Q Theory: what does it mean for China's first space station to launch the "Tianhe" core module?


The international space station is at the end of its life, which highlights the value of China's space station. Ren Weijia, CTO of Tianyi Research Institute, gave a very high evaluation. He believed that the successful entry of Tianhe into orbit marks that China will become the standard bearer of promoting large-scale space science research in the next decade or more. The Chinese space station will also be the only large-scale comprehensive space science device in the next decade.


In the current "you ask me answer", we invite people in the industry to discuss with friends.


Tianhe core Cabin: larger, heavier, more functional and more important


@Han Dayang (engineer, national space weather monitoring and early warning center)


As everyone familiar with China's aerospace industry knows, Tiangong-1 is China's first space laboratory. It was launched on September 29, 2011, and has completed multiple rendezvous and docking with Shenzhou-8, shenzhou-9, and shenzhou-10 spacecraft until it re enters the atmosphere on April 2, 2018.


Tianhe core module is the latest in orbit space experimental module in China. It was successfully launched into space on April 29, 2021. As a part of Tiangong space station, it is also the most important first step. Then, there will be Tianzhou cargo spacecraft, Shenzhou manned spacecraft, Wentian and Mengtian experimental modules and Sky Patrol optical module, which will rendezvous and dock with the core module several times, Finally, a complete Chinese space station will be formed to carry out a series of space science and engineering experiments. Tiangong-1, including the experimental module and resource module, has a total length of 10.4 meters, a maximum diameter of 3.35 meters and a take-off mass of 8.5 tons. It can provide about 15 square meters of activity space for astronauts.


Compared with the "predecessors", Tianhe core module is much larger and more complex in composition, including large column section, small column section, resource module, node module and rear passage. It has a total length of 16.6 meters, a diameter of 4.2 meters and a take-off weight of 22 tons. It can provide nearly 50 cubic meters of space for astronauts. It can be seen that the Tianhe core module is larger, heavier, more functional and more important than the previous Tiangong-1 experimental module.


It is worth noting that the Tianhe core module has three docking ports and two berths, which can connect multiple modules and spacecraft. In other words, the foundation of China's space station depends on the development of Tianhe I module.


The space station will become China's real space port


@From quantum to universe Gao Peng


After the successful launch of Tianhe core module, two experimental modules will be launched for the assembly of Tiangong space station. After the Tiangong space station is successfully assembled, China will have a platform for long-term scientific research and development of space resources in space orbit, which can carry out astronomical observation, earth exploration and basic scientific research in space for a long time.

(1) 在天文观测方面,由于人们的参与,空间站可以充分发挥仪器的作用,这将有助于人们更好地探索宇宙奥秘。天宫空间站配备了高能宇宙辐射探测设施,可以探测和研究暗物质粒子,有望用于研究银河系宇宙射线的起源。此外,还将使用自主发射、随天宫飞行的巡天望远镜进行巡天观测。它的视场是哈勃望远镜的300倍,它的主要科学目标是暗能量。天文望远镜可以由宇航员进行升级和维护,非常方便。

(1) In terms of astronomical observation, the space station can give full play to the role of instruments because of the participation of people, which will help people better explore the mysteries of the universe. Tiangong space station is equipped with high-energy cosmic radiation detection facilities, which can detect and study dark matter particles, and is expected to be used to study the origin of cosmic rays in the Milky way. In addition, a Sky Survey Telescope, launched independently and flying with Tiangong, will be used for sky survey observation. Its field of view is 300 times larger than that of Hubble telescope, and its main scientific target is dark energy. The sky survey telescope can be upgraded and maintained by astronauts, which is very convenient.

(2) 在对地观测方面,空间站优于遥感卫星。空间站的航天员可以及时调整遥感器的参数,以获得最佳的观测效果;遥感器等设备也可随时维护升级,使新技术及时应用,节约资金。它可以用来监测地球大气层的质量和预测长期的气候变化。在基础科学研究方面,天宫将在空间生命科学与生物技术、微重力基础物理与流体物理、地球科学、空间天文学等领域开展数千项科学实验,航天材料科学与航天新技术。空间微重力环境为这些学科提供了地球上无法提供的条件,这将极大地促进这些学科的发展。

(2) In the aspect of earth observation, the space station is superior to the remote sensing satellite. The astronauts in the station can adjust the parameters of the remote sensor in time to obtain the best observation effect; Remote sensors and other equipment can also be maintained and upgraded at any time, so that new technology can be applied in time and save money. It can be used to monitor the quality of the earth's atmosphere and forecast climate change in the long run. The development of land resources and the utilization of marine resources will also benefit from it( 3) In terms of basic scientific research, Tiangong will carry out thousands of scientific experiments in space life science and biotechnology, microgravity basic physics and fluid physics, earth science, space astronomy, space materials science and new aerospace technology. The space microgravity environment provides these disciplines with conditions that cannot be provided on earth, which will greatly promote the development of these disciplines.

