Looking forward to Xiaomi Huawei's entry, apple and Samsung will not be lonely. What's the winning chance for mobile phone manufacturers to build cars?


On March 30, Xiaomi officially announced that it would march into intelligent electric vehicles.


In the evening of the same day, Xiaomi announced the project approval of intelligent electric vehicles. According to the plan, Xiaomi will set up a wholly-owned subsidiary to be responsible for the intelligent electric vehicle business, with an initial investment of 10 billion yuan and an estimated investment of 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun will also be the CEO of the smart electric vehicle business.


From January 15 this year to today's confirmation, in less than 100 days, Xiaomi resolutely decided to "cross the border". To this end, Lei Jun said that entering the smart car industry is the most important decision in the history of Xiaomi, and it is also the last major entrepreneurial project in his life. He is willing to bet all the reputation of his life and lead the team to fight for Xiaomi.


How to build a car Xiaomi has not released more details, but it is an indisputable fact that mobile phone manufacturers swarmed into the new battlefield of "building a car". Especially in the past year, apple, Samsung, Huawei, vivo and oppo have been cautiously and boldly "testing" on the edge of the vast market space of intelligent vehicles.


McKinsey has studied and predicted that the economic scale of the industrial ecological chain of intelligent networked vehicles will reach US $1.9 trillion in 2025, and China will be an important promoter and beneficiary of the development of the global intelligent networked vehicle industry.


Huawei wants to be a Chinese version of Bosch


Huawei, which has always been close to the auto industry, claims not to build cars, but it is rapidly becoming a Chinese version of Bosch.


As early as 2013, Huawei announced its entry into the field of Internet of vehicles. Since then, Huawei has joined hands with Dongfeng to develop the Internet of vehicles technology, and established cooperative relations with SAIC, GAC, FAW and Changan Automobile. In 2017, Huawei announced a long-term cooperation with French Peugeot Citroen Group in the field of Internet of vehicles.


While cooperating with auto companies, Huawei is also sizing up the situation and promoting auto products. In 2019, Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, issued a document on organizational change and approved the establishment of a smart car solutions division. In the same year, Huawei made its debut in Shanghai auto show as an independent stand, fully demonstrating its business and products in the automotive field.


Xu Zhijun, Huawei's rotating chairman, said at that time that Huawei's solutions for intelligent networked vehicles include five aspects: first, intelligent networked vehicles, second, intelligent driving, third, intelligent cockpit, fourth, intelligent electric vehicles, and fifth, providing a series of cloud services to help automobile enterprises develop and innovate and support travel services.

2020年,华为在汽车行业赢得了很多好消息,其MDC(车载计算平台和智能驾驶子系统解决方案)获得了德国tüV集团的ISO 26262功能安全管理认证。Mopower(多模式电源通道、充电和电池管理系统)还获得了德国莱茵tüV集团颁发的ISO 26262车辆功能安全管理系统认证,认证水平达到ASIL D。

In 2020, Huawei has won a lot of good news in the automotive industry, and its MDC (on-board computing platform and intelligent driving subsystem solution) has obtained the ISO 26262 functional safety management certification of t ü V group in Germany. Mopower (multimodal power channel, charging and battery management system) has also obtained the ISO 26262 vehicle functional safety management system certification issued by t ü V group of Rhine, Germany, with the certification level reaching ASIL D.


People in the industry generally believe that this marks that Huawei's relevant technologies and products have passed the vehicle specification Level certification, and the mass production business is about to start. Subsequently, Huawei released a new generation of DC charging module hicharger, and announced full cooperation with China's largest charger.


At last year's Beijing auto show, Huawei made a full disclosure of its auto business: from automatic driving scheme to lidar, from cabin SOC to Hongmeng vehicle system, to seven in one electric drive system, and even charging module.


Huawei has integrated all the core components and subsystems of intelligent electric vehicles.


Industry insiders predict that in the next 10 years, Huawei's annual sales in the field of intelligent automotive electronic parts is expected to reach 352.1 billion yuan, and Huawei is expected to become an automotive electronics giant on a par with Germany's Bosch.


