North Korea has "Red Star OS". Why doesn't China have its own operating system?


Key points


Author: Zach Xiaosheng, news knowledge officer of Tencent


Recently, the problem of global core shortage has aroused comprehensive attention. At the same time, the difficulties of China's chip industry and lithography machine have been repeatedly mentioned. But in addition to chips and photoresists, there is another technology repeatedly mentioned in China: the operating system.

在2月底的华为mate x2新闻发布会上,华为消费业务CEO于成东宣布,华为旗舰手机可能从今年4月起升级至harmonyos 2.0。

At the Huawei mate x2 press conference at the end of February, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business, announced that Huawei's flagship mobile phones could be upgraded to harmonyos 2.0 from April this year.


Since its birth, Huawei Hongmeng has been regarded as a domestic operating system developed independently, which can compete with Android and IOS. But is that really the case? Besides Hongmeng, what other domestic operating systems do we have? Are these operating systems independently developed? Is it necessary for us to develop an independent operating system? How difficult is the development of operating system?


Following "China's heartache" final ten questions: can we build an atomic bomb, but not a small chip? 》"Ten questions about the ultimate lithography machine: is it necessary for China to build a lithography machine with the help of the whole country? 》After that, Tencent Technology launched the "ten questions and ten answers to the operating system" plan to comprehensively interpret the questions about the operating system.


Q1: what are the mainstream operating systems in the world?


Operating system is a computer program that manages and controls computer hardware and software resources. It is the most basic system software running directly on "bare metal". Any other software must be supported by the operating system.


Operating system is not only the interface between user and computer, but also the interface between computer hardware and other software. The operating system can be divided into three categories, namely computer PC operating system, mobile terminal operating system, and vehicle Internet of things operating system. Generally speaking, there are five mainstream operating systems

1、 目前,我们熟悉的Windows操作系统是微软开发的一套操作系统,已有30多年的历史。我们熟悉Windows95,Windows98,Windows2003,WindowsXP,WindowsVista,Windows7,Windows10等等。这一制度是在历史的发展中不断更新和维护的。Windows环境简单明了,使用方便,支持很多应用,用户也是最多的,而Windows源代码是顶级商业机密,不能用它做基本的修改和复制,所以很难被替换。

1、 At present, we are familiar with Windows operating system, which is a set of operating system developed by Microsoft and has a long history of more than 30 years. We are familiar with Windows 95, Windows 98, windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, windows 10 and so on. The system is constantly updated and maintained in the development of history. Windows environment is simple and clear, easy to use, support many applications, users are also the most, and windows source code is top-level business secrets, can not use it to do basic revision and replication, so it is difficult to be replaced.


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2、 Android是谷歌2007年推出的一款基于Linux的移动操作系统,市场份额超过80%。得益于国内手机的快速发展,Android系统迅速占领了手机市场。到目前为止,大多数手机使用Android手机的概率非常高,包括目前基于Android深度定制的MIUI、emui等手机系统。

2、 Android is a mobile operating system launched by Google in 2007 based on Linux, with a market share of more than 80%. Thanks to the rapid development of domestic mobile phones, Android system quickly occupied the mobile phone market. So far, most mobile phones have a very high probability of using Android phones, including the current mobile phone systems such as MIUI and emui, which are deeply customized based on Android.


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3、 Linux。Linux环境是一套类似UNIX的操作系统,可以自由使用和传播。它是一个基于POSIX的多用户、多任务、多线程、多CPU操作系统。

3、 Linux. Linux environment is a set of UNIX like operating system which is free to use and spread freely. It is a multi-user, multi task, multi thread and multi CPU operating system based on POSIX.


Linux is an open source free operating system. Because of its open source characteristics, system vulnerabilities are easier to find and repair. In addition, because the original human-computer interface of Linux is the command line, users can hardly use the system if they are not familiar with the Linux commands. Because it is too professional, Linux is often used as a variety of server operating systems.


It can be said that the basic idea of Linux has two points: first, everything is a file; second, every software has a definite purpose. The first is that everything in the system comes down to a file, including commands, hardware and software devices, operating systems, processes and so on. For the operating system kernel, it is regarded as a file with its own characteristics or types. It is also because its source code is open source and there are many linux based revision systems, so it is easier to be replaced than windows and Mac OS.


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4、 苹果的macos是一个基于UNIX内核的图形操作系统。一般来说,它不能安装在普通PC上,它是苹果PC的专有系统,由苹果自己开发。

4、 Apple's Mac OS is a graphical operating system based on UNIX kernel. Generally, it can't be installed on ordinary PC. It is the exclusive system of Apple's PC and is developed by Apple itself.

