Robin Li: Baidu Apollo will grow rapidly by 2024 at the latest.


Reference News Network reported on April 1, March 2, Baidu and Geely joint venture "Jidu Automobile Co., Ltd." was officially established, baidu official news said, the company will enter the vehicle manufacturing industry.


In terms of capital structure, baidu subsidiary holds 55% of the shares, while Shanghai Huapu Automobile Co., Ltd., a representative of Geely, has subscribed 900 million yuan, holding 45%.


In the future, baidu Apollo will give full play to its core advantages in the fields of autonomous driving and v2x technology, and promote the construction of world-class urban transportation and automobile manufacturing benchmark projects, according to the review of Baidu's layout in the intelligent automobile industry published by AP.


update time:2021-04-01 10:48:31


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