60 year old cook vs. 36 year old zakar, who can win the two kinds of Internet thinking?


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2019年7月,在美国爱达荷州太阳谷举行的科技和媒体大亨论坛上,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)和Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)坐下来举行非正式会议,试图修复他们之间的紧张关系。

In July 2019, at a forum of technology and media tycoons in Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, Tim Cook, CEO of apple, and Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, sat down and held informal meetings to try to repair the tension between them.


Zuckerberg joined Facebook executive Dan Ross and coo Cheryl Sandberg at the Allen conference in 2018


What's more, cook and Zuckerberg attacked each other. In 2017, a Washington political company funded by Facebook and other apple competitors published anonymous articles criticizing cook and plotted a false campaign to make cook a presidential candidate, presumably to subvert his close relationship with former president Donald J. trump. In 2018, when asked how he would deal with Facebook's privacy problems if he were in Zuckerberg's position, cook simply replied, "I won't be in this situation."


Apple and Facebook declined to let cook and Zuckerberg be interviewed, saying there was no personal grudge between them. Referring to the new privacy feature, apple said: "we just think that users should have the right to choose how their data is collected and used." In response, Facebook said that Apple's policy change has little to do with privacy, but is in pursuit of profit. "Free, ad supported services are critical to the growth and vitality of the Internet, but apple is trying to rewrite the rules in a way that benefits them and blocks everyone else," a company spokesman said


Intimate comrades become enemies of privacy

库克和扎克伯格第一次见面是在十多年前,当时库克是苹果的二把手,Facebook还处于起步阶段。一位苹果前高管表示,当时苹果甚至将Facebook视为对冲谷歌的工具。作为搜索巨头,谷歌已经通过Android进入移动软件领域。这位前高管表示,2010年前后,苹果数字服务主管埃迪•库伊(Eddie cue)曾与扎克伯格接洽,寻求在软件方面的合作。

Cook and Zuckerberg first met more than a decade ago, when cook was Apple's second in command and Facebook was still in its infancy. A former Apple executive said at the time Apple even saw Facebook as a hedge against Google. As a search giant, Google has entered the field of mobile software through Android. Around 2010, Eddie cue, Apple's head of digital services, approached Zuckerberg for cooperation on software, the former executive said.


In the subsequent meeting, Zuckerberg told kuy that Apple had to make a big contribution to the collaboration, or the social network would be happy to stay on its own, people familiar with the matter said. Some Apple executives believe that these interactions show that Zuckerberg's attitude is rather arrogant. But two other people familiar with the matter said the atmosphere of the talks was quite harmonious and they were puzzled by the negative description of the two companies' executive meetings. These discussions eventually led to a partnership between apple and Facebook, allowing iPhone users to share their photos directly on Facebook.


Although there were many differences between the two sides during the talks, the actual situation is very complicated, because Facebook and apple are becoming interdependent. IPhone is a key device for people to use Facebook Mobile App, and Facebook (which later included instagram and instant messaging service WhatsApp) has always been one of the most downloaded apps in Apple's app store.


By 2014, Facebook executives began to worry about Apple's influence on iPhone users distributing their apps. People familiar with the matter said Apple sometimes delays updates to its Facebook app through the app store, adding to concerns.


At the end of 2020, apple asked app developers to provide its app store with so-called "privacy tags," which list the types of data collected from users in an easy to scan format

2014年2月,当Facebook董事会开会讨论代号为"钴计划"(project cobalt)的计划,即收购其他大规模社交应用程序时,与会者首先提到的是苹果的影响力。会议记录显示,Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)支持这项交易,部分是为了保护Facebook免受苹果和谷歌对智能手机软件的控制。这些会议记录是去年公布的,作为国会对科技公司调查的一部分。

In February 2014, when the board of directors of Facebook met to discuss the plan codenamed "project cobalt", that is, to acquire other large-scale social applications, the first thing the participants mentioned was the influence of apple. According to the minutes, Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, supported the deal in part to protect Facebook from apple and Google's control of smartphone software. The minutes were released last year as part of a congressional investigation into technology companies.


Adding another popular app to Facebook's products "will make it harder for operating system providers to exclude the company's mobile apps from the mobile platform," Sandberg said.

苹果前高管透露,库克对Facebook的看法也比较负面。2016年总统大选后,美国政府披露,俄罗斯滥用Facebook激怒了美国选民。2018年,剑桥分析公司(Cambridge analysis company)数据滥用丑闻曝光,凸显了Facebook收集大量用户数据的不当行为。

Former Apple executives revealed that cook's view of Facebook is also more negative. After the 2016 presidential election, the US government disclosed that the Russian abuse of Facebook angered US voters. In 2018, the data abuse scandal of Cambridge analysis company was exposed, which highlighted the improper behavior of Facebook in collecting a large amount of user data.


Facebook can't control its own destiny?