(4) 随着空间站的建设和应用,以及在轨补给和维修技术的突破,天宫空间站可能在不久的将来成为我国卫星维修平台和真正的空间港。

(4) With the construction and application of the space station, as well as the breakthrough of in orbit replenishment and maintenance technology, the Tiangong space station may become a satellite maintenance platform and a real space port in China in the near future.


The space station will lead the development of advanced technology in many fields


@Fu Yifu, senior researcher of Suning Institute of Finance


The economic value of the space station project is very worthy of attention.


According to experts, the development of the space station project will greatly lead and drive the development of advanced technologies in many fields, including space science, life science, raw materials, components, intelligent manufacturing, etc., from the perspective of the whole national industrial chain, playing an irreplaceable role.


In fact, from the perspective of industry, aerospace engineering has always been a typical high-tech industry with multiple attributes such as interdisciplinary, technology intensive and knowledge intensive. It integrates electronics, machinery, optics, materials, information, biology, laser science and management, and has formed an extremely complete industrial system, including design and R & D, whole machine and parts manufacturing, manufacturing and management Maintenance services, aerospace logistics, personnel training, exhibition Expo, etc. are a collection of high and new technologies such as iron and steel industry, aluminum industry, titanium alloy, chemical materials, composite materials, CNC machine tools and electronic computer technology.


In addition, the aerospace industry has always stood at the commanding height of human science and technology, and has the leading role of technology. Many of the first technologies and products were born in the aerospace field. At the same time, the aerospace industry is a typical civil military integration industry. With the continuous development and maturity, many products and technologies can be gradually converted to civilian use to play a greater social value.


Therefore, after the follow-up technology diffusion and industrial linkage effect, many new materials and electronic product technologies are gradually introduced to other manufacturing industries, which can significantly promote the leapfrog upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry and inject new impetus into the high-quality development of national economy.


The space station will push China's frontier science into a leading position in some fields


@Tianyi Ren Weijia (CTO of Tianyi Research Institute)


Having worked in the Chinese Academy of Sciences for more than ten years in manned spaceflight, I was very excited to see the successful launch of the Tianhe core module.


As we all know, the international space station is at the end of its life. Tianhe's successful entry into orbit marks that China will in fact become the standard bearer of promoting large-scale space science research in the next decade or more. The Chinese space station will also be the only large-scale integrated space science device in the next decade or more.


The Chinese space station is expected to focus on large-scale and long-term research in the following areas: space life ecology research for future interstellar activities, space biopharmaceutical research for the direct benefit of mankind, quantum physics / fluid / combustion and other basic research for the scientific frontier, and Research on new materials and aerospace cutting-edge technologies directly serving the industry, Large scale astronomical observation to explore the mysteries of the universe.


I believe it will promote China's cutting-edge science into a leading position in some fields! China Aerospace refueling!


In 2022, China's space station will become the basic configuration with "three rooms and two ships"


@Han Dayang (engineer, national space weather monitoring and early warning center)


With the successful launch of Tianhe core module into orbit, just as the computer motherboard is installed in place, there will be intensive launch tasks around the construction of Tiangong space station. The netizen vony7 also drew a map according to the key time points of the follow-up tasks.


This year, tianzhou-2 and Shenzhou-3 cargo spaceships and shenzhou-12 and shenzhou-13 manned spaceships will successively enter space to dock with Tianhe core module, and the long march-7 and long march-2f carrier rockets dedicated to manned space (with a success rate of 100%) will respectively complete the transportation tasks. Both tianzhou-2 and shenzhou-12 spacecraft have arrived at the launch site. The former will be launched on May 20, while the latter is expected to enter space on June 10. The tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft first entered space and automatically docked with the Tianhe core module, which was a bit of a feeling that people and horses did not move food and grass first, and sent up the necessary supplies for astronauts, such as food, water and equipment for the next phase of the mission.


Then it's exciting time. The shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft will take three astronauts, Nie Haisheng, Deng Qingming and ye Guangfu, to join the Tianhe spacecraft in space, and they will become the first batch of astronauts of China's space station. The on orbit mission period is expected to be 4-5 months. Correspondingly, tianzhou-3 and shenzhou-13 spacecraft are expected to be launched in September and October this year, that is, the time when the next batch of astronauts will come up for "shift handover". At this time, Tianhe core module must be very busy. At this time, there will be as many as six astronauts in space at the same time.


2022 is the year when Tiangong space station is scheduled to be "completed". It will launch two cargo spaceships, two manned spaceships, and two key experimental modules, namely, Wentian and Mengtian. At that time, China's space station will become the basic configuration of "three rooms and two ships".


Drawing by vony7


update time:2021-04-30 18:32:09


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