如今,苹果的操作系统已经来到了MacOS Big Sur。该系统的许多功能和服务体现了苹果的简洁理念。MAC系统是苹果公司基于UNIX操作系统进行深度二次开发的操作系统,源代码完全封闭,只能在苹果电脑上运行,而且环境更加简单快捷,深受大众喜爱,再加上苹果生态的逐渐形成,所以系统很难被替代。

Nowadays, the operating system of Apple has come to MacOS Big Sur. Many features and services of the system reflect the concise concept of apple. MAC system is Apple's operating system based on UNIX operating system for in-depth redevelopment, completely closed source, can only run on Apple's computer, and the environment is more simple and fast, loved by the public, coupled with the gradual formation of Apple ecology, so the system is difficult to be replaced.


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5、 苹果IOS系统是苹果公司开发的移动操作系统。苹果在2007年1月9日的Macworld大会上首次宣布了这一系统。它最初是为iPhone设计的,后来相继应用于ipodtouch和iPad。

5、 Apple's IOS system is a mobile operating system developed by apple. Apple first announced this system at the Macworld Conference on January 9, 2007. It was originally designed for iPhone, and then applied to iPod touch and iPad one after another.


Like Apple's Mac OS, IOS is a UNIX like commercial operating system. Originally, the system was called iPhone OS. Because iPad, iPhone and iPod touch all use iPhone OS, WWDC announced in 2010 that it will be renamed IOS


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Q2: how to define a self-developed operating system? Does China have such an operating system?


A computer with an operating system can deal with the hardware of the computer. At the same time, programmers can use programming language to develop application app on the operating system. If there is no operating system, the computer itself is a digital switch of 0 and 1, and there are hundreds of millions of 0 and 1 combinations that need to be processed by the processor. However, the task of the operating system is to make the hundreds of millions of 0 and 1 combinations for our use, so that users can operate various applications more easily and conveniently.


Operating system is a fuzzy word. It can refer to the computer software composed of operating system kernel, a series of basic libraries and programs contained in kernel, and visual desktop environment.


Kernel, an underlying software system, is used to manage the access of hardware resources and provide a platform for interaction with underlying hardware.


Compiler libraries and drivers can extract specific kernels for systems and applications, so that programmers can use the same mechanism to interact with kernel and hardware, regardless of other specific operating systems. For example, C standard library, C + + standard library, bash shell and so on.


Desktop environment, which is a graphical interface used to manage computer programs and various applications. Windows, Mac OS and other operating systems have only one desktop environment, but Linux operating system will provide multiple options, such as gnome, xfce, KDE (three Linux lightweight desktop environments).


If a system is designed from the bottom up, from the kernel to the driver, from the compiler library to the application API, it can be regarded as an operating system with "independent intellectual property rights" in the true sense. UOS and Kirin are better independent operating systems in China, but unfortunately they still can't reach the standard of independent operating system, because the core of them is the source code of Linux.


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Q3: mobile phones and PC operating systems have been monopolized by foreign giants. What opportunities do China have?


Although foreign giants have monopolized the traditional computer operating system and smart phone operating system, the operating system launched by some Chinese enterprises on the Internet of things, automobile and other platforms is still commendable.


For example, Huawei Hongmeng, which has been mentioned above, is a full scene distributed OS based on microkernel. It will break through the barriers between mobile phones, computers, TVs, intelligent wearable and other multi terminal fields, and is compatible with Android applications and all web applications. It is a big unified system that truly covers the whole ecology.


Xiaomi officially launched Xiaomi Vela Internet of things software platform on November 5, 2020, which is positioned as a lightweight application, an embedded development platform of Internet of things dedicated to smart home, wearable devices and other devices with limited computing power, and gradually applied in more terminal devices such as watches, bracelets, speakers, smart home appliances, cameras, ISPs, sensors, etc.


In addition, many Internet giants are also trying to make breakthroughs in the field of Internet of things. Although the market prospect is still unknown, we have achieved the situation of multi faceted flowering in the field of Internet of things operating system in the future, and the technology will no longer be limited. Moreover, the number of devices connected to everything is far greater than that of mobile phones and even more than that of PCs. who can occupy this blank market without competitors and who can become the new king in the new computing platform.


Q4: can Hongmeng be regarded as an independently developed operating system? Can it completely replace Android?