Cook decided to draw a line with Facebook for this, people familiar with the matter said. Although cook raised the issue of privacy as early as 2015, he stepped up his publicity efforts in 2018. Apple has even announced a new corporate motto: "privacy is a fundamental human right.". This is in line with Apple's marketing strategy that people should buy iPhones for $1000 to help protect themselves from the Internet.


In an interview with the media that year, when asked about the abuse of data by Cambridge analytics, Cook said the current situation was "very serious" and suggested that it was necessary to "implement more carefully designed regulatory measures" on Facebook.


Cook talked about new tools for managing screen time at Apple Developer Conference in 2018


Then, at the 2018 global Developers Conference, Apple announced the technological changes that have impacted Facebook's advertising business. These include the iPhone's built-in screen time tracker, which allows users to set time limits for certain apps, which can affect companies such as Facebook. Because these companies need people to spend more time on their apps in order to show them more ads.

苹果还表示,为了保护人们的隐私,它将要求该公司在不同的网站上追踪Safari浏览器的用户之前,必须获得用户许可。Facebook长期以来一直使用一种名为"cookies"的追踪技术来收集数据,这使得它可以向广告商收取更多费用。"这确实显示了苹果控制操作系统的力量,Facebook无法控制自己的命运,"广告公司GroupM商业智能主管布莱恩·维瑟(Brian Wieser)说

Apple also said that to protect people's privacy, it would require the company to license users of its Safari Internet browser before tracking them on different websites. Facebook has long used tracking technology called "cookies" to collect data, which allows it to charge advertisers more. "It really shows the power of apple to control the operating system, and Facebook can't control its own destiny," said Brian Wieser, head of business intelligence at advertising company GroupM


Three current and former Facebook employees said Apple's privacy measures were seen as "hypocritical" within Facebook. Apple, for example, has long signed a lucrative agreement with Google to embed Google's data hungry search engine into Apple products. Zuckerberg told his deputy privately that Facebook "needs to bring pain to apple and cook," a person familiar with the matter said.

在幕后,工作已经开始。早在2017年,Facebook就扩大了与华盛顿公共关系公司definers public affairs的合作,后者专门针对其客户采取反击行动。根据文件和前definers员工的说法,definers员工向记者分发了关于苹果不当行为的研究报告,并在definers相关网站上发表了批评库克的文章。

Behind the scenes, the work has begun. As early as 2017, Facebook expanded its partnership with Washington public relations firm definers public affairs, which specializes in counterattack actions against its customers. According to documents and former definers employees, definers employees distributed research reports on Apple's misconduct to reporters and published articles criticizing cook on definers related websites.


According to the New York Times in 2018, definers also launched the so-called "grassroots marketing" campaign to elect cook as the presidential candidate in 2020, probably to make him the target of Trump's presidential campaign. On the website called "Tim Cook 2020 draft", there are many heroic words that the CEO once said and provided him with a simulated election platform. The data behind the site links it to definers.


Apple and Facebook are also competing in other areas, including instant messaging, mobile games and "mixed reality" devices, which are essentially glasses that can mix digital images into the real world. By the time of the Solar Valley meeting in 2019, the relationship between Zuckerberg and cook had reached freezing point. Then things got worse.


Apple launches app anti tracking function to declare war on FB


Apple's new mobile software has a prompt function that allows people to choose not to be tracked for advertising purposes

早在2020年6月,在虚拟开发者大会上,苹果隐私团队负责人凯蒂·斯金纳(Katie Skinner)就宣布,公司计划推出一项新的iPhone功能,要求应用程序获得用户的同意,以便在不同的应用程序之间跟踪用户。不过,斯金纳没有透露太多细节。她只介绍了大约20秒的功能。

As early as June 2020, at the virtual Developers Conference, Katie Skinner, the head of Apple's privacy team, announced that the company plans to launch a new iPhone feature, requiring applications to obtain the consent of users in order to track users between different applications. Skinner, however, didn't give much detail. She only introduced the function for about 20 seconds.


Three current and former employees said it was a declaration of war for Facebook. Executives believe that if people can choose not to be tracked, it could damage Facebook's advertising business.


Over the next few months, Facebook and apple sniped at each other over Apple's new features in letters to privacy groups and advertising alliances. Then in December, Facebook ran a full page ad in the New York Times and other publications about Apple's privacy changes. The company claimed that Apple's new privacy features would damage the advertising capabilities of small businesses and said it would "fight bravely against apple.".


It is reported that Facebook will also meet with advertisers to warn them about Apple's change. "Apple has made a unilateral decision without consulting the industry, and this policy will cause far-reaching harm to enterprises of all sizes," a Facebook product director said in a speech. The impact of Apple's privacy changes makes it harder for Facebook to grow. For other enterprises, it may even endanger their survival"


Apple delayed the release of the feature so that app developers and advertisers could be ready, but cook refused to change the way the app's anti tracking function works. In an image showing the new features, apple uses the familiar app image: Facebook.


update time:2021-05-01 10:46:34


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