Apple's push for new regulations triggered an earthquake of 100 billion advertising market: FB and other giants get stuck


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"在IOS 14.5正式版推出之前,很多应用开发者、运营商和第三方归属公司都在积极研究归属解决方案,并与苹果斯卡德网合作进行技术对接和SDK操作更新,以减少苹果新规对自身广告业务的影响。"广告服务平台汇亮科技的一位内部人士告诉记者深圳网.

"Before the official version of IOS 14.5 was launched, many app developers, operators and third-party attribution companies were actively studying attribution solutions, and cooperated with Apple's skadnetwork for technology docking and updating SDK operations, so as to reduce the impact of Apple's new regulations on its own advertising business," an insider of ad service platform Huiliang technology told


The so-called new Apple rules refer to IDFA (identifier for advertising). IDFA is an advertisement identifier introduced by apple in 2012 in order to avoid disclosing the UDID that users cannot change to advertisers. Now, every apple mobile phone has its own IDFA code. The app on the user's mobile phone can use IDFA to identify the user's location and tracking, and push accurate advertisements to the user based on the user's interest. Before Apple changed the IDFA rules, the IDFA of Apple mobile phone users was on by default.

根据苹果IDFA的最新规定,从IOS 14.5开始,如果苹果手机上的应用程序和运营商想要访问用户手机上的IDFA,他们会首先弹出一个提醒窗口,让用户选择是否允许跟踪自己的信息和数据。如果用户选择禁止信息跟踪,运营商将无法获得手机的IDFA码,取而代之的是一系列无意义的零。这意味着广告平台等向用户推荐准确广告的渠道将被切断,成为"盲区"。

According to the latest regulations of Apple's IDFA, starting from IOS 14.5, if the app and operators on Apple's mobile phone want to access the IDFA on the user's mobile phone, they will first pop up a reminder window to let the user choose whether to allow tracking their own information and data. If the user chooses to prohibit information tracking, the operator will not be able to obtain the IDFA code of the mobile phone, instead, it will be replaced by a series of meaningless zeros. This means that advertising platforms and other channels to recommend accurate advertising to users will be cut off, becoming "blind".


For example, a beauty brand has placed an advertisement on an app. Before the new IDFA rules, the app will collect the user's IDFA code. If the user opens the advertisement of the beauty brand on the app, the beauty brand can also see the user's IDFA code, and both sides have the criteria for advertising attribution and effect measurement. Now, if users choose the option of "do not allow app tracking" when installing the app, the source of the app's advertising revenue will be cut off.


"Apple's forced promotion of IDFA terms will have an impact on the advertising and settlement ecology of IOS system. If you want to start a business and make money on the IOS system, you must adapt to Apple's new IDFA rules, update the SDK, and connect with Apple's skadnetwork. Otherwise, you will be taken off the shelves by apple. After all, your arm can't hold your leg, "an app developer who didn't want to be named said helplessly to


Behind Apple's push for new IDFA rules is a huge game of interests.


"Long planned"


"If we accept that it is normal and inevitable that everything in our lives can be summarized and sold, then what we lose is not only data, but also the freedom to be human," Apple CEO Tim Cook said at the "computers, privacy, and Data Protection Conference" in January 2021.


Cook's promotion of user data to the height of human freedom has a big background. Just six months ago, Apple introduced a new privacy policy.

在2020年6月22日举行的世界开发者大会(WWDC)上,苹果宣布将更新广告平台规则,以在IOS 14系统中获得IDFA代码。根据新规定,未来app在获得IDFA时,需要推送窗口明确请求用户权限,就像获得地理位置和摄像头权限一样。这意味着,未经用户许可,数据不能用于定向广告,广告商也不能共享用户信息。这使得以往由IDFA实现的广告属性和效果测量几乎失效。

At the world Developers Conference (WWDC) held on June 22, 2020, Apple announced that it would update the rules for advertising platform to obtain IDFA code in IOS 14 system. According to the new regulations, in the future, app will need to push the window to explicitly request the user's permission when it obtains IDFA, just as it obtains geographical location and camera permissions. This means that without the permission of users, data cannot be used for targeted advertising, and advertisers cannot share users' information. This makes the past advertising attribution and effect measurement realized by IDFA nearly invalid.


In short, after the app and advertising platform are configured with skadnetwork, they can also track the effect of advertising. However, unlike IDFA, which tracks the data of users and devices, skadnetwork only tracks the "behavior" of users.


In Apple's official eyes, the configuration of skadnetwork can help the advertising platform to achieve advertising attribution and effect measurement while protecting users' privacy. However, according to the feedback from the app and operators on the IOS system, skadnetwork does not exist, because it is easier and easier to obtain the user's IDFA code directly than to adapt to skadnetwork.


"But now it's different. After Apple pushes the new IDFA rules, if the app or the company wants to stay on the IOS system, it must study its own attribution scheme and cooperate with Apple's skadnetwork for technology docking," the entrepreneur told


Photo source: Apple website


According to, Apple has upgraded its skadnetwork, and the latest version of skadnetwork 2.2 has added more features.


"Tug of war"


As soon as the new IDFA rules came out, they were immediately rebounded by domestic and foreign Internet companies such as Facebook. "It's like a tug of war between apps on IOS and apple. After the new rules were issued, all interested parties are trying to test each other's bottom line in various ways," the industry insiders explained to


In July 2020, the CFO of Facebook said that Apple's IOS 14 operating system may damage the ability of its social network to deliver accurate advertising. David Wiener also stressed that "Facebook's advertising platform is very important for small businesses, because Facebook and targeted advertising are the lifeblood of small businesses. Anyone can easily promote their products and services to millions of people. We are worried that the radical platform policy will cut off this lifeline, which is crucial to the growth and recovery of small businesses in the epidemic era. "


How much impact does the new IDFA rules have on Facebook? According to the financial report data of Facebook, in 2020, the company's revenue was $86 billion, and advertising revenue was $84.2 billion, accounting for 97.9% of the total revenue. After the implementation of the above policy, Facebook may reduce its advertising revenue by more than 50%.


