How long can the 10 billion yuan invested in the first phase of Xiaomi burn? It's not a big problem until the first car is delivered


As we all know, car building is a very expensive business. In the eyes of the outside world, Jia Yueting's defeat in that year was largely due to his dissatisfaction with the bottomless pit of car building even if he misappropriated the financing of other businesses.


So, what is the concept of the initial investment of 10 billion yuan and the cumulative investment of 10 billion US dollars in the next decade for Xiaomi, who has just stepped into the field of car manufacturing? Tencent technology decodes the data published in the financial statements and Prospectuses by the three new domestic car making forces (Weilai, ideal and Xiaopeng).


Weilai, the biggest money burner: the average annual expenditure of R & D, administration and marketing costs in the past two years has exceeded 10 billion yuan


The cost distribution of the three companies is similar, and they are mainly R & D cost, sales cost, marketing and administrative cost.


Although the higher the cost of sales, the higher the delivery of cars, but in 2018 and 2019, the total revenue of Weilai automobile will lag behind the cost of sales, so this means that even if Xiaomi starts to deliver cars, it will continue to burn money.


In addition, there is another time node worth noting: in April 2018, Weilai's first mass product es8 was officially delivered. In other words, before the second quarter of 2018, Weilai had almost no revenue and was in the pure money burning mode.


According to Weilai's prospectus, the R & D costs in 2016, 2017 and the first quarter of 2018 were 1.465 billion yuan, 2.603 billion yuan and 694 million yuan respectively, totaling about 4.762 billion yuan; the marketing and administrative costs in the same period were 1.137 billion yuan, 2.351 billion yuan and 770 million yuan respectively, totaling about 4.258 billion yuan.


In other words, before the first vehicle was officially delivered, Weilai's R & D cost, marketing and administrative cost totaled more than 9 billion yuan.


"Stingy" ideal and balanced Xiao Peng


Among the new forces of car making, Weilai has left the impression that it spends a lot of money and even invites car owners to participate in the activities. In contrast, Li Xiang, the founder of ideal car, has always been known as "stingy", so the ideal cost control is relatively low.


However, it should be noted that ideal is also the company with the least number of models among the three new car making forces. At present, it has only one ideal one model, which is an important reason why it has been able to control its R & D expenses. With the ideal starting to cut into the field of pure electric vehicles, whether this cost will usher in a big step growth needs further verification.


By 2020, ideal one will be delivered on a large scale, the cost of sales will increase sharply, reaching 7.91 billion yuan, and the three expenses will exceed 10 billion yuan, which is expected to continue to increase in the future.


Following the same logic of Weilai, ideal one will be officially delivered at the end of the fourth quarter of 2019, with a total R & D cost of 1.963 billion yuan in 2018 and 2019, and a total marketing and administrative cost of 1.026 billion yuan, totaling about 3 billion yuan.


Building a factory costs the most


But there are some data that the three companies did not disclose in detail in the financial report, that is, the production cost of cars.


There are two main modes of automobile production, one is OEM, the other is factory building.


According to Weilai's annual report, as of 2019, 600 million yuan of OEM fees have been paid to JAC, and the expenses of this part are not large.


However, according to media reports, both Xiaopeng and ideal have adopted the mode of independent plant construction, in which the amount of investment disclosed by Xiaopeng has reached 10 billion yuan, and 4 billion yuan needs to be invested in the first phase only. If we want to build a factory, this part of expenditure may be the main part of Xiaomi's future investment.


update time:2021-03-31 18:34:34


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