Xiaomi official announced that all Lei Jun in "gambling" will win this time?


With the announcement and Lei Jun's reply, Xiaomi's car finally landed. Xiaomi group plans to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary, led by Lei Jun, to develop intelligent electric vehicle business. It is estimated that it will invest 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years.


Over the past two decades, Lei Jun has experienced three major changes: from programmer to manager, from entrepreneur to investor, and from Internet industry to hardware industry. Now, Lei Jun, who is over 50 years old, has chosen to start again and devote himself to the field of intelligent vehicles. Coincidentally, on the same day, Zhang Yiming said in an internal speech, "casually, all in's company has a big problem." Will Lei Jun be beaten in the face if he talks too much? What challenges will Xiaomi face in making cars?


Build a car with all your reputation


On the afternoon of March 30, Xiaomi group disclosed that the board of directors of the company officially approved the project of intelligent electric vehicle business, and planned to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary, led by Lei Jun, to be responsible for the intelligent electric vehicle business. The initial investment is 10 billion yuan, and it is expected to invest 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years.


(screenshot of Xiaomi group announcement)


At Xiaomi's spring press conference that night, Lei Jun confirmed it again and expressed his determination to build a car. "This will be the last major project in my life. I am willing to bet all my accumulated achievements and reputation in my life to fight for Xiaomi." As soon as the voice came down, the audience applauded.


Rumors about millet making cars have a long history, but none of them has been confirmed. Before that, Xu Jieyun, deputy director of the general office of Xiaomi group, had twice clarified the rumor of car making, "just grasp one principle: anyone who says Xiaomi wants to build a car is false news." As the rumors become more and more intense, fake has gradually become a fact.


Lei Jun said frankly that he experienced a very complicated psychological tug of war during this period.


According to Lei Jun, he has always been very optimistic about electric vehicles. In 2013, he visited Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, twice. In the past seven or eight years, he has invested in nearly 10 companies in the electric vehicle industry. "Car building is a very fashionable topic, but executives have discussed it several times. The theme is how to really understand the mobile phone business and focus on the core business without any distractions."


Until January 15 this year, Xiaomi's board suggested that Xiaomi executives study the prospect of electric vehicles.


"At the beginning, my heart was very resistant," Lei Jun said. "It took us five years to make the mobile phone business today and become the third largest in the world. The battle of mobile phone has not been finished yet. Will car making be a distraction?"


No matter how reluctant Lei Jun is, "on January 15, we began to seriously investigate."


During this period, Lei Jun heard a lot of people's opinions. A large group of friends tried their best to persuade him to build a car, but he would wonder: why do you think Xiaomi can build a car? The answer is also very simple: "Xiaomi knows both hardware and Internet, why not build a car?" "Colleagues are all building cars. Will you be out of date if you don't build them?" "Will mobile phones and cars be the same thing?"


However, Lei Jun has also heard voices of opposition, "the automobile industry is very complex, with huge investment. It is easy to turn over if it is not done well." "I don't think you're a layman." "Other people's electric cars have been working for five or six years. You're only starting now. Isn't it a little late?"


Do it or not? "This decision is too important for me. I think there are 100 reasons to do it in the daytime and 100 reasons not to do it in the evening." Lei Jun said frankly.


Over the past 75 days, the management of Xiaomi has gone through 85 visits and communication in the industry, in-depth communication with more than 200 senior people in the automotive industry, four internal management seminars and two formal boards of directors, and finally announced that Xiaomi has officially entered the intelligent electric vehicle industry.


"From the moment I make a decision, I don't care about the pressure any more. I only care about whether Xiaomi has the ability to make a touching car for rice noodles." Lei Jun said.


100 billion fund still faces challenges


For the electric vehicle industry, Xiaomi is a new recruit without any experience. Lei Jun himself is also aware of the risks of the auto industry. "It takes at least three to five years for an investment of tens of billions to be effective."


However, in his view, today's Xiaomi is not Xiaomi who only had "three or five people, seven or eight guns" ten years ago, but has accumulated a little, "it's worth our doing a lot.". At the press conference, Lei Jun showed the strength of Xiaomi generously.