On the other hand, Huawei is also actively promoting the interconnection of mobile phones and car machines with the help of the strong market share of mobile phones. Hicar is an important achievement.


The function of Huawei hicar is to make the car and mobile phone realize "two in one" and seamless connection. Through hicar function, car owners can understand the vehicle status information including mileage insurance, vehicle location and so on by using only one Huawei mobile phone. At the same time, car owners can also remotely control the interior ventilation, vehicle air conditioning, door lock, window and so on by using the mobile phone. At the same time, they can also realize keyless entry and start function, providing maximum convenience for car owners.


He Gang, President of Huawei's mobile phone product line, said previously that hicar has cooperated with more than 150 + cars and plans to pre install more than 5 million cars this year. In addition, Huawei has also established a "5g auto ecosystem" with the first 18 auto companies to accelerate the business process of 5g technology in the auto industry.


Of course, hicar is only a part of Huawei's layout of the Internet of vehicles. In Huawei's view, the future operating system should be a micro kernel architecture, which can be adapted to any terminal. In this way, Hongmeng is Huawei's ultimate goal in the field of Internet of vehicles, and hicar is a pioneer.


Before that, Huawei vowed to be a "tier-3" auto manufacturer, but it did not represent Huawei's "Tier-1" auto manufacturing capability.


A person in the auto industry told Tencent News "Qianwang" that Huawei's current car building ability is no less than that of Weilai and other new car building forces. According to a person familiar with the matter, Huawei has begun to simulate assembly on the whole vehicle.


Samsung enters the market from automotive electronics chip


Samsung, the leader of smart phones, announced in the early years that it would not enter the market of electric vehicles and driverless vehicles. However, in the later four emerging industries, including auto parts, it also said that it would invest 180 trillion won (about 1 trillion yuan) in the next three years.


In fact, as early as 1994, Li Jianxi, chairman of SamSung group, established an automobile manufacturing department called Samsung automobile. In 1998, Samsung began to produce automobiles, and the first automobile sm5 with Samsung logo went to the market with the technical assistance of Nissan. However, it was in the same year that SamSung group, which was deeply affected by the Asian financial crisis, had to abandon its non core business units.


But Samsung has not given up its focus on the automotive sector. In December 2015, Samsung Electronics announced that it would set up an independent automotive electronic equipment business unit in addition to the original CE, Im and DS departments, and take on-board electronics as a new strategic focus. On board information system, driving assistance system, on-board operating system and automotive electric drive system are the four major parts of its automotive electronic business unit.


In 2018, Samsung announced its entry into the automotive chip field. In January 2019, Samsung and Audi formally launched the first automatic driving vehicle chip ExynosAutoV9, and integrated an independent safety chip for the SoC to support the standards of vehicle safety integrity level to ensure the safety of autopilot and data.


According to the industry, in order to meet the needs of self driving cars, each vehicle needs at least 1TB size storage chips to process large amounts of data. Once the whole industry enters the era of automatic driving, the semiconductor market will be more competitive than the automobile manufacturers, and it is expected that this field will also have a substantial growth in the future.


At present, the market value of the global automotive electronics market has reached 230 trillion won (about 1.33 trillion yuan), and smart cars will further promote the rapid growth of the industry. Samsung, which has absolute advantages in semiconductor and storage fields, previously said that its automotive electronics business scale will triple in 2020, with revenue reaching US $20 billion.


It is reported that Samsung's autopilot chip will be available as early as 2021. At present, Samsung Electronics has begun to develop core semiconductor components for Google's next generation autopilot chip. The goal of this project is to develop a chip for the brain of autopilot. Semiconductors control all the functions of the vehicle, calculate the data collected from various sensors, and exchange information with Google data center in real time.


Apple defines smart car with software ecology


In 2020, there will be more news about Apple building cars. First, it was said that it would cooperate with Hyundai Kia to build a car. After being denied by Hyundai and Kia, it was again said that it would cooperate with Nissan and BMW. So far, apple officials have not given clear information.


In fact, Apple has been coveting the auto industry for a long time. As early as in the era of jobs, it has been said that Apple has the intention to build cars. This was also confirmed by Apple executives in an interview in 2012: Apple actually considered building cars before the iPhone was released in 2007. However, with the global financial crisis at that time and the rapid rise of main business, the project was shelved.

