Exclusive dialogue with female owners of Tesla's "roof protection": I didn't expect a car to buy itself


Reporter: Li Xing editor: Pei Jianru


"I have never regretted defending my rights to Tesla. The behavior adopted at that time was a little extreme. During the five days of administrative detention, I deeply reflected on it. In the process of safeguarding rights in the future, I will pay more attention to ways and methods. " On the evening of April 29, in a hotel less than 500 meters away from Tesla Experience Center (futa store in Zhengzhou), the reporter of daily economic news met the client of "roof protection" during the Shanghai Auto Show - Tesla female owner Zhang Liang (pseudonym).


Photo source: by Li Xing


Zhang Liang said that during the five days of administrative detention, she did not eat a mouthful of food and drank water when she was hungry" I can't eat at all. I bought a car, but I didn't expect to buy myself in. " Zhang Liang told reporters that it was because she liked Tesla at that time that she "powdered" their car. After buying the car, she also took a self portrait and recommended other friends to buy it.


The reporter learned that from April 28 to April 30, Zhang Liang and his wife went to Zhengzhou market supervision and Administration Bureau and Zhengzhou Zhengdong New Area market supervision and Administration Bureau for three consecutive days to communicate on relevant matters" My appeal now is to find out the truth and safeguard rights to the end. " Zhang Liang said.


"Claiming to be pregnant" is self insurance?


"I have experienced too many rights events in two months, and my life has been completely rewritten by Tesla." Zhang Liang said.


On the first day of this year's Shanghai auto show, Zhang Liang, wearing a T-shirt with the words "brake failure", stood on the top of Tesla and yelled "Tesla brake failure". Zhang Liang was informed by Shanghai police that she was sentenced to administrative detention for five days for disturbing public order due to her extreme behavior in safeguarding her rights.


Zhang Liang said that from March 27 to April 19, Tesla did not take the initiative to contact her" They don't even have a phone call or a wechat. At the beginning, I decided to go to Shanghai to protect my rights, so I wanted to go to Tesla leaders to communicate and solve this matter face to face. When I got to the scene, I heard the security guard say on the walkie talkie, "the owner of the car is here." but no staff came out to connect. In a hurry, I stood on the roof of the car. " Zhang Liang said.


"I did say that about" claiming to be pregnant. ". At that time, as a girl, I was also worried and afraid that I would be hurt, so I said that Zhang Liang said.


It is understood that after the accident, Zhang Liang contacted Tesla for the first time and communicated with Zhengzhou futa store" There is only one answer each time: our store is a direct store of Tesla, and its headquarters is in Shanghai. We need to apply with the leader of the Shanghai headquarters to reply. " Zhang Liang said that the reply of the repeater made her see no hope, so she finally decided to go to Shanghai to have an interview with Tesla leaders directly.


Photo source: by Li Xing


It is worth mentioning that Tesla said in its latest statement, "since February, we have been doing our best to actively communicate with Ms. Zhang and her family."


"Since the accident, we have always been the initiative. For a period of time, I went to Tesla store every morning and left at 6 p.m., which was more punctual than in store sales. I repeatedly asked for the data, but the Tesla staff didn't give me an answer. " Zhang Liang said.


Car owners question the data and put forward three demands


It is worth noting that with the fermentation of the "roof rights" incident, Tesla was ordered to provide vehicle data to car owners. Finally, on April 22, Tesla released the data of Zhang Liang's vehicle one minute before the accident, and made a text explanation.


Photo source: by Li Xing


The statement showed that when the driver pressed the brake pedal for the last time, the speed of the vehicle was 118.5 km / h. After the driver stepped on the brake pedal, the speed continued to decrease. Before the collision, the speed decreased to 48.5 km / h.


"I watched the car directly hit the vehicle in front because of" brake failure "and finally stopped on the concrete fence. Tesla said the existence of speeding vehicles and violations is only their unilateral statement, the traffic police did not come to such a conclusion. My father is an old driver with 35 years of driving experience. He knows the most basic traffic rules and doesn't joke about the life of his family. " Zhang Liang said.


Regarding Tesla's feedback that "the car owner was playing with the mobile phone on the co pilot at the time of the incident", Zhang Liang said that she was really playing with the mobile phone before she heard her father shout "brake failure"" But after hearing my father yell "brake failure", I saw that after my father stepped on his two brakes, the car didn't brake, but still went forward like a bullet. " Zhang Liang said.


"Tesla has seriously violated my privacy by releasing vehicle driving data without the permission of myself and my family. Although there is a stack of data printed out, the data provided by Tesla lacks a number of key data, such as brake pedal displacement, accelerator pedal displacement, motor torque and so on. " Zhang Liang believes that although Tesla has recently issued several official statements in succession, it has never responded positively to its request to provide complete driving data within half an hour before the accident.


Moreover, Zhang Liang believes that Tesla's successive apology statements are mainly in response to public comments, rather than to meet her personal demands" Tesla came to me the next afternoon (April 21) after the first announcement of apology, saying that I had trampled on the car in the exhibition hall and asked if I would pay for it. " Zhang Liang said.


The reporter learned that from April 28, the market supervision and Administration Bureau of Zhengdong New Area once again conducted further coordination and communication between the two sides" Two days ago, the regulatory bureau was communicating with Ms. Zhang (Zhang Liang) and his wife and understanding their needs. Today (April 30), the two parties formally met and had a simple communication. The specific result of the communication is still unknown. " A person familiar with the matter, who declined to be named, told reporters.


"At present, the company and the car owners are still based on mediation. We also hope to solve this problem as soon as possible, and the faster we can promote the third-party testing, the better. " Tesla China official said.


In the face of reporters, Zhang Liang expressed her appeal" First of all, toreen, Tesla's global vice president, said publicly that I want huge compensation from Tesla. I hope she can come up with evidence. If there is no evidence, she needs to give me a public apology; Secondly, Tesla has not provided complete data so far. I need them to provide complete original driving data within half an hour before the accident as soon as possible, respond positively to my queries and fulfill their commitments; As for Tesla's violation of personal privacy by releasing driving data without my permission, I hope that under the coordination of relevant government departments, personal rights and interests can be protected accordingly. " Zhang Liang said.


update time:2021-05-01 10:46:34


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