B & B owner: tourists take Sanya instead of Bali and Maldives. All the rooms are full


According to the data of aibiying platform, compared with 2020, the search data of "farmhouse" and "country cottage" houses increased by more than 9 times, and the search volume of "inn" was more than 17 times of the same period in 2020.


This issue of "personal experience" focuses on three employees of aibiying B & B: someone runs a seaside villa in Sanya. Originally, it was planned that the sales would reach 10 million yuan during the Spring Festival. As a result, because of the local new year policy, there is a gap of several million yuan from this figure; Someone opened a country house in Suzhou, feeling that celebrating the new year on the spot was originally good for his business, but he did not expect that the doorknob of a place in Suzhou was found positive, and as a result, all stores were closed; Ms. Ren, the founder of Xishe B & B in Shanghai, once again narrated the ups and downs of business in this year after a year


Dictator: Coke


People's files: staff of jingkamei Hostel, who will open a B & B in Sanya in 2019. Many people take Sanya instead of Bali and Maldives, and the rooms are almost full


We started to do B & B on May 4, 2019, and the founding team is also from the executives of abiying's B & B management company.


We open B & B in Sanya, using a new trusteeship mode. Many people buy houses in Sanya just for investment, not for self occupation, so the vacancy rate of houses will be very high, so the "trusteeship" mode was born. In this mode, the landlord's house is entrusted to us, and we maintain it regularly for the landlord, because the house is empty, which is the biggest loss. At the same time, we will rent the landlord's B & B as an agent, and we can earn some income for you. Of course, the landlord can come back at any time. So the landlord is willing to try this model.


The peak season of Sanya is usually from October to march of the next year. Therefore, when the epidemic broke out in January 2020, it was just in time for the peak season. At that time, our room was almost full. At first, we heard that there was an epidemic. Many people asked us to check out. Finally, the government issued a notice to cancel all orders.


However, just because there were no guests during the epidemic period, we also took this opportunity to upgrade the B & B, and built some theme rooms, such as Movie B & B rooms and children's B & B rooms, so as to prepare for the business after the epidemic.


According to our assumption, this wave of epidemic may last until May and June, but in fact, it will only last until March and we have started to resume work in April. The tourism market in Sanya is relatively good. Although April is not the peak season, it may be that we have no chance to travel for three months during the epidemic period, and there is a Qingming holiday in April, so we can't wait to travel and come to Sanya to get some air. This part of the situation is completely beyond our expectation.


By May Day, the Dragon Boat Festival, the summer vacation and the National Day holidays, our business began to return to normal, but the unit price was not particularly high. Compared with the price before the epidemic, it was lower, because the flow of people was still not very stable.


Last November, we expected that the price would rise, but maybe it was because the air tickets were too expensive at that time. In addition, we usually came to Sanya in the first half of each year, and maybe it was summer vacation at the latest. So the market of last National Day was not as good as we expected.


By the Spring Festival this year, we expect to complete the normal sales. In January, the government called on everyone to celebrate the Chinese new year on the spot. As a result, the number of orders, visitors and even consulting services on our side have been greatly reduced, and the occupancy rate has dropped sharply. Therefore, we can only adjust the price down to the off-season price.


For example, before the peak season, the price of a two bedroom and one living room dropped a lot. This year, it only sold for a few hundred yuan. Although our B & B can be guaranteed to be full during the Chinese new year, the price is extremely low. Even if there is no loss, it is far from meeting the sales target at that time.


During May Day, the booking of Sanya B & B is very popular, which can be said to be full, so we will also increase the unit price appropriately. This may be because the foreign tourism industry is still in the stage of recovery, so many people take Sanya instead of Bali, Phuket, Maldives and other foreign island tourist attractions, so you can book for three or four days.


We expect that the next peak of travel will be during the Dragon Boat Festival, but perhaps the price of B & B will be adjusted accordingly in such a hot situation as may day, and it may be the same during the 11th National Day.


Dictator: Zhang Wenxuan, founder of Shanghai baishangli brand


Profile: in 2015, we will open B & B around Shanghai Disneyland, and in 2018, we will open a rural B & B in Suzhou as a B & B. compared with Buddhism, we don't want to use may day to recover the loss of the Spring Festival


I started to do B & B in 2015. In 2013, I was still working in Paris, France. My friend helped me book an apartment for aibiying. After I came back, I thought this kind of accommodation was very good. When Shanghai Disneyland opened in 2015, a few friends and I rented 5 or 6 villas on the side of Disneyland, so we started the B & B business.


In 2018, Suzhou began to vigorously implement rural revitalization. Someone from the government recruited some operators from urban B & B to work together. We started to do rural B & B in Suzhou.


Our B & B is a little different from other B & B. our main theme is to take a relative holiday in the countryside, which feels like a village. During the Spring Festival, there are two holiday modes: one is to go abroad, or to Sanya island for holiday; There is also a family, looking for a place to celebrate the new year as a child. But this mode is unlikely to be realized in the city. No house can accommodate so many people, but in the countryside, there are single family houses, so our B & B is very popular during the Spring Festival.


I remember very clearly that on the first day of the lunar new year last year, we received the notice of suspending the reception of guests. Before that, our houses were full during the Spring Festival. After receiving this notice, we can only notify the tenant to check out.