2013年,当特斯拉遭遇model s的生产和交付危机时,有报道称苹果有意收购特斯拉。2019年第一季度,特斯拉股价暴跌后,苹果再次抛出"橄榄枝",但仍以失败告终。

In 2013, when Tesla encountered the production and delivery crisis of model s, it was reported that Apple was interested in acquiring Tesla. In the first quarter of 2019, after Tesla's stock plummeted, apple threw out the "olive branch" again, but it still failed.


Apple's genes and business model determine that the company will enter the field of intelligent electric vehicles.


In the same year, apple officially announced the IOS in the car plan at the apple global developer conference, and apple began to enter the automotive field. IOS in the car changed its name to Carplay. This is the first time in Apple's history that Apple has carried its own software on the hardware products of other companies, and also defined users in the IOS ecosystem. At present, Carplay is used in more than 500 mass production models. Unfortunately, Carplay's experience has always lagged behind other Apple products.


Three years after jobs' death, Apple's "Titan project" surfaced. That year, China's new energy vehicle industry ushered in an outbreak, and Weilai, ideal and Xiaopeng were born one after another. Unlike Carplay, which focuses on automotive software, Titan plans to develop an automatic driving system. At present, "Titan project" has gathered more than 1000 people to engage in the research and development of electric vehicles.


However, it is worth noting that 2020 is the year when Apple has the most patents in the automotive field. In a few months, Apple has won dozens of new patents, and has been laying out in automatic driving, intelligent cockpit, intelligent body, electric vehicle, safety assurance, etc. As a result, the outside world has speculated that Apple's "Titan plan" is about to fall.


Some analysts said: Apple's entry into the electric vehicle market is currently a "when rather than whether" issue. At the same time, it is generally believed that, from the success of PC to smartphone, for apple, the core competitiveness and value potential of joining electric vehicles lie in software and ecology, rather than making profits from the production process.


Liu Zongwei, associate researcher of School of vehicle and transportation, Tsinghua University and assistant dean of Institute of automotive industry and technology strategy, said in an interview that in the future, the core competitiveness of automotive products will be more and more defined by software, and the development of hardware and software will be gradually separated and decoupled, which means that enterprises with advantages in software will enter the market by means of hardware OEM The automotive sector offers potential space. Therefore, it is feasible for apple to copy the OEM mode of mobile phone field to the automobile field.


Huang Renxun, founder and CEO of NVIDIA, also pointed out in a recent interview: "the business model of automobile manufacturers will fundamentally change. By 2025, many auto companies are likely to sell their cars at a price close to the cost price and provide value to users mainly through software. "


Tesla is recognized as a typical representative of software defined vehicles in the industry. At present, Tesla's software revenue mainly includes autopilot FSD fully automatic driving software package, OTA paid upgrade and premium Internet of vehicles subscription service.


In the research report, Andersen Securities pointed out that Tesla is more and more like apple, and its software business (FSD) will be the core component of its business model. In the short term, it is estimated that Tesla's FSD revenue in 2025 will be nearly $7 billion, accounting for nearly 9% of Tesla's auto business revenue and contributing 25% of Tesla's auto business gross profit.


In fact, in addition to Tesla, new domestic car building forces have also taken steps in software charging. A few days ago, Weilai released the automatic driving service nad system, with a monthly service fee of 680 yuan; xpilot, the auxiliary driving system of Xiaopeng automobile, charges 20000 yuan at a time.


Judging from the current external news, Apple will focus on the intelligence and interconnection of cars. As for car manufacturing, it will leave it to the OEM. According to previous reports by Reuters, the prototype of Apple's first electric car may appear in September this year, and a pure electric car will be produced in 2024.


After Foxconn and many traditional car companies denied it, the serious problem Apple faces now is, who will become its OEM partner?


Vivo hopes to bring mobile phone capabilities to the car


On the issue of "making cars", vivo is relatively cautious, but it also has a clear positioning. In vivo's view, it is vivo's current task to help car companies make smart connections.