In China, a person familiar with the situation disclosed that after Apple announced the new rules, the China Advertising Association began to study CAID, trying to bypass Apple's IDFA and collect users' weak information features, so as to build user portraits and achieve accurate advertising push. "CAID's early publicity is free, especially for some big companies, so it attracts a lot of people to connect with it. However, if it is implemented, it may adopt a charging system for Internet companies." In response, the China Advertising Association told China first finance and economics that "at present, the CAID solution has not been formally implemented. The solution will not oppose Apple's privacy policy and is actively communicating with apple.".


From Apple's postponement of IDFA's new rules to early 2021, it is obvious that the "rigidity" of giants such as Facebook has played a role. However, apple officials explained that the delay was mainly to allow developers more time to deal with IDFA changes.


But delay does not mean compromise. According to the financial times on March 19, Apple has issued a warning to app developers and companies on IOS: don't try to bypass the upcoming app tracking transparency privacy function, or the app will be taken off the shelves.


How many application developers are trying to bypass the new IDFA rules? A staff member of Huiliang technology told "the situation of each application is different. From the perspective of the developers we work with at present, the main way for us to deal with Apple's new regulations is to help developers complete the necessary technology updates within the framework of Apple's policy permission. We don't want to take a 'shortcut', because Apple will conduct regular compliance inspection on the application.".


Apple's "strategy"?


Cook said publicly that the new IDFA rules were mainly based on the protection of users' privacy. Since 2010, Apple has been shaping its image as a privacy defender.

在2010年的all things D大会上,苹果的灵魂人物史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)公开表示,"隐私意味着人们知道他们要签什么。我相信人们都很聪明,有些人比其他人想分享更多的数据。问问他们。每次都问他们。让他们告诉你,如果他们厌倦了你的询问,他们就不需要再问他们了。让他们确切地知道你将如何处理他们的数据。

At the all things D conference in 2010, Steve Jobs, the soul of apple, said publicly, "privacy means that people know what they're signing. I believe people are smart, and some want to share more data than others. Ask them. Ask them every time. Let them tell you that if they're tired of your inquiry, they don't need to ask them any more. Let them know exactly what you are going to do with their data.


Facebook and many app developers don't pay for the positioning of their privacy defenders, believing that Apple's move is to take a share of the advertising revenue of Internet companies.


"Apple takes advantage of its control over the app store to make profits for itself at the expense of creators and small businesses. This is an anti competitive behavior, which will force the company's business model to shift from free mode to subscription system and other in app payment, which can directly make apple profit," said Dan Cheng, vice president of advertising and commercial products at Facebook Dan levy has publicly criticized apple in the media.

叙事(美国数据流平台)创始人尼克·乔丹(Nick Jordan)也公开表示:"苹果只保护了30%的用户隐私,70%的原因是它对苹果自身有利。"。

Nick Jordan, founder of Narrative (a data flow platform in the United States), also said publicly: "apple only protects 30% of users' privacy, and 70% of the reasons are that it is good for Apple itself.".


Whether the new IDFA rules are more powerful for Apple itself, we can find out from Apple's current revenue situation.


The picture shows the change of Apple's hardware and software revenue from 2012q1 to 2020q4


Looking at the changes of Apple's hardware and software revenue from 2012 to 2020, we can see that from 2019, the sales of Apple's iPhone, MAC, iPad, wearable devices and other hardware are slowing down, while the service revenue is gradually increasing. To this end, Apple has transformed itself from a hardware manufacturer to a digital service provider.


Take fiscal year 2019 as an example. Apple's iPhone business accounts for about 54.7% of total sales, and its service sector accounts for about 17.7% of revenue, ahead of Ma's 9.8%. The wearable devices, home and accessories market accounted for 9.4% of sales, while the iPad accounted for 8.1%. In terms of gross profit margin, the gross profit margin of Apple's service business in fy2019 was 63.7%, while that of hardware products was only 32.2%.


From the perspective of growth rate and gross profit rate, it is obvious that the temptation of service business to apple is greater.


"In 2017, Apple has required that rewards in apps on IOS system must use Apple's official payment channel and pay shares to apple, otherwise it will be removed from the app. Facebook and other precision advertising revenue is a big gold mine. Apple's strong push for IDFA new rules will inevitably make app developers speculate about its real intention, "industry insiders explained to


However, some Apple fans are willing to believe that Apple's push for IDFA new rules is to protect users' privacy. "Anyone who knows iPhone knows that Apple's ulterior motive is to reap users' cognitive blind area. Before the new IDFA rules, users can restore the advertisement identifier in settings privacy advertising and regenerate an IDFA.".

不管苹果的真正意图是什么,开发者适应新规则的时间已经所剩无几。尽管官方没有关于IOS 14.5官方版本发布时间的通知,但苹果已经向部分开发者开放了IOS 14.5测试版进行测试。

No matter what Apple's real intention is, there is not much time left for developers to adapt to the new rules. Although there is no official notice about the launch time of the official version of IOS 14.5, Apple has opened the beta version of IOS 14.5 to some developers for testing.


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update time:2021-04-01 10:48:31


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