higher salaries, a local promoter joined orange heart from a smaller platform. At the most exaggerated time, we can launch 17 regiments a day.


For this demanding and high-frequency industry, the Spring Festival in 2021 is a good time for community group buying.


After more than half a year of fighting, the Internet giants who have joined the community group buying have achieved phased results. According to Caijing, the single peak volume of Duoduo Maicai, Chengxin youyou and meituan youyou in December last year exceeded 10 million.


The Spring Festival is indeed a rare opportunity. During the festival, the demand for group buying in the community has skyrocketed, and the user concentration is high, which also has the conditions for innovation and growth. The situation of "Celebrating the new year on the spot" even makes the community group buying companies "block" the first tier cities on a large scale.


One of meituan's preferred warehouse and freight personnel told UI news that from before the Spring Festival to March, he can only rest one day a week and work normally during the Spring Festival. A person familiar with the supply chain told us that during the Spring Festival, the freight volume increased, the distribution fee below the grid warehouse for Duoduo vegetables increased to 2 times, and the logistics cost of a single piece also increased by 3 times.


Therefore, the Spring Festival is still an opportunity to overtake for the giants who are not bad at money. After all, compared with the old players such as Xingsheng youyou and Shihui group, the time for these giants to enter the track is less than half a year.


On January 12, Duoduo bought vegetables in Kaicheng, Shanghai, becoming the first group buying platform in Shanghai. After that, orange heart opened Fengtai and Daxing in Beijing. At the end of January, meituan preferred Kaicheng in Beijing.


But on the other hand, before the Spring Festival and until now, the giants have also withdrawn a large number of personnel and points in the stock cities.


A meituan preferred tweeter said that after more than three months of meituan's work, he still failed to become a regular, and his early efforts were in vain. In addition to them, a large number of BD and team leaders are facing unemployment every day.


"At the end of December, the staff of meituan told me that the company was rectifying the team leaders who did not pull the group and occupied the position but had no orders." A Guangdong convenience store owner said. In addition, starting from the beginning of this year, these leaders have the assessment requirements for the amount of tasks: they need to guarantee the amount of 20 orders a day. A number of leaders from different regions told the interface news that it has become the consensus of the industry to improve the access threshold of leaders.


In fact, the head players who are always ready for hand-to-hand combat ended the "burn money" mode at the end of December due to a piece of paper, and ran into the turning point of operation.


On December 22, the State Administration of market supervision and the Ministry of Commerce held an administrative guidance meeting on regulating the order of community group buying, in which six enterprises including Alibaba, Tencent, Jingdong, meituan, pinduoduo and didi participated. The meeting put forward the requirements of "nine no's", including no low price dumping, unfair competition, etc.


Affected by this policy, open price war has not been allowed. This means that the role of money, the biggest advantage of the giants, has temporarily failed.


A supplier of the head community group buying platform said that after the "people's Daily" published an article criticizing the monopoly of community group buying, the price war of each warehouse in his charge has been restrained, "the punishment is not strong, but the harm is great." But for him, it's a good thing, because they've been losing money for a long time.


I can't figure it out


In last year's development stage of community group buying, all players are striving to cover more points in order to seize the market. At the same time, it's also an opportunity to test.


But the entrants need to give an answer. In the view of the co-founder of the above-mentioned central community group buying company, "after nearly a year of operation, it is found that the group efficiency in some areas is not high. As a result of refined operation, those BD who do not do well will be dismissed."


The company only needs to leave people who really master the "Gmv code" to reduce costs and increase efficiency - the strategic adjustment of the county market is a typical example.


In the "sinking" county market, which used to be valued, the players in the middle of China were the first to be unable to carry it. "The Gmv of County cities is about 2 million per month. The Commission of the head of the team accounts for 10% of the total cost, the logistics cost of warehouse distribution is also 10%, and the operating cost is about 8%. But the gross profit is about 160000, which will lead to a loss of 240000 per month." Another co-founder of the community group buying platform, for example. Because of this, since the end of last year, they have taken the lead in withdrawing from the county level market.


In the county market, meituan optimization, Xingsheng optimization and shihuituan also adopt the dual mode of "direct marketing + agency". "Each agent is responsible for its own profits and losses. This dual mode allows head players to minimize costs and losses." A person familiar with the supply chain said.


