Fall, eat apple


Imagine how terrible Apple's ability to absorb gold is.


Year on year performance of apple (2012-2021)


What's more striking is the growth rate. As can be seen from the above figure, Apple's growth has slowed down significantly since 2012. Although it has regained its growth momentum in recent years, it is still only a year-on-year growth of about 10-20%. However, this year, Apple's revenue increased by 53.7% and its operating profit increased by 114%. The increase is Apple's biggest since 2012.


Why did Apple achieve such an amazing rebound this quarter? As we mentioned earlier, there were outbreaks around the world from January to March last year, so Apple's performance in the same period last year was not very good. In particular, the performance of iPhone declined year on year, forcing them to issue a profit warning in February. But this quarter, the global epidemic began to ease, the consumer market improved slightly, resulting in a substantial growth in performance.


In addition, there are two reasons: the explosion of Apple's businesses and the rapid growth of Greater China.


Business explosion


First, let's look at the performance of Apple's businesses.


The sales volume and average selling price of iPhone over the years (2012-2021), please note that the data after 2019 are based on the IDC report.


Shortly after Apple released its quarterly financial report, a number of research institutions also released their smartphone sales data for the quarter. IDC expects iPhone sales to be about 55.2 million, up 50.4% year on year; Canalys, on the other hand, expects a relatively low growth rate of 52.4 million units, up 41% year-on-year. Based on the optimistic IDC data, Odin calculates the average price of the iPhone; Despite IDC's high base, the average price of the iPhone this quarter was as high as $868.44, a record high since the launch of the iPhone (blue line above).


Cook mentioned in the financial report meeting that the best selling iPhone in this quarter is still the mid-range iPhone 12. However, he said that the demand for high-end Pro Series is still strong. According to the above iPhone price data, the demand for Pro is really amazing. Apple's gross profit margin rose sharply this quarter, which seems to have a lot to do with the high-end mobile phones selling too well.


IPhone, iPad and Mac's year-on-year performance, please note that only the second quarter performance is listed here.


However, despite the big sales of iPhone, the revenue of iPhone still accounts for only 53.5% of Apple's total revenue. The past "iPhone dependence" has not recurred. The biggest reason is that the sales of MAC and iPad also burst out (above).


As for the two growth businesses that have attracted the attention of Wall Street in recent years: service and wearable, they are not so bright. The service sector is good. This year's revenue is close to 17 billion US dollars. Its gold absorbing capacity can not only compare with that of the iPhone ten years ago, but also maintain a quarter on quarter growth rate of 15% ~ 20%.


Wearable calendar year-on-year performance (2016-2021), please note that the data in 2017-2019 is recorded as "other products".


The problem is the wearable business. Apple launched airpods in 2016, which immediately became another important engine for Apple's performance growth. However, since entering 2021, Apple's wearable business has slowed down significantly; Although the wearable business revenue in this quarter is still as high as US $7836 million, the growth has dropped from the double-digit figure in the early years to the unit figure.


China and overseas market


Another key to Apple's rapid growth this quarter is greater China.


Apple's performance in different regions over the years (2012-2021), please note that only the performance of the second quarter is listed here.


As can be seen from the above figure, apple blossomed all over the world in this quarter, with explosive growth all over the world. The Asia Pacific region, with the largest increase, recorded an increase of 94.2%, while North America, with the smallest increase, also recorded an increase of 34.7%.


Undoubtedly, apple blossoming all over the world is certainly related to the slowing down of the epidemic, but it is more noteworthy in Greater China.


Although the growth of the Asia Pacific region is also rapid, it is too small to compare with that of Greater China; Although Apple's revenue in Greater China is still smaller than that in developed countries such as North America and Europe. After all, Odin has also mentioned that Apple has reversed its disadvantage in Greater China in recent years and resumed growth since last season. You can still remember Odin said last quarter that Apple's performance in the first quarter of 2021 exceeded Wall Street's expectation by nearly 8 billion yuan, and the 8 billion yuan came from the performance of Greater China, which turned from decline to growth.


Apple's performance in different regions over the years (2012-2021), please note that only the performance of the second quarter is listed here.


Apple further reversed the decline in Greater China this quarter, surging from - 7.5% year-on-year last year to 87.5% this year, adding $8.273 billion in revenue for apple out of thin air. Apple's total revenue this quarter was $89.584 billion, up $31.271 billion. In this quarter, the revenue of Greater China only accounted for less than 1 / 5 of Apple's revenue, but the revenue growth rate accounted for more than 1 / 4 of Apple's revenue growth in this quarter.


The rapid growth in Greater China is not only due to the outbreak of the epidemic in China last year, which led to the sluggish performance of apple in Greater China last year, but also due to Huawei. Last quarter, we mentioned that Huawei's sales fell sharply after September's restriction, fell down on Huawei and fed apple.


It's the same in this quarter, but it's more special.


Finally, cash flow is worth mentioning.


Xiaomi, who announced high-profile plans to build cars earlier, but showed a lot of cash to build cars, had a final cash flow of about 113 billion yuan.


Apple's cash flow at the end of each calendar year (2012-2021)


Cook said in the financial report that Apple had "only" US $83 billion (about 538 billion yuan) of cash flow in this quarter, down about 11% year on year (the above figure); Meanwhile, Apple announced it would launch a $90 billion Share Buyback program. But on the other hand, Apple's investment in property, plant and equipment increased by 5% year-on-year, but the growth is not obvious (see figure below).


Apple's investment in property, plant and equipment over the years (2012-2021)


Apple obviously has money to build cars, but the money is used to buy back, and there is no sign of burning money. Do they really want to build cars? It's still a mystery.


update time:2021-04-30 18:32:09


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