In fact, many people are concerned about whether Hongmeng is an independent operating system, which also depends on the definition of "autonomy". In fact, both Android and Hongmeng systems use Linux kernel. If the top-down integration is designed and invented by Huawei, it is obviously not up to this standard. Therefore, Hongmeng is not an independent operating system at present. Hongmeng's Android system will not replace Huawei's. If Hongmeng can have a part of ecology, it is also a supplement, not a major substitute.


We can also talk about it from the perspective of technology patents. The Android operating system comes from Google. You should know that every time Android sells a mobile phone, Google and Microsoft will charge the patent fee of the mobile phone manufacturer.


Although Microsoft's windows is a PC operating system, and Android is a mobile operating system, there seems to be no intersection between the two. But some of the most basic methods of writing operating system were patented as early as when Microsoft developed windows, so now no matter how Hongmeng system is written, it is impossible to get around.


For example, Google has invented an optimization system method on Android. After applying for a patent, if Hongmeng also uses this method to realize it, it is necessary to pay Google a patent fee. There are many similar patents. These patents are like a gully, blocking the way for later generations to develop the operating system. Therefore, if Hongmeng is still based on the Android system, it is difficult to surpass and replace Android.


Q5: facing the mainstream operating system in the industry, what's the chance of Hongmeng winning?


To be honest, at this stage, Hongmeng system can't compete with Android and IOS. After careful analysis, we will find that Hongmeng system still depends on the Android ecosystem, otherwise it will have no third-party software available, while the IOS ecosystem is closed-loop, that is to say, any application of apple can not run on Huawei mobile phones. This is actually equivalent to that IOS and Android are two "big ponds" with a large area. They don't communicate with each other when they are old and dead, and there is no drainage channel between them. The Hongmeng system is a "small pond" next to Android. There is little water in it, so it needs to rely on the "big pond" of Android to provide water.


But the development potential of Hongmeng is huge. At present, all countries are in the initial stage for the Internet of things operating system. Hongmeng system focuses on the Internet of things, and Huawei's ecology has already reached a certain level. As long as Hongmeng system can reach the state of consumer recognition, it will soar to the sky. It can be seen that the development directions of Hongmeng, Android and IOS are actually different. IOS only serves Apple devices; Android has made extensive allies and vowed to become the world's largest open source system; Hongmeng focuses on the Internet of things, and its goal is not to seize the cake of Android. It can be predicted that these three systems will coexist for a long time in the future.


Q6: are the successful bids of Kirin and UOS reported by the media independent operating systems?

首先需要强调的是,目前国内的操作系统基本上都是基于Linux的二次开发。中国没有自下而上的自主开发体系。中国很早就开始开发自己的操作系统。比如上世纪80年代前后,COSIX是国内最早的操作系统,但由于投入不足,缺乏应用软件支持,邓元英失败了。1999年,中国科学院发布了红旗Linux,经过优化和迭代,最新版本为红旗Linux V11。笔者也接触过国内许多操作系统。以下三个是流行和流行的。

First of all, we need to emphasize that the domestic operating systems are basically based on the secondary development of Linux. There is no bottom-up independent development system in China. China began to develop its own operating system from a very early stage. For example, around the 1980s, COSIX was the earliest domestic operating system, but due to insufficient investment and lack of application software support, Deng Yuanying failed. In 1999, red flag Linux was released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and after optimization and iteration, the latest version is red flag Linux V11. The author has also come into contact with many domestic operating systems. The following three are popular and popular.


1. Domestic "deep in operating system"


The deep operating system is developed and built by Wuhan shenzhidu Technology Co., Ltd., which is the most painstaking one among the domestic Linux distributions so far. Its interface optimization effect is very good. The style type has many operating habits of windows, and the beauty of MAC system, and its software ecosystem is very gratifying. There are many software, such as multimedia applications and office Applications, including game applications, are also quite good. As of 2017, the deep operating system has been downloaded more than 50 million times. It provides 32 different language versions and 105 image sites upgrading services in 33 countries on six continents. In the global open source operating system ranking, deep operating system is the first Chinese operating system product to enter the top ten in the world.


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2. Qilin won the bid


Kirin is developed and built by the company and released in 2010. It is divided into desktop version, general version, advanced version and Security version to meet the requirements of different customers. It has been widely used in energy, finance, transportation, government, central enterprises and other industries. It is a member of the government security system. In terms of security, it has its own unique features. The free version of individual users can provide limited support, but the charging Version (government procurement, commercial version, Encore system) has a high support rate, and the interface is friendlier than the free version. It integrates many ready-made office software, bentu series printer driver, and some simple drawing software, only in the multimedia aspect It's more chicken ribs.


