Who Kwai tiktok manufactured fake doctors in batch?


By Wang Huixian


Editor Su Qi


The profession of doctor is going to be ruined by swindlers.


First of all, a group of actors pretended to be miracle doctors and cheated in major TV stations "against their ancestors' instructions". They cheated for more than ten years. Now in the era of short video, they are making a comeback.


"Curry", a doctor blogger with nearly ten million fans on the short video platform, told kaipineapple finance that recently many fans were cheated by his counterfeiters. However, no matter how many videos were sent to clarify and warn you, the number of cheated people is still increasing. He lamented that the cost of breaking the law is too low, while the cost of safeguarding rights is too high, which runs counter to his original intention of "popularizing" medical knowledge.


Swindlers not only have a variety of routines, but also have a strong ability of "reproduction". Some of them can quickly become popular by copying and directly carrying the doctor's content, and then quickly cash in the goods; some of them sneak in the doctor's big V comment area, talk to patients who come to ask for medicine, recommend medicine in private letters, and wait for people who are in a hurry to go to the doctor's office.


What's more, many doctors who have passed the official certification of the platform are also fake. There are a number of professional organizations dealing with fake authentication behind them, which cover their fraud accounts with "official authentication".


The "popular science garbage" created by fake doctors on the short video platform is praised and forwarded, while the traffic of real doctors is less and less, and their reputation is gradually affected. They are busy refuting rumors and safeguarding their rights every day. When all the doctors in the short video begin to expel good money from bad money, who will save the "desperate" patients?


A cheat is a doctor's fault


Today's young people can avoid fake science popularization, but they can't avoid family groups. "The five dangers of staying up late, you must know" "sitting for a long time, you will get these diseases..." these words are very easy to use for anxious parents. When you see these words, you can't help forwarding them.


Most of the doctors in these short videos are middle-aged people wearing white coats, chest tags and glasses. They speak slowly, which is in line with people's impression of doctors and will also deepen their parents' trust in the video content.


These people just "look like" doctors. In fact, doctors who have been officially certified on the platform should have a unique "ID card" with blue V or yellow V logo. Blue V is enterprise certification and yellow V is personal certification. It's just that most people may not notice.


There are plenty of people who have no official certification, and the accounts are tiktok. For example, the voice account "Gao Zhiying," the hospital did not include the hospital, department and real identity. There was only one sentence, "thank you for your attention", but tiktok has about 2600000 fans.


In a video of Dr. Pei, she recommended a kind of ointment to improve pigmentation to netizens, but some netizens who have used it reported in the comment area that the effect is not obvious, "after using one, it's still like that." "The blacker it gets, the worse it gets." At the same time, many netizens began to ask, "where is the doctor in the hospital?" "It's no use paying attention to you. You don't answer the questions at all. You just want to pay attention to the traffic!" In this regard, Dr. Pei has never made any response.


In the sales window of the "Xiao Yin Yin doctor", the sales volume is tiktok, which is sold by overseas brands. The sales volume has reached 26 thousand, but many of the users bought are disappointed in the product. "IQ tax, don't be fooled." "Thanks to my trust in the doctor's recommendation, it's all for making money. It's expensive and of poor quality." "The after-sales service is extremely poor, and it's cheating to get high praise."


Tiktok Kwai, the imitation number and the imitation number on the fast hand are the left to right.


This is not a case in point. Curry, a doctor blogger, has nearly ten million fans on the short video platform. He told kaipineapple Finance: "there are too many such things. We have a popular science doctor group, all of which are doctor bloggers with millions or tens of millions of fans. Without exception, they have been impersonated." Curry has updated nearly 1000 videos on the platform, at least half of which are full of cheaters in the comment area.


"With my name and avatar, carrying my videos, these swindlers are so rampant that they can never be eliminated." Make complaints about curry.


A fake number with a poor quality goods can make real doctors fall into the curse, that group of fake real doctor swindlers, the consequences are unimaginable.


The real doctor, big V, has become a tool for cheaters


Swindlers come prepared.


When some doctors conduct science popularization on the short video platform, fans will ask all kinds of health problems in the comment area, but doctors have no time to consider every question, which gives swindlers an opportunity to take advantage of, or even "precise deception".


Many people may find it hard to understand why those deceptive scripts can make so many people cheated, and even the cheated will be ridiculed. "You don't understand because you don't have it." Over the years, curry has seen too many patients who are in a hurry to go to the hospital. First, it's expensive to see a doctor in the hospital, and they want to buy some cheap medicine to treat the disease. Second, there is really no other way. Whether it's true or not, they are willing to use it as a straw to try again.


According to curry, these swindlers just grasped the patient's psychology, pretended to be himself or his assistant, looked for the target in the message area, and then took advantage of the words such as "you can use so and so medicine for this disease", "I am curry myself, this is my trumpet" and so on. One of the netizens, under the swindler's deception, had an allergic reaction after buying the plaster, but was prevaricated and refused to refund.


Source / respondents


A few days ago, curry went out of battle in person. He released a video saying that many people on the platform used the same duplicate account as him, intercepted patients in his comment area, recommended plasters, and disappeared after receiving the money. I will not recommend any medicine or therapy in the video


But what makes curry helpless is that in addition to pretending to be himself or an assistant, some swindlers have higher ranks and deeper routines - they fish in the video message area of doctor big V, lure users to consult through messages, and then sell drugs to cheat money in private letters.

