Paopao Ma te's market value has been cut, why is Maotai not popular in the world of fashion and play?


Wen qiaoxue Xue Yujie


Because it can bring consumers irreplaceable spiritual enjoyment, the frenzy of bubble Mart blind box is extending from the consumer market to the capital market.


Since its listing in December 2020, the stock price has been soaring all the way. The highest market value once exceeded 100 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the price earnings ratio has soared by more than 200 times, which also makes bubble Mart known as Maotai in the fashion industry. With the overestimation of bubble mart, the whole fashion game industry expanded rapidly, players poured in one after another, capital kept pouring, and quickly entered the Warring States era.


However, bubble Mart failed to continue its high growth legend. As of March 30, the share price of bubble Mart was at HK $60.3. From the high point of HK $107.6 after listing to now, the share price has dropped nearly 50%, and the market value has evaporated more than HK $70 billion. This means that the capital market has begun to treat bubble Mart calmly and rationally. After the financial report was released on March 26, the stock price rose slightly, but it is still far away from the 100 billion market value in the glorious period.


Capital is no longer loving. Has the bubble Mart myth known as "Maotai after 00" been broken?


Sell 50 million + Chaowan, offline contribution to be strengthened


In the first financial report after the listing of bubble mart, the annual revenue was 2.513 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 49.3%. The adjusted net profit was 590 million yuan, and more than 50 million trendy toys were sold.


However, it is worth noting that the growth rate of revenue almost showed a precipitous decline. The year-on-year growth rates of total revenue of bubble Mart in 2018, 2019 and 2020 were 225.5%, 227.2% and 49.3% respectively.


The growth rate of offline revenue is slowing down, but the market of offline retail stores is still anxious. For the trendy play industry, the toy display and shopping atmosphere of offline stores can stimulate young people's consumption desire and give consumers richer emotional experience. Naturally, the competitors of bubble mart will not miss the opportunity of expansion.


There are more than 200 offline stores of cool chaoplay, and the sundries club has also launched a variety of series of blind boxes. At present, there are more than 200 offline stores, and the famous and high-quality products with more than 2000 stores across the country also aim at the opportunity of blind box Market and launch their own brand "toptoy". It's not easy for competitors to conquer the city. There are only less than 200 stores in the past five years. How to enhance the offline revenue is an important problem that we have to face.


Trump out, IP are eating youth rice?

莫莉是让泡泡妈发财的"关键女孩"。开始时,正是在香港设计师王欣明设计的莫莉形象的帮助下,Pao Ma TE一下子就扭亏为盈,甚至帮助她走上了盲人之路。

Molly is the "key girl" who made Paopao Ma te rich. At the beginning, it was with the help of Molly image designed by Hong Kong designer Wang Xinming that Pao Ma te turned losses into profits at one stroke, and even helped her walk on the road of blind box.


The core competitiveness of Chaowan is IP. Wang Ning, the founder of Chaowan, once said, "bubble Mart wants to be a record company of this era. I hope that every IP will become such an enduring explosive product as Jay Chou and Faye Wong. " Therefore, this has also formed the IP operation mode of bubble Mart. Designers focus on building IP, and the rest is in the charge of bubble mart, including incubation, building supply chain, marketing and sales.


Take Maotai as an example. Although there are many series of vintage wines in addition to 53 degree Feitian Maotai, Feitian is Maotai's enduring fist product, which is hard to find. On the other hand, does bubble Mart have such a product?


According to the financial report data in 2020, Molly's sales volume this year is still considerable, reaching HK $357 million, accounting for 14.2%. Molly is still the leader of bubble Mart. However, it is worth noting that compared with HK $456 million at the end of 2019, Molly's sales volume is much lower. With the growth of total revenue, the leader's trump products not only have no growth, but also have a big step backward.


For a long time, Molly has been contributing a larger share of the revenue to bubble Mart. From 2017 to 2019, Molly series achieved revenue of 41.019 million yuan, 214 million yuan and 456 million yuan respectively, accounting for 26.3%, 42.6% and 27.4% of the total revenue respectively. But now, it seems that the long-lasting IP of bubble mart is far from being formed, and the distance to "evergreen" is even longer

总IP收入比重下降,IP活力不够持久,需要迭代才能适应市场。Bubble Mart只能继续寻找新的IP。财报显示,2020年,泡沫商业新授权IP的无形资产比上一年的1860万增加了7000万。

The proportion of head IP revenue is declining, the vitality of IP is not long enough, and it needs to iterate to meet the market. Bubble Mart can only keep looking for new IP. According to the financial report, the intangible assets of the newly authorized IP of bubble Mart increased by 70 million in 2020, compared with 18.6 million in the previous year.


For the property of "fashion play is the doll that designers can create fire", self-developed IP has great uncertainty and cost.


In 2016, after signing a contract with Wang Xinming, the designer of Molly, bubble Mart paid a fixed annual fee and design fee according to the sales situation. In June 2019, Wang Xinming paid 3.45 million yuan to buy 2% shares of bubble Mart. In fact, even according to the valuation of $2 billion when bubble Mart delisted from the new third board, the value of the 2% equity is more than $170 million.


With only 3.45 million yuan, the company sold 170 million yuan worth of shares. Behind it is that the big IP designers have a very high voice, and it is also a compromise that bubble Mart has to make. Last year, the designer was in constant turmoil. Many old players retreated to express their boycott, and Molly's sales volume was greatly reduced in the financial report. This deal was a bit of "loss".


On the other hand, the function of autohemopoiesis has not yet been formed. Except Molly and dimmo, other tail IP of bubble mart are still in the diving stage, and the other two own IP revenues add up to only more than 10 million. In addition, in order to create the next popular model similar to Molly, bubble Mart has a group of fashion designers. At present, the revenue generated by the internal designer team's original IP is also small, only more than 100 million yuan.