On Chinese New Year's Eve, I spent the new year in my home. After hearing the government's request to suspend reception, I couldn't even go to B & B. The management cost of rural B & B is a little lower, the rent is cheaper, and we have several employees in our village who can be on duty in the B & B. Generally speaking, the operating cost will be less, but compared with urban B & B, the pressure is not so great.


After the Spring Festival, at the beginning of April, we welcomed the first group of guests and stayed for more than 40 days. The tenant comes from Shanghai and has three generations of grandparents and grandchildren. He stayed until the day before the May Day holiday. Because of the May Day holiday, we are fully booked in advance, so the tenants have to leave. During this period, there have been sporadic guests to stay. We will also increase the price, but it is not as high as before.


Rural B & B can't be full every day. However, as we are a holiday complex with catering and entertainment, we are not far away from the city. In addition, we have been holding on for several months, so it's hard to get together. Friends need to meet, colleagues need to meet, and families need to get together. The demand for catering is even more full than before the epidemic.


When it comes to the Spring Festival this year, the government has put forward the policy of celebrating the Chinese new year on the spot. Suzhou's economic conditions are relatively better. It is reasonable to say that celebrating the Chinese new year on the spot is good for our B & B industry, because everyone is not going out, and guests from surrounding Shanghai can come. However, the government was more cautious and was informed to close down again this Spring Festival. I have a simple calculation with our sales. The business situation during the Spring Festival is rather bleak.


Three or four days after the Spring Festival, the government informed us that we were ready for business, and the catering industry recovered faster. Our B & B is well-known in the local area, ranging from high-end consumption to civilian consumption. After the notice of resumption of business, all the guests who want to spend on the spot come. Moreover, few local Suzhou people used to live in our B & B, and this year many Suzhou people have come to live in our B & B.


Frankly speaking, when I do B & B, I compare the Buddhist system. The loss will pass. I don't think so much about it. I just want to do my best for the next wave of guests. Once the holidays, we are so large volume, are full, do not think how to use Qingming, may day to recover the loss of the Spring Festival, but now will be slightly higher than usual price.


Our products do not belong to the national top class B & B of wanghong category. Most of our customers are within the traffic circle of one hour's drive, which is the so-called "acquaintance group", and even many old customers. In this case, if the price fluctuation is particularly large, it will change our good image in the hearts of the guests in a small circle, and may make people feel that it is a business thing, cutting leeks. Therefore, I will not double the price in order to increase the turnover of tens of thousands of yuan. The position of our brand in the hearts of customers is relatively more important. So our usual price is not very low, but the festival will not be very high, I am such a mentality.


Dictator: Ms. Ren


People's files: Shanghai Xishe B & B founder's room on May 1 is not fully reserved, so it's easy to adjust the price


In short, during the epidemic period in Shanghai last year until the middle of January, no one paid serious attention to the epidemic. The real impact on the B & B industry was around January 23, when Wuhan was closed, and everyone realized the seriousness of the situation.


We started to close our own houses on January 27 and took the initiative to close all 50 B & B rooms. If the guest asks for a refund, we will refund it; If the guest wants to keep the quota, we will handle the extension.


From the beginning, I didn't dare to belittle the epidemic. Although the B & B industry is not so popular, we still have to shoulder the responsibility for the guests, the surrounding residents, our internal housekeeper and cleaning staff, so we prepared for the worst.


We really returned to normal in mid March, almost 20% of the housing supply gradually opened. In April, 70% - 80% of the housing supply was basically opened. Due to the different strictness of community management, some houses can only be opened after May. From the effect point of view, for example, the Qingming holiday, we open the basic all of the houses are reserved.


So last year, we were most affected in February, March and April. After May 1, we gradually began to recover and recover. Basically, by July and August, we had recovered to the level before the normal epidemic, or reached a relatively high level. During the worst period of last year, we lost millions of dollars.


June to September is the peak season every year, especially the summer vacation in July and August, which is the best period in terms of large interval. Others are dotted, such as may day, some specific festivals, and the state of small peak.


The low and peak seasons in Shanghai are relatively balanced, and there are few such special low seasons as January this year. This special situation is because, on the one hand, there is a rebound in the epidemic situation in Shanghai, and on the other hand, the government advocates celebrating the Chinese new year on the spot. Therefore, the overall situation in January and February this year is not very good, and the passenger flow and reservation volume have significantly decreased. Other time periods are relatively balanced.


About half of our customers are local customers, and the other half are from other places. It is reasonable to say that the policy of celebrating the Chinese new year on the spot does not affect the reservation of local guests, but the main reason is that the rebound of the epidemic has a greater psychological impact on the guests.


Our normal occupancy rate is more than 80%. In summer, the occupancy rate is about 95%. In holidays such as may day, Dragon Boat Festival and national day, it is basically between 95% and 100%. However, due to the rebound of the epidemic situation and the local new year policy, the occupancy rate in January and February was less than 70%.


From the beginning of April, we began to receive orders for May Day. One month in advance, our reservation rate is about 60%. We expect that after May Day, the reservation rate will be 100%.


The order of May Day is not fully full now. There are still several vacant rooms. This year's overall situation is like this. It's not just us. Many B & B hotels will be locked in advance and released during May Day. The main purpose of this is to adjust prices dynamically.


If you book one month in advance, the price will not change significantly. We have basically set the price for May day one month in advance or in March. In April, the price of each house will be adjusted according to its reservation, every day.


On the whole, in March this year, our profitability was already very good, not only better than that during the epidemic, but also better than that before the epidemic.


update time:2021-05-01 10:46:34


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