在视频点评区的语音账号"obstetre牛医生"中,有网友问,"孕妇怎么办?"骗子说自己也是孕妇,用过益生菌,然后开始为那些已经迷上益生菌品牌的人私下赊账,并开始下一个tiktok 1V1。

In the video review area of the voice account "obstetre cow doctor", some netizens asked, "what do pregnant women do?" the cheater said he was also a pregnant woman, and used probiotics, and then began to take private credit for those who had already been hooked on probiotics brands, and began the next tiktok 1V1.


Tiktok / jitter


These swindlers "believe in probability". They seem to be looking for "prey" regardless of field. In fact, they expect that as long as the net is spread widely enough, there will always be people taking the bait. In the comments area of big V bloggers such as obstetricians and gynaecologists, orthopedics doctors, dermatologists and pediatricians, swindlers can be seen everywhere.


A cheater posted a fishing post at the bottom of the gynecologist's video, saying: "will psoriasis recur after it's cured?" After opening the home page, the account shows that there is no work, a discerning person will know that it is nurseries, but many netizens with psoriasis can't help asking: "I want to know how good you are."


Tiktok / jitter


When kaipineapple finance and economics also commented below, sure enough, the netizen sent a private letter and began to add wechat to sell medicine. "I haven't recurred for more than two years now. My uncle recommended this doctor to me. You add my wechat and I'll push him to you."


Tiktok / jitter


After adding wechat, the netizen recommended her doctor to kaipineapple finance and economics, and once again stressed: "there are hormones in western medicine, and if I cut off the medicine, it will relapse. I used this traditional Chinese medicine, and it has not relapsed for more than two years."


Swindler's fishing skills and circle of friends


Curry is also used by some enterprises with ulterior motives. Before that, an enterprise selling moxa cervical paste intercepted videos of cervical spondylosis popularization by several doctors and put them at the beginning of the advertisement. Many fans thought it was recommended by doctors, and they ran to the doctors to protect their rights when they ran out of it. Only then did the doctors know that some enterprises were cheating on their name, and their reputation was greatly reduced.


Fake doctors are being mass produced


"On the short video platform, it's too easy to cash in on fake doctor IP." Curry sighs because the cost of counterfeiting is low and the cost of safeguarding rights is high.


Doctors' badges and white coats can be found on some e-commerce websites, and can be customized. The organization behind the fake doctors also has a complete set of drainage techniques, which can be read by actors. For example, what you eat and what tricks you use can prevent the following diseases. "As long as it's related to these contents, you don't have to worry about the traffic."


In contrast, the hot experts in Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital and Peking Union Medical College Hospital, who are hard to be registered, can hardly get the flow of popular science videos on the short video platform, with tens of thousands of fans. "If they were talking nonsense all day, they would have millions of fans." Curry said with a bitter smile.


What's even more unimaginable is that the Yellow V and blue V authentication used by ordinary users to identify the true and false doctors can also be forged.


Generally speaking, the doctor's yellow V certification is relatively strict, and the application threshold is higher. "First of all, they must be doctors at or above the top three hospitals. Second, they need to upload the relevant materials such as the qualification screenshot of the Commission of health, doctor's license, department and professional title certificate." A doctor who had certified Huang V told him to prescribe pineapple.


But now, post bar, know, Xiao Hong and other platforms on Baidu tiktok can be seen with help of a short video doctor's ad: "help doctors to identify the jitter, 2000 pieces."


Tuyuan / tieba, xiaohongshu, Zhihu


Kwai pun finance found a certified service provider, the other party in the friends circle briefing, wrote: "paid tiktok, quick hands, little red book all kinds of problems." Within one day, this person issued several circles of friends, all related to the agency certificate, one of which showed: Medical blue V, unlicensed can also do, can specify the hospital.


Tuyuan / service provider circle of friends


But this person is very vigilant, repeatedly asked to open the circle of friends for verification, "do not give to see all can not do, the risk is too big, can't show his feet."


In this way, many organizations or companies rely on "certification", not only medical blue V certification, but also beauty, health care, health care and financial blue V certification.


Kwai tiktok, a business developer who started the business on Xiaohong book, said: "the business process of Xiao Hong book, quiver and fast hand is very simple. It only needs to provide mobile phone number and head image, and it can also be certified without a business license. The certification fee for Kwai Hung's book is 900 yuan, plus a quick certification. If you want tiktok authentication, you need to add another 600 yuan.


"Agency business license is a legal act, but fraud in the process is illegal, such as submitting false materials to defraud registration." Li Sheng, a lawyer from Beijing Zhipu law firm, told kaipineapple finance.


However, it is very difficult for real doctors to protect their rights. Curry said that if you want to report and complain about the swindler's account, you need to hand in a pile of materials each time to prove your identity, and prove which operation of the other party violates the rules. Even if you succeed in safeguarding your rights, "the final result is like" tickling "for the swindler. This number has been blocked, and there are many spare numbers waiting to be used. When the profession of doctor is ruined, who can patients trust? "


What's terrible is not the fake doctors and swindlers who have come to the surface, because they have been pushed more or less to the light that the public can see. What's really frightening is the fake industry chain that provides cheaters with "reproductive capacity" in the dark. They can copy the trumpet with no more than 10000 fans, just like countless tentacles, waiting for the patients who turn to doctors in the blind area of platform supervision.


In this feast of fraud, both doctors and patients are victims. Only cheaters can swindle money with ease. If an account is blocked or fined, there will be thousands more. If it is blocked by a platform, they will go to find a new flow pool.


*The picture is from the book "peddler". At the request of the interviewee, curry is a pseudonym.


update time:2021-03-23 18:47:16


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