Apple smashed Facebook's job


The survey shows that up to 80% of users will choose "no".

早在2010年,苹果联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)就发现,很多人并不在乎自己掌握了多少信息,但他仍然认为,人们应该有权知道数据的用途。

As early as 2010, apple co-founder Steve Jobs found that many people didn't care how much information they had got, but he still believed that people should have the right to know the use of data.


"Privacy means that people know what they're registered for, and they should be given concise terms each time, with the right to choose between yes and no," Jobs said


Recently, cook, Apple's current CEO, pointed to Facebook implicitly: "if a company is built on misleading users, data development and utilization, and some" multiple choice questions that don't give you a choice at all, "this is not something we should praise, but something we should improve."


Apple is integrating privacy protection into the system. Safari, the browser of Apple system, has by default blocked the data collection of third-party cookies. Last year, apple forced app providers on IOS to list the data they collected in Apple stores.


3. Facebook's compromise

Facebook发布提醒称,苹果的应用程序更新可能会将其广告利润削减一半(Facebook去年8月在IOS 14 beta版上进行了一次小规模测试,导致广告收入下降50%),尤其是针对小企业广告商。此外,Facebook认为,与广告商共享数据可以给用户带来"更好的体验"。

Facebook has issued a reminder that Apple's app update may cut its advertising profit by half (Facebook conducted a small-scale test on IOS 14 beta last August, resulting in a 50% drop in advertising revenue), especially for small business advertisers. In addition, Facebook argues that sharing data with advertisers can give users a "better experience.".


Facebook also said Apple's move was hypocritical because after it prevented third parties from collecting data, companies would have to find revenue sources from subscriptions and other payment items within the app, and Apple could easily profit from it.


As usual, when the pressure hit, Facebook sent a public relations team to deal with it. They took out the report in the US domestic newspaper in December last year, which said that small businesses survived the epidemic thanks to targeted advertising.


In its latest blog, Facebook seems to have accepted the change and promised to bring "new experiences and metrics" to advertisers. Facebook also acknowledged that the way digital advertisers collect and use information should "evolve" and rely less on data.


What is the relationship between this "dispute" and me?


In recent years, governments and regulators have increasingly noticed how large and complex the Internet Ecosystem, apps and social media have become.


According to a report released by apple, in order to collect and share users' online data alone, six third-party trackers are usually implanted in apps.


Some apps request to read more data than they need to provide services. Tiktok, for example, was sued by the former children's Commissioner of England for collecting large amounts of data on children.

此外,根据研究咨询公司craked labs的数据,任何数据代理都有大约7亿用户的数据。

In addition, according to craked labs, a research consultancy, any data broker has about 700 million users' data.

大多数人认为,即使没有IOS的更新,定向广告的改革也会到来。技术顾问马克斯·卡尔米科夫(Max kalmykov)写道,广告商必须"为下一个以隐私为中心的数字广告时代做好准备"。

Most people think that even without the update of IOS, the reform of directional advertising will come. Technology consultant Max kalmykov wrote that advertisers must "prepare for the next era of privacy focused digital advertising.".


The scope of the reform may include ads in specific scenarios, such as related ads that appear only on fashion websites, rather than random ads that appear when people browse the web.


At the same time, Apple has expressed its support for the advertising industry and introduced new tools to show advertisers that they can make successful activities without disclosing users' personal information.


5. Is there any other way to track?


Even if your device doesn't have a unique ID, it doesn't mean you can't be tracked at all.


Device fingerprint can combine some device characteristics, such as the operating system of the device, the category and version of the web browser, the IP address of the device, etc. Fingerprint is not a perfect function, but now it just caught the attention of the advertising world.


update time:2021-04-30 18:32:09


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