According to the report, the revenue of exclusive dealers accounted for 17.7% of the total revenue in 2020, which was not related to the total revenue growth of 2.9% of the total revenue of other vendors It's a lot of success.


It seems that it is not easy to create IP, and it is more cost-effective to acquire an IP with high popularity and user loyalty. In 2020, bubble Mart cooperates with world-famous IP to launch Harry Potter, Naruto and other series, which already have complete world and human IP. With years or even decades of story accumulation, they have accumulated a group of loyal fans. The sales of "Harry Potter Magic World Series" will reach 76 million yuan, and the sales of "sitting family 2 - Disney Princess" series will reach 52 million yuan . Instead of exclusive authorization, cooperation means that it's a business that everyone can do.


Bubble mart, is to continue to fall into the road of constantly looking for new IP, or, also began to tell stories for the dolls, this is a question to be solved.


Up or down, where to find the next group of young people?


"I used to go into the pit (play blind box), and spent hundreds of money every month on average. Later, I felt that I didn't have any motivation to insist on it, so I left some hidden money, and the others were sold on the fish and returned to the pit. Later, I was addicted to drawing cards, and I was a few hundred years old. Later, I played with my classmates to make my own baby (buy Handmade materials, DIY). Anyway, I didn't save the money. Later I found out that I just want to buy, but what I buy doesn't matter, "Xiao Peng, a college student in Shanghai, told me.


Xiao Peng's choice reflects a trend among young people that they will chase after whatever fire happens in a short period of time. The blind box is nothing more than hitting the sensitive nerves of young people, but whether it can last is hard to say.


However, as long as the market share is large enough, even for the young people like running water, the fashion business is an iron millstone.


Wandai has always been a leading enterprise in Japan's trendy game market. In 2015, its market share reached 62%. Although its competitors increased and its market share decreased in recent years, it still accounted for 57.5% in 2019. It is in this way that the animation IP changes so frequently in Japan can go through 70 years.


For bubble mart, although it is now the first listed company of trendy play, it is not easy to keep its leading position.


According to the data statistics of zoster Sullivan's Research Report in 2019, the market share of bubble mart is 8.5%, and the market share of the last four is 7.7%, 3.3%, 1.7% and 1.6% respectively. The whole fashion game industry has not yet formed a large aggregation effect, oligarchic advantage has not yet formed, and the gap between bubble mart and the second place is only 0.8%, which can only be said to be temporarily sitting on the throne.


It is a crossroad for bubble mart to continue to go up and seize the higher end market, anchor the people with higher customer price, or continue to go down and seek opportunities in the second and third tier or even more sinking market.


Looking up, after realizing that chaoplay is a blue ocean with high growth rate and high gross profit, the giants took the lead in trying: Youku launched the blind box of rural love series; station B acquired chaoplay derivatives company Actoys in August 2020, which originally directly entered the overseas animation IP market by virtue of the advantages of two dimensions; at the beginning of 2021, Tencent also launched "Ho app", involving chaoplay business; Baidu also built chaoplay Project "hot tide play", seize the tide play market.


And downward, bubble Mart also has more powerful competitors. It also focuses on the famous and high-quality products in the blind box business, and chooses to open up another way. Toptoy, together with Disney and marvel, creates fashionable and popular products. One of the advantages of mingchuang Youpin lies in its channels. As of Q2 in 2020, there are 4222 global stores of mingchuang Youpin, among which there are more than 2500 in more than 300 cities in China. It adheres to the pursuit of the ultimate cost performance approach, and the price is set at 29.9 yuan to 39.9 yuan, only half of that of bubble Mart.

在速度方面,虽然著名的优质产品制造商top toy在2019年11月才进入市场,但今年它将开设100多家门店,这将很快赶上五年内拥有187家门店的bubble mart。

In terms of speed, although top toy, a famous maker of high-quality products, only entered the market in November 2019, this year it will open more than 100 stores, which will soon catch up with bubble mart, which has 187 stores in five years.


From the financial report, bubble Mart has indeed chosen a more sinking market. According to the financial report data, 47.52% of the growth of stores in offline channels was contributed by the second tier and below cities, and 65.21% of the new revenue of robot stores was provided by the second tier and below cities.


Before telling the story of "China Disneyland", we still need to look at bubble Mart from the perspective of retail industry. Among them, the key indicator for retail is inventory cycle. From 2017 to 2019, the inventory turnover days of bubble mart are 49 days, 46 days and 46 days respectively. Compared with peers, bopoma is lower than aofei entertainment, Meisheng culture and Takara.


This is one of the reasons for the high market valuation at the beginning of listing. The low inventory turnover reflects the company's ability to regularly monitor the inventory level, reasonably predict the sales volume and control the inventory.


However, this indicator has changed in the financial report of 2020, from 46 days in 2019 to 78 days in 2020. This means that bubble mart's efficiency in making money has slowed down.


However, the competitors did not slow down. An investor of Chaozhou game project told tech planet that due to the high valuation of bubble mart, Chaozhou game competitors emerged. Many of them raised new money and adopted a more aggressive approach. "I will open a shop where bubble Mart opens a shop, or even win a better position than bubble Mart.". This also increases the expansion cost of bubble Mart.


Can we copy the flat effect of stores in the first tier cities of "Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen" by entering the second and third tier and sinking markets? In the face of many competitors entering the trendy game and competing with them in different dimensions, how can bubble Mart really take the lead? Only by solving these problems can we really build high barriers and enjoy the high gross profit and high brand premium brought by the moat.


As far as the current situation is concerned, it's still too early to say that bubble mart's bubble is Maotai, which is the youth in the fashion industry.


update time:2021-04-01 10:48:31


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