Should we laugh at Xu Jiayin: Evergrande is finally coming down from ppt?


This financial report is not bad. It can be seen that Evergrande has been working hard to meet the "three red lines" in the past year.


According to the financial report, from the end of March last year to the end of March this year, Evergrande's interest bearing liabilities decreased by 200 billion yuan, from 874.3 billion yuan to 674 billion yuan. Evergrande also gave a schedule to reduce its debt: to below 590 billion yuan on June 30, 2021; to below 450 billion yuan on June 30, 2022; to below 350 billion yuan on June 30, 2023.


At present, Evergrande, whose "three red lines" are all red, has also given a downshift schedule from red to green: on June 30, 2021, the net debt ratio will drop to below 100%. According to the financial report, as of December 31, 2020, its debt ratio will still be as high as 152%; on December 31, 2021, the cash to debt ratio will reach above 1; on December 31, 2022, the asset liability ratio will drop to below 70%.


The first is to increase the sales scale and accelerate the return of cash. Xia Haijun said that this year's sales should continue to maintain high-speed growth. Evergrande's sales target for 2021 is 750 billion yuan.


The second is to reduce the land reserve. This year and next year, the land reserve area will be reduced by 150 billion, and the land reserve area of marketable residential buildings will be reduced from 231 million square meters to about 200 million square meters by the end of next year.


The third is to list more of its assets, which is Evergrande's tried and tested move. "In the future, we will gradually spin off the group's high-quality assets for listing." Xia Haijun revealed, "this year, we plan to launch the capital market listing of RV treasure to achieve the work of initiating war and raising funds. Through the continuous increase of equity capital, we can effectively reduce the debt."


Obviously, in order to increase the valuation of RV treasure, Xia Haijun compared RV treasure with shell. He said that RV Bao has become the world's largest online and offline real estate and automobile trading platform, covering 229 cities in China, with 21.29 million nationwide brokers, 387000 professional managers and 43000 stores. "We expect that this year's transaction volume will exceed 2 trillion in 2011, reaching the goal of serving hundreds of millions of users."


However, compared with real estate, people are obviously more concerned about when Evergrande will be built. Xu Jiayin said: "one car or two cars can not achieve the grand goal of Evergrande. The grand goal of Evergrande is to develop new energy vehicles. We are positioned according to the world's leading enterprises. "


According to his original words: "either don't do it, do the best if you want to do it. This is the consistent style of Evergrande."


In order to convince the outside world that Evergrande is not a PPT car maker, like the beginning of all the movie stories, Xu Jiayin tells the origin of Evergrande's car maker.


Evergrande automobile is a project determined by Evergrande five years ago after it dispatched more than 2000 people to do a lot of Social Research on the major industries in the market. "We believe that new energy vehicle is a big industry that is environmentally friendly and people all over the world yearn for in the future. It has a very good prospect. It is a revolution in the history of the world's automobile industry. It is an industry that our country supports from the development strategy, and it is also an industry that serves the people. In terms of scale, it is also an industry that matches the scale of Evergrande group." Xu Jiayin said that in this regard, Evergrande decided to enter the new energy vehicles, and last year changed the name of Evergrande health to Evergrande automobile.


Xu Jiayin has made so many preparations to lead to the next sentence: "today's diversified industries of Evergrande are not suddenly emerging from the sky, but are now eight industries created through several years or more."


"When Evergrande decides to enter the field of new energy vehicles, the first thing we do is to set goals. What are the goals? By 2025, an annual output of 1 million vehicles will be achieved, and by 2030, an annual output of 5 million vehicles will be achieved. " When Xu Jiayin said this, I don't know if you believe it. Anyway, I didn't dare to believe it too much.


According to the 2020 annual performance report released by Evergrande recently, 98.79% of its revenue comes from medical beauty and health management, and only 1.21% of its revenue comes from new energy vehicles. The key is that up to now, there is no mass production of a car.


Xu Jiayin said that Evergrande didn't know anything about the automobile industry before. It had no foundation at all. There were no important people, no technology and no base. Basically, it started from 0.


So how does Evergrande build this car?


Xu Jiayin said: "our basic idea is that all aspects of the world's automobile industry are used by us. See? Global resources are used by us. Through these three years, the team building of Evergrande automobile group is very good. Now we have a total of more than 8700 people. There are 3500 researchers in our research institute, including those in our production base. "


"Evergrande has released 9 models, and we have developed 14 models at the same time." Why develop so many cars at the same time? Because for Xu Jiayin, who pursues the biggest and largest amount of money in everything, even in poverty alleviation, one car a year "does not match the scale of Evergrande's annual sales of 600-700 billion.".


He revealed that a large number of tests have been carried out on several released cars. He specifically mentioned the last winter test in Inner Mongolia. "It's all to be made. It's all from our production line to be tested." Xu Jiayin said.


Speaking of this, Xu Jiayin is more confident: "we will have trial production at the end of this year, the fourth quarter, and a large number of deliveries next year. This is our whole plan."


Evergrande is finally coming down from ppt.


Is that right?


update time:2021-04-01 10:48:31


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