TSMC will invest $100 billion in three years to increase production capacity


Tencent technology news on April 1, according to media reports, semiconductor market demand is strong, and TSMC, the wafer foundry, plans to invest $100 billion to increase production capacity in the next three years to support customer demand.


Recently, the industry circulated a letter written by Wei Zhejia, President of TSMC, to customers, explaining the semiconductor supply shortage and TSMC's coping strategies and actions.


Wei Zhe Jia pointed out in the letter that although TSMC increased its production capacity in the past 12 months, and the utilization rate of production capacity exceeded 100%, it still could not meet the demand. Therefore, it plans to invest $100 billion to increase its production capacity in the next three years.


TSMC will build a new wafer plant and expand its existing advanced and special technologies. Wei Zhe Jia mentioned in his letter that TSMC is recruiting thousands of new blood and purchasing land and equipment.


Wei Zhe Jia also pointed out that TSMC is committed to becoming a reliable technology and production capacity provider in the world. In response to the increasing complexity of advanced process technology and material costs, TSMC will suspend the price reduction of wafers for four quarters from December 31, 2021.


TSMC did not comment on the letter or on the price. TSMC said that it is entering a period of higher growth rate, and it is expected that the industry trend of 5g and high efficiency computing (HPC) will drive strong demand for TSMC semiconductor technology in the next few years. In addition, the pandemic of cowid-19 has accelerated the digitization of all aspects.


TSMC pointed out that in order to meet market demand, it is expected to invest $100 billion to increase production capacity in the next three years to support the manufacturing and R & D of leading technologies.


update time:2021-04-01 10:48:31


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