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3. Tongxin UOS


The UOS of Tongxin can provide a beautiful, safe and stable system experience for individual users. It is compatible with most of the hardware devices on the market. It also supports dual core, system backup and restore functions. It has rich application ecology, and provides differentiated value-added services and technical support. There are many versions of the system, but they are almost the same, but there will be some differences in the audience groups. The basic requirements of its installation are higher, no matter which version of the hardware requirements are higher than the first two. The basic hard disk space requirements are more than 130g, and the memory can run smoothly when it reaches 4G. But it has to be said that this operating system is still very surprising, the effect of interface optimization is very good, the style is that there are many operating habits of windows, and the beauty of MAC system, and its software ecosystem is very gratifying, many software can't meet, multi-media applications, office applications, game Applications (of course, it's impossible to have the support rate of windows, Bi As an advanced representative of desktop applications, windows has occupied the market for a long time. For personal version, it is highly recommended for home users to use this software without special requirements!


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Q7: is it really necessary for us to develop our own operating system? Without such an operating system, what risks will we face?


With the continuous development of network technology, information security becomes more and more important. As the platform of all kinds of application software, operating system is the foundation of all software and the most basic and important part. Many people think that our operating system is very safe, but they don't know that the core technology of Linux system comes from the United States.


It is worth mentioning that any operating system actually has a "back door" preset in the kernel, which is the case with windows, and Linux is no exception. Operating system developers can freely access the back door and do whatever they want, including collecting system information, tampering with system data, interfering with the operation of the system, making the computer system "crash", etc.; individual countries have developed weapons against windows, Linux, MacOS and other operating systems, which can steal, delete information at any time, and inject Trojans and other hazards, which are closely related to our lives. If all our operating systems are attacked by the so-called weapons or backdoor, all kinds of computers, mobile phones, transportation systems, power and energy systems, national defense systems, medical systems, Beidou navigation systems, meteorological systems, etc. in our country can not work. This is simply a disaster, so it is very necessary to develop our own operating system.


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But the difficulty of operating system development is the whole process, and the development is very difficult. Because the operating system is actually the interface program of user, software and hardware. From the bottom level, there are many kinds of compatible hardware, and the operating system needs to consider not only the availability of each hardware, but also other factors such as efficiency. From the perspective of software, it needs a lot of software to adapt the operating system. If the operating system wants to be used by people, the software ecology is very important. The previous domestic operating systems, including mobile phones and PC operating systems, are very important All died in the software ecology. From the user's point of view, beauty, practicality, efficiency, security and stability are indispensable. Any one of them will kill an operating system.


Q8: previously, the media reported that North Korea has its own operating system - red star. What is the technical content of this operating system?


In fact, red star OS is also a PC operating system developed by North Korea based on Linux system. It is mainly based on Fedora 11, an updated version of Linux launched in 2009, and officially launched in 2011. The current Red Star OS is the third version updated in 2013. Initially, it looked like windows, while the updated Red Star OS looked more like Apple's Mac OSX.


However, although the system has been developed for many years, it has not been connected to the world wide web. It can only connect to its own domestic network and go to some of its government websites and websites officially recognized by North Korea. Moreover, people in the outside world do not know about the system itself.


After analyzing the Red Star OS, two German security experts said that the Red Star OS features many monitoring features, such as it can track different types of files in the system, so that they can see the trend of different files.


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Q9: if China wants to develop operating system, which field should China take the lead in making breakthroughs?


In fact, the most difficult problem is whether to develop the chip architecture, kernel, grub and programmable interface from scratch. These software were optimized iteratively in foreign countries 30 years ago. Each part has thousands of pages of specifications, and the development and design is extremely complex. If you want to completely design and develop independently, you must start from the bottom software, and you can't be fat without a bite In the next ten years or so, China's own brand may be born.


Ecological construction is the core of the success of the operating system. To build an ecological operating system, we need to start from the product, service, technology, R & D, talent and other fields. For example, to create superior products, improve technology, improve the system version of the update, cultivate more professionals to carry out R & D plan and so on.