This means that even large companies are putting the pressure of profit and loss on their agents to ease their own profit pressure. Central players can not carry the past, the giants account is not over.


"This year, orange heart will increase the scale of offline stores." An investor close to orange heart said in an interview with an interface news reporter that after checking the efficiency and cost, the orange heart team found that the return on investment of the team leader was far less than that of offline stores.


The supplier of the above-mentioned group buying players in the head community said that before the Spring Festival last year, he "cut" nearly half of his warehouse.


The reason for the withdrawal is nothing more than loss, which is affected by many factors. "Some are the flow, some are the purchasing and selling relationship, some are the performance ability, and some are the cost of the central warehouse."


From September last year to the year before, this supplier has been following the platform's "strategic loss", but in the process of platform transformation, they also began to pursue profits at the same time. "Quantity is not our only standard. We still see whether we can make money. As a business, our ultimate goal is to make money."


An investor who has been concerned about the new retail industry for a long time said that in addition to the influence of policies, another factor for community group buying to enter the stage of refined operation is the particularity of the industry. "Community group buying involves many links, such as suppliers, sorting, logistics, warehouse allocation, and so on. The cost of each piece is relatively large, which is not suitable for the previous Internet money burning mode."


Midfield tug of war


Giant is still so, small and medium-sized players should cherish the surplus food.


"Last year, after the leading players came in, we could only significantly reduce the number of operation points, but also shut down some businesses in other cities." The co founders of the above-mentioned central platform said that compared with the giant's abundant funds, the money they raised has no possibility of a war with the giant. "Our current business is more concentrated in one province. In the first half of last year, our strategy was still a national platform."


It is one of the ways to improve the net value of users and provide related value-added services. In the view of the above co founders, this is the path of their refined operation.


For the giants who do not lack funds, after stopping burning money crazily, the ability to fulfill the contract becomes the next focus. According to the aforementioned investors, the competition of community group buying actually includes four key elements: local promotion ability, online traffic, capital and supply chain. When the price war is terminated, the giants will launch a new round of tug of war around these four elements.


Since this year, orange heart has turned to the layout of grid warehouse as one of the important strategies.


Grid warehouse is a transit storage center between the community group buying center warehouse and pick-up point, and it is also an important link different from the traditional e-commerce logistics form, which affects the final performance results. At the end of last year, the number of grid warehouses built by orange heart optimization exceeded 1000. Up to now, it has reached nearly 3000 in just three months.


An orange heart preferred middle-level said that they realized that the retention and re purchase of users ultimately depended on the quality and service of performance. "New users always account for only a part of the proportion. If we can't retain high-frequency users who have been re purchased for a long time in the future, we can't win in the battlefield for a long time. So we think we should focus on the refined operation. "


In his view, compliance will eventually become the key to determine whether the business model is established.


With the change of refined operation, the specific planning of grid warehouse has also changed: last year, the grid warehouse selected by orange heart belongs to the performance type, which only does warehouse allocation and does not do sales; this year, in some regions, especially in the county and township markets, the company will establish more "sales and allocation integration" type grid warehouses, that is to say, the person in charge of grid warehouse should assume the functions of head and operation, and be responsible for the management of grid warehouse I'm responsible for the sales.


And Duoduo also adjusts its strategy while running. Central warehouse and grid warehouse have a loss transition period of one or two months. After that, they help suppliers and agents stop losses by raising prices and other policy support. In addition, some head players began to explore ways to improve efficiency through manpower, such as employing full-time personnel to deliver goods to the door by the head of the team, so as to solve the point-to-point problem.


From all the well-known VC's joining the start-ups in 2018 to the influx of giants last year, from a longer perspective, community group buying has just entered the midfield. The price war was suspended, and the giants began to explore new ways of competition.


Pinduoduo, meituan, Didi, Ali or xingshengyou, who can reach the end of the protracted war? In the stage of refined operation, how to improve efficiency, reduce the loss of goods and make the efficiency of the supply chain higher will become the focus of competition in the next stage.

(如果您对本文有任何意见,请在微信通信中添加作者:charlotte-007;nfeng\ 2018)

(if you have any opinions on this article, please add the author to wechat communication: charlotte-007; nfeng_ 2018)


update time:2021-03-31 18:34:34


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