One step closer to 40000 small targets: SpaceX launches the 25th batch of satellite chains

北京时间周四上午11点44分(美国东部时间周三晚上11点44分),SpaceX Falcon 9号从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的slc-40发射了第25批60颗Starlink卫星。

At 11:44 a.m. Beijing time on Thursday (11:44 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday), SpaceX Falcon 9 launched its 25th batch of 60 Starlink satellites from slc-40, Cape Canaveral Air Force base, Florida.

这次任务是猎鹰9号B 1060助推器的第七次发射。截至目前,SpaceX已向太空发射了1505颗卫星,在轨卫星1434颗,距离4.2万颗的目标又近了一小步。

This mission is the seventh launch of Falcon 9 booster B 1060. Up to now, SpaceX has launched 1505 satellites into space, with 1434 satellites in orbit, a small step closer to the target of 42000.


(source: SpaceX)

SpaceX公司总裁格温恩·肖特韦尔(Gwynne shotwell)早些时候表示,第28批卫星发射成功后,SpaceX将实现"全球全连接"。

Gwynne shotwell, President of SpaceX, said earlier that SpaceX would be "fully connected globally" after the successful launch of the 28th batch of satellites.

"猎鹰9号"火箭助推器先后发射了美国航天部队的GPS III卫星、土耳其的土耳其卫星5A卫星和SpaceX公司的4颗"星链"任务。SpaceX这次仍在计划恢复它。当它从太空返回时,预计将在大西洋的一艘名为"刚刚阅读指令"的无人自动助推器回收船上着陆。

The rocket booster of Falcon 9 has launched GPS III satellite of us space force, turksat 5A satellite of Turkey and four "star chain" missions of SpaceX. SpaceX is still planning to recover it this time. It is expected to land on an unmanned automatic booster recovery ship named "just read the instruction" in the Atlantic Ocean when it returns from space.


(source: SpaceX)


SpaceX's satellite chain is planned to consist of 4408 satellites in the first phase. The company's satellite design is a flat plate, which allows SpaceX to stack them compactly in the 5.2m wide payload fairing of the Falcon 9 rocket. These satellites are equipped with advanced technology and equipment, including four phased array antennas and two parabolic antennas, to achieve low delay and high bandwidth communication.

图| 60颗Starlink卫星在部署前环绕地球运行的太空照片(图片来源:SpaceX)

Fig. | space photos of 60 Starlink satellites orbiting the earth before deployment (source: SpaceX)


SpaceX satellite chain is equipped with "satellite tracker" and automatic collision avoidance system. The former can detect the height and position of the satellite to ensure the accuracy of broadband connection; The latter uses the U.S. Department of Defense's debris tracking database to predict and avoid collisions with other spacecraft or space debris.


SpaceX has previously submitted nearly 200 applications to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for its next 2814 satellites to operate in lower orbits. On April 27, the FCC approved SpaceX's application for orbit change.


According to public information, the FCC allowed SpaceX to move the next 2814 satellites from the originally planned orbit of 1100-1300 km to the low earth orbit of 540-570 km. This is roughly the same as the orbit range of the company's more than 1300 satellites in operation.


The FCC's adoption of the resolution is seen by the media as another victory for Elon Musk's continuous development of broadband networks. In this "victory", there is no exception filled with opposition from Amazon, viasat and other competitors.


The objections include that SpaceX's behavior will increase electromagnetic interference, and the probability of satellite collision and orbital debris will also increase.


The FCC generally rejected the objections, noting: "based on our review, we believe that the changes to SpaceX can improve the user experience, including services to polar regions that are often not covered. In addition, we conclude that satellites operating at lower altitudes are conducive to reducing orbital debris. According to the committee's previous assessment, SpaceX's changes will not cause serious interference problems. "


Viasat and other companies believe that the failure rate of Starlink satellite is very high, which may increase the risk of space accidents.


The FCC pointed out that the satellite failure rate of SpaceX is an important controversial issue, and mentioned that SpaceX, viasat and other companies have made several declarations on this issue in recent months. According to SpaceX, the FCC said the company's "processing failure rate" was 1.45%, and 720 of the last 723 satellites launched (as of mid February 2021) were operational.


"It is essential for SpaceX to maintain the high reliability of its satellite processing, which can reduce the risk of satellite collision," the FCC said As a condition for the adoption of the resolution, SpaceX needs to submit a semi annual report to provide the number of satellite space accidents, the number of events requiring maneuver to avoid collision, and the number of satellites handled by the company. If three or more processing failures occur in any one year, SpaceX must also submit a report.


The FCC believes that this resolution will enable SpaceX to change its deployment of satellites in a more secure direction, so as to provide broadband services throughout the United States, including remote areas where existing network services are inadequate or unable to reach. "


At present, SpaceX has provided network service test qualification to ordinary users. The equipment for receiving and sending signals is $499 and the monthly fee is $99. SpaceX promises a download speed of 50-150mb / s.




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update time:2021-04-30 18:32:09


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