所以去年,在2020年vivo开发者大会上,vivo发布了Jovi envo。Jovi Invo是维梧汽车互联网产品的新品牌。经过一年多的磨砺,Jovi Invo的目标是携手汽车制造商、车联网服务提供商和应用开发者,共同构建车内外统一的开放生态。

So last year, at the 2020 vivo developer conference, vivo released Jovi incar. Jovi incar is a new brand of vivo's Internet of vehicles products. After more than a year's polishing, Jovi incar aims to join hands with car manufacturers, Internet of vehicles service providers and application developers to build a unified open ecology inside and outside the car.


Ouyang Kun, director of vivo software product strategy, told Tencent News "Qianwang" that from the perspective of car companies, they hope that mobile phones can be used as a load computing device of cars, and the car machine can be connected with mobile phones, so that its existing service experience can be updated in real time and experience better.


In short, in the car, after connecting the mobile phone with the car machine, the mobile phone should be used as the ecological supplement and computing power supplement of the car machine. The mobile phone factory and the car enterprise are the relationship of cooperators to bring better experience to the consumers. Outside the car, when the car owner leaves the car, the mobile phone is carried with him. The service outside the car is good at by the mobile phone manufacturers, which should be mainly mobile phones. For example, close the window, warm up the car in advance, reverse car search, etc.


"As a personal device that everyone has, what kind of scenes should mobile phones connect to and what problems should consumers solve? This is the origin of vivo's strategic thinking in the automotive business. " Ouyang Kun said.

不难看出,维梧希望将手机应用的能力带到车上。经过一年的发展,Jovi Invo与60多个品牌(前装市场60+后装市场30+后装市场)合作,支持500多个车型(前装市场500+后装市场100+后装市场)。

It's not hard to see that vivo hopes to bring the ability of mobile phone applications to the car. After one year's development, Jovi incar has cooperated with more than 60 brands (60 + in front loading market and 30 + in back loading market) and supported more than 500 models (500 + in front loading market and 100 + in back loading market).


Will vivo build cars in the future? The top management of vivo has also said before that they should focus on mobile phones, constantly polish their ability and refuse external temptation. In other words, if one day vivo decides to build a car, it must think that it is the right thing to do, and it is within its ability to do it with real skill.


Oppo will not enter the automobile industry at present


In February this year, oppo announced a set of automobile patents, all of which are related to automatic driving technology, naturally leading to speculation that it will enter the automobile field.


However, as early as at the future technology conference in 2019, CEO Chen Mingyong made it clear that he would not enter the automotive industry at present. In his view, oppo will not be "radical". But if the whole auto industry fails to do well in the next 10 years, oppo may enter the auto industry.


In December last year, oppo and ideal one carried out a car machine interconnection cooperation. From the perspective of cooperation form, oppo and vivo have similar strategies, enabling mobile phones through mobile phone capabilities.


Opportunities and challenges for mobile phone manufacturers


IDC data shows that in 2020, the global smartphone market shipment is 1.292 billion units, a year-on-year decrease of 5.9%; China's smartphone market shipment is 326 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 11.2%.


For the head mobile phone manufacturers, it is a strategic task to find the next massive user entrance. With the gradual maturity of 5g network, automobile scene has become a new target that everyone agrees on.


Compared with auto companies, head mobile phone manufacturers have a common advantage: high product popularity and high user stock. The advantage of entering the new field of automobile is that it is easier to gain the recognition of consumers.


In addition, now is the early stage of the popularization of new energy vehicles and automatic driving technology. In the face of new technology, the head is not serious, and mobile phone manufacturers still have a lot of room to play.


From the perspective of industry development, with the entry of mobile phone enterprises, Internet and other technology enterprises, it will have a very positive impact on the arrival of the smart car market and the new mobile ecology.


When you enter a new track, you will naturally face many challenges. The investment of the automobile industry is often tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of yuan, which is definitely a more severe test for mobile phone manufacturers in terms of operation. Because there are essential differences between making mobile phones and cars, standardization, safety and supply chain need to be reorganized. The fall of LETV is still worth pondering.


update time:2021-03-31 14:51:27


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