"What do we have? We have money, a research and development team of more than 10000 people, a team of excellent engineers, the top three mobile phone businesses in the world and the best intelligent ecology in the world. " Lei Jun said that at the same time, he announced the cash balance of Xiaomi group at the end of 2020: 108 billion yuan.


Before that, on March 24, Xiaomi group disclosed its financial report for 2020. According to the financial report, last year, Xiaomi achieved an operating revenue of 245.866 billion yuan, up 19.4% year on year; its adjusted net profit was 13.006 billion yuan, up 12.8% year on year.


According to the enterprise survey data, as of March 29, 2021, Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. had 6758 valid patents, including 211 patents with patent name and patent abstract including "engine, navigation, car, driving, radar and driving".


Zeng Piquan, Deputy Secretary General of new energy vehicles branch of China Automobile Circulation Association, told China Newsweek that Xiaomi has advantages and difficulties in making cars.


In his opinion, Xiaomi has a strong cash flow, and there is no problem in terms of capital when building cars; in addition, Xiaomi also has a foundation in terms of talent reserves; and Xiaomi has a strong innovation ability. "Lei Jun invested in Xiaopeng and Weilai before. Looking at the growth and development of Xiaopeng and Weilai in recent years, Lei Jun has confidence. In addition, Xiaomi's positioning as an Internet technology company matches Tesla's positioning, which further strengthens his belief in car building. " Zeng PI Quan said.


Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the Federation of riders, told the magazine that Xiaomi has advantages in the industrial chain and capital. At the same time, Xiaomi has invested in a lot of new powerful enterprises in car making, "so if you know how other people make cars, you can make relatively good cars yourself."


It is worth mentioning that even if there are hundreds of billions of funds on the book, can it support Xiaomi's "car dream"? As we all know, car making is very expensive. The reason for Jia Yueting's ff91 has been lack of money for four years, from the expectation of millions of people to the "difficult labor". And Weilai has also become the loss king of new car making forces because it has lost more than 30 billion yuan in the five years from 2016 to 2020.


On the other hand, Zeng Piquan pointed out that talent matching, structure and professionalism are the biggest difficulties for Xiaomi to build cars.


"From a macro point of view, after 2030, the market pattern of the whole automobile industry that" the boss is the boss and the second is the second "has basically settled down." In Zeng Piquan's view, it will take some time for Xiaomi to make cars. In this process, whether Xiaomi can quickly match talents, quickly form a good team, quickly occupy a place in the market competition, and how to compete with old car companies or joint ventures are the most difficult problems for Xiaomi.


Cui Dongshu believes that although building a car and a mobile phone are basically the same concept, compared with building a mobile phone, the process of building a car is more complex and requires higher safety.


"It's definitely not easy for Xiaomi to build a car," Zeng said, but it has to be done, and there is no choice. "The global market competition is fierce, and the market share of each field is just so much. To get a share, it depends not only on the enterprise's own strength, but also on the enterprise's leaders' grasp of the future and the future trend."


According to IDC China's quarterly mobile phone market tracking report, in 2020, the overall domestic mobile phone market shipment is about 326 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 11.2%, and the mobile phone market tends to be saturated. In contrast, China's auto market is huge, "more than 5 trillion, including parts, will double to 10 trillion," Cui said.


The auto industry is really big, but the track is getting more and more crowded. In addition to Weilai, Xiaopeng, ideal automobile and other new domestic automobile manufacturers, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi and other luxury brands have entered the field of new energy vehicles. Traditional automobile enterprises such as SAIC, BYD, Toyota have also begun to make efforts. Coupled with the impact of Tesla's localization, the industry competition is becoming increasingly white hot.


In front of the tide of the times, where will Xiaomi go?


At last night's press conference, Lei Jun said that the key point of his thinking is whether Xiaomi still has the same courage, determination, physical strength and devotion as he did ten years ago. "Obviously, now the answer is yes." "As long as we are willing to wait, we will do our best to live up to our expectations and bring Xiaomi to you as soon as possible," he said


It remains to be seen whether and when "the first car for young people" will come out.


update time:2021-04-01 10:48:31


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