In fact, the development of operating system is a huge project, which requires a wide range of technologies. There are three main steps


The first step is programming language, which is the basis of developing operating system. At present, assembly language and C language are widely used (more efficient);


The second step is to specify the plan of the operating system

(1) 操作系统将在什么介质上运行,如硬盘、光驱等;

(1) What kind of media is the operating system going to run on, such as hard disk, optical drive, etc;

(2) 确定操作系统的支持方向,如支持用户界面还是只支持命令行界面;

(2) Determine the support direction of the operating system, such as whether it supports the user interface or just the command line interface;

(3) 确定操作系统支持哪些平台处理器,如x86架构和arm架构处理器;

(3) Determine which platform processors the operating system supports, such as x86 architecture and arm architecture processors;

(4) 确定内核是从头开发的(C还是C++),还是使用Linux内核扩展来开发操作系统;

(4) Determine whether the kernel is developed from scratch (C or C + +), or use Linux kernel extension to develop the operating system;

(5) 为了确定启动程序是使用grub、Lilo还是从0开发的,我们需要对底层软件BIOS/UEFI(软硬件接口)有一定的了解,因为硬件的操作需要BIOS的中断服务来控制;

(5) To determine whether the startup program uses grub, Lilo or is developed from 0, we need to have a certain understanding of the underlying software BIOS / UEFI (interface between hardware and software), because the operation of hardware requires the interrupt service of BIOS to control;

(6) 确定可编程接口。目前,POSIX已经准备就绪。所有UNIX系统或多或少都支持这个接口。流行的macos和Linux是基于UNIX的操作系统;

(6) Determine the programmable interface. Currently, POSIX is ready-made. All UNIX systems support this interface more or less. The popular Mac OS and Linux are UNIX based operating systems;

(7) 确定系统的设计方向,MCU系统(fast)或微内核系统(容错机制和可靠性);

(7) Determine the direction of the design system, MCU system (fast) or micro kernel system (fault tolerance mechanism and reliability);

(8) 确定高效安全的开发模式,最好采用双引导模式,防止数据被擦除或丢失;

(8) Determine the efficient and safe development mode, the best use of dual boot mode, to prevent data from being erased or lost;


The third step: when the operating system reaches a certain stage, open source version can be released to allow customers and users to test and feedback, and find problems in advance; the above three steps can optimize the operating system, meet the needs of users, increase the service life of the system, and prepare for their own ecology. Google's Android system is a typical case of open source mode. With the two characteristics of free and open source, Android system has won the support of the majority of mobile phone manufacturers and developers, and has become the first operating system in the market share by leaps and bounds, so as to achieve a win-win situation of the ecosystem and market channels. But in a word, the operating system belongs to a kind of underlying software, want to develop well, also need to understand other underlying software.


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Q10: why do Japan, South Korea and European countries have few independent operating systems?


At present, the world's three major operating systems are from the United States, including Google, Microsoft and apple. Many Chinese people, even Americans, wonder why there is no world-famous operating system like windows, Linux and Android in China, which is developing so fast in the information industry?


In fact, this has a lot to do with the hardware development of the operating system. First, the operating system comes with hardware. For example, Microsoft's Microsoft system appeared with Microsoft computer, and then occupied almost all the market share of computer operating system. Apple operating system appeared with apple mobile phone and apple computer. So far, this set of operating system is still unique to Apple company, but Apple company realized the popularization of operating system by virtue of its own product advantages And. However, it is a pity that China's technology enterprises do not have the same iconic products as Microsoft and apple. Even Huawei's current mobile operating system uses Android, which is a preconceived principle.


In addition, not only China, but also other countries with developed electronics industry in the world, such as South Korea, Japan and Europe, have failed to develop an operating system comparable to windows and Linux.


Because it is also facing the problem of large-scale promotion. In order to defeat other competitors, Google, Microsoft and apple in the United States have established their own operating system empire after decades of market competition through acquisition and other means.


Some people say that it is not necessarily difficult to develop an operating system, but it is difficult to develop an operating system with commercial value that is liked by people. The biggest problem is the ecological environment. In fact, each country has its own domestic operating system, but this kind of system is generally not suitable for civilian use, but for military use.


In any case, the successful R & D of Huawei Hongmeng system, including a number of applications of the domestic "deep in operating system", is no small progress compared with the previous situation of relying entirely on the operating system of the United States and the United States. With the progress of technology and the development of the times, it is still a long way to go to develop a completely independent computer operating system in China.


For the future development of China's operating system, copying other people's technology is never innovation. Everyone will shout the slogan of independent research and development, but it is really very difficult to implement. Especially for chips and operating systems, it takes a lot of time and money to get something. At present, the domestic operating system has begun to take shape. As long as we concentrate on R & D, I firmly believe that in the next decade, we will harvest a truly independent operating system that we are proud of. "The one who can beat Android is not another Android, but the next one.".


[copyright notice] the copyright of this article belongs to the author (pseudonym: Zach Xiaosheng). No third party may reprint it without authorization.


update time:2021-03-31